Such an image is seen by the master, Zhao Jian is not afraid of ugliness, but feels very embarrassed.

It was Jiang Xiaohu's face that was lost.

Looking back at Zhao Jian, the wound on his face and the bandage on his arm.Then filled his eyes with aura and looked through Zhao Jian's whole body.

There are still several injuries on the back shoulder, as well as the leg.

The place where the arm bandaged was actually a bone fracture.

After Jiang Xiaohu diagnosed these injuries, his whole aura suddenly increased, and Yu Bai Ling suddenly stood up.

After breathing, I saw sweat on my forehead.

Looking at Jiang Xiaohu in amazement.

On the contrary, Zhou Lin didn't move at all on the other side, and seemed to have adapted to Jiang Xiaohu's changes in momentum, but her eyes became sharper.


Zhao Jian directly fell to the ground.

The apprentice who took the oath easily sensed the anger of the master Jiang Xiaohu, and made him kneel directly involuntarily.

"what are you doing!"


The visiting room is not a completely autonomous environment, and there are also guards who monitor outside the door.

When they see inappropriate behavior, they will immediately stop them. If they don't obey, they may soon stop visiting and force the prisoner away.

"Sit down and talk."

Obviously, the behavior of Zhao Jian and Yu Bailing stimulated the sensitive nerves of the prison guards, Jiang Xiaohu said lightly.

While speaking, she turned her head and glanced at Zhou Lin next to her.



After the last mutated gas gangrene incident, although Jiang Xiaohu was not the main contributor to the treatment of gas gangrene, he also made a contribution to this terrible lethal virus.

Relying on his merits and Jiang Xiaohu's daily absorption of spiritual energy to improve his cultivation base, coupled with the breakthrough of the mature spiritual power of the green grass, Jiang Xiaohu has now half-stepped into the Golden Core period.

The golden period, although the life is still a hundred years old.

It's already two worlds with ordinary people, and its momentum radiates instantly, not to mention human beings, even tigers will be afraid.

This is biological nature, the strong respects the strong.

Zhou Lin was not affected, or no specific changes were affected, which surprised Jiang Xiaohu slightly.

If it is Zhao Jian, who has not formed a master and apprentice with Jiang Xiaohu, and Zhao Jian is a fellow practitioner, his strength in the early stage of foundation construction can also be unaffected.

"Tell me, what's going on."

Things need to be resolved one by one, and Zhou Lin's change may be that the woman is not sensitive enough.

As the momentum receded, while Yu Bailing felt slightly embarrassed, she also slowly sat on the chair beside Jiang Xiaohu.

Just involuntarily move some gaps.

It seems that this is the only way to feel more secure.

Zhao Jian successively explained everything that happened in the prison this time, including the relationship between many people and Long Ye, as well as the entire history of every large and small injury incident these days.

Many of them were almost fatal.

However, Zhao Jian survived with his natural sense of smell, as well as his body's strong resistance and recovery ability.

One of the most dangerous was in the labor workshop, led by Lei Ge, accompanied by three or four younger brothers including Qiang Hua, with tools such as hammers and wrenches in the workshop.

It was also this time that Zhao Jian’s arm fracture was sent to the treating doctor, and even the prison doctor was bought out to inject so-called therapeutic agents into Zhao Jian. Zhao Jian felt the danger and insisted on just bandaging.

Originally, he was injured and wanted to live in a single room, but because there were not enough prison cells.

There was a small prisoner in a room with Zhao Jian, and he tried to strangle Zhao Jian with a nylon rope he didn't know where he got in the middle of the night.

The little man was so strong that he almost succeeded, but it was Zhao Jian, the powerful body of the Kua clan escaped the disaster.

It was also this incident that allowed Zhao Jian to be commuted.

The little man was charged with intent to murder and was immediately transferred to another prison.

"Small man?"

"The nickname is'Human Cudgel'. I heard that it is a murderer or a killer, who likes to chop off people's limbs. I don't know the name."

Jiang Xiaohu asked, and Zhao Jian answered immediately.

This incident made Zhao Jian particularly disgraceful, so he said it was a little vague, and the others just said the name directly, and the nickname was also straightforward.


Yu Bailing knew that prisoners were all restless people like criminals, but didn't want to be so thrilling. It was not much better than the movie, or even more excessive.

"As my apprentice Jiang Xiaohu, I was bullied and didn't fight back."

There is no doubt, no certainty, just a simple statement.

Zhao Jianna seemed to be flattened by the big prison cage, and the appearance of the good old man suddenly disappeared, and the whole person was as if he had gone back to the past, even more aggressive and oppressive than when he was with Jiang Xiaohu.

The opposite Yu Bailing felt cramps in her calf.

How could she be so scared, who is the patient who was judged dead?

And Jiang Xiaohu, Yu Bailing discovered.

It seems that he has never known Jiang Xiaohu seriously.

Yu Bailing almost escaped from the threatening, dangerous, and fearful aura just now.

But now, she just wanted to get up, but she couldn't do it.

"Qing'er is worried about you too."

Zhou Lin, who had not spoken, spoke.

There are many opportunities for commutation.

The way of doing meritorious service is the same. There is no need to be beaten, not to have conflicts, and to swallow in exchange for the appearance of a good person.

There is a prison. Any cowardly person who arrives at that kind of place will be bullied in addition to being bullied.

Even if it is really cowardly, I have to act like I'm not easy to mess with.

What's more, those are the people who used to be Long Ye.

In other words, some people who have a cooperative relationship with Long Ye want to kill Zhao Jian and avenge Long Ye.


This is not desirable.

"I won't worry her again."

Zhao Jian's eyes hurt.

The last time Qinger saw Zhao Jian's injured arm, the look in her eyes and the heartache she had suffered from the three-month reduction of her sentence was vividly remembered.

"Qing'er, there is a long way to go if you want to follow you."

Jiang Xiaohu seemed to think of something and said something subconsciously.

When Zhou Lin next to her heard these words, her body shook violently, and she leaned back in the chair and sighed slightly.

"I will not let her go down alone, I will definitely come out as soon as possible, come out peacefully, and accompany her."

Zhao firmly believes in every oath.

Did not understand Jiang Xiaohu's meaning.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't care, and made an oath that Zhao Jian was Jiang Xiaohu's disciple.

This plane, unless there is an existence equivalent to Jiang Xiaohu, or a stronger one, Jiang Xiaohu will definitely not come forward for Zhao Jian.

I just saw Zhao Jian's strength after meeting, even if he escaped from prison, it was enough.

Someone would crack his arm. To be honest, Jiang Xiaohu was still a bit disappointed.

But Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help Jiang Xiaohu because of the innocence of the Kua people. They were not stupid, but rather straightforward.

Jiang Xiaohu asked Zhao Jian to reform, he really ran into the prison, only to reform, he was so good-tempered.

"From now on, when you come out, you have to be your own. This is just your starting point."

After speaking the last sentence, Jiang Xiaohu got up and left.

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