The purpose of the transformation is not to make Zhao Jian a sheep.

On the contrary, he was taken advantage of by scum like Long Ye because he believed people too blindly.

Jiang Xiaohu allowed him to go in for reflection, but also to grow.

Today, Zhao Jian's psychological age may be only twelve or thirteen, but the world is destined to not give Zhao Jian too much time.

Let him stay in jail and see the ugliness of the world while accelerating his social growth.This is Jiang Xiaohu's purpose.

He didn't want Zhao Jian to come out and be used again someday.

Jiang Xiaohu and Yu Bailing returned to the hospital, Zhou Lin returned to the company and immediately called Qinger to the office.

The two didn't know what they were talking about. After Qing'er came out, her eyes were clear and her lips pressed tightly behind her capable short hair.

In the prison, Zhao Jian followed the prison guards back to the release area.


There was a crisp sound from the horn.

This is the signal that the wind is over. In the afternoon, it is the labor reform and enter the workplace to work.

"Big man, clean up at night, you are dead tonight..."



"what are you doing!"

The guards rushed over when they heard the screams.

Four or five teeth shattered on the ground, and the younger brother of Qianghua who was talking to Zhao Jian squatted on the ground, covering his mouth, and cried out in pain.

He pointed hard to the front.

At this moment, Zhao Jian had already walked far away with the flow of people.

"Who beat you? Come and get a doctor, hurry."

The little brother is still pointing forward, tears mixed with blood.

Loosen the palm of the hand, there are still a few teeth mixed with saliva and blood.

Wow said a few words, and finally pointed to the ground.

He dared not say Zhao Jian's name, Qiang Hua stared at him from the side.When I said it, I needed to investigate. When I looked up, I found that this was a blind spot for monitoring, regardless of whether it was Zhao Jian, if he identified it.

Zhao Jian will be detained.

The action tonight will not be possible.

You know, the half bucket of banana water is still hidden under the bed, and this kind of thing must be disposed of by tomorrow morning at the latest, otherwise it will be found by the prison guards in the rounds.

Even so, the hatred in the little brother's eyes was hard to suppress.

The mouth opened, and there were more than half of the dozen or so missing on the upper and lower gums.

Zhao Jian hit his left cheek with a punch and directly connected the posterior molar to the front teeth, breaking all the teeth at once.

Qianghua also saw this scene. When helping him in the past, he took the pointed toothbrush from the palm of his hand.

Polishing one is very laborious, and it can only be hidden in the human body if it is hidden in the rounds.

Qianghua ignored the nausea and immediately took it into his crotch.

Endure the pain and insert it into the body.

Follow the direction Zhao Jian went.

Zhao Jian is already skilled at the console. His working machine is a sewing machine.

The current work in prison is divided into three categories, one is scavenging waste.

This kind of work similar to sanitation workers is mostly the privilege of talents who are about to be released from prison.

In addition to beautifying the environment, it is also possible to properly contact some societies.

Although there are basically no people in the road and time of work, it is still a good job that can go out.

There is another kind of light industry that Zhao Jian is doing now.

Sewing machines are made of small commodities, and most of the products made are not sold. They are sent directly to other welfare institutions as gifts or in exchange for other prisons.

The work here is about more than two years and less than 20 years.

It is a type of prisoner who still has a chance to go out.

As for more than 20 years, even indefinitely.

The work of these people is even heavier. They are all metal processing, or they just go to carry heavy tasks.

Zhao Jian is too big.

The sitting position is also the last row of all machines.

He is skillfully threading the needles and wires to adjust the machine to the best. He has an apron with a print on his hand. It is estimated that it is a protective device for labor such as sending to a woman's prison.

Zhao Jian is already very familiar with this process. Insert a piece of test fabric under the pin holder, gently step on the foot pedal, press the two sides of the cloth, and a straight line with fine stitches comes out.


A strong wind came from behind.

Just now, Zhao Jian, who had been looking down at the long needle under the nose of the machine, suddenly tilted his head, and a pointed toothbrush stretched out from behind to Zhao Jian's eyes.

"What are you doing! Go back to your place!"


The screams were endless, causing many prisoners to stand up and look sideways.

Upon seeing this situation, the prison guard directly pulled out the electric baton, pressed his finger on the power button, and slammed it hard on the table in front of him.


"Sit down!"

With this angry shout, outside the door of the open room, seven or eight prison guards all rushed in with electric batons.

And because Qianghua, Lei Ge and others who walked into the house one evening saw Zhao Jian, the hand holding the pointed toothbrush was directly inserted into the thumb by the sewing machine and screamed, and suddenly felt his fingers numb.

"You, what's the matter with you!"

With blood flowing over the machine, the prison guard came to Zhao Jian, who stood by with an innocent look.

"Report sir, this machine is operated by me. I was debugging, and he suddenly reached in. I don't know what's going on, that's it."

Zhao Jian had an innocent face.

But all prisoners, including prison guards, knew that all this was done by Zhao Jian.

It's just that I don't know how Zhao Jian did it.

The speed of the sewing machine stepped on by the machine is very fast, and the distance between the needle and the machine table is at most one finger inserted.

The opponent's thumb is fixed, and the toothbrush cannot be released.

The old prison guard was used to seeing the nasty things in the prison, and instantly understood what was happening, and went straight forward, enduring the blood and twisting the manual button again and again, pulling the needle from the thumb little by little.

"Are you full, let's go!"

The old prison guard kicked his thumb directly.

Zhao Jian is very familiar with this person. This time this guy even prepared a toothbrush. It seems that Zhao Jian's life will be killed.

Just rubbing a finger, it is definitely cheaper for him.

"Young man, don't make trouble."

Compared with other prisoners, the old prison guard still prefers Zhao Jian.

This person is very clean, not like a criminal at all. I heard that he was guilty of homicide, and he was sentenced to only two years.

Obviously there is also a hidden story inside.

After a few months in jail, he was given a reduced sentence.

If all goes well, maybe he will be released from prison next year.

He kindly reminded Zhao Jian that he also hoped that Zhao Jian would not cause major incidents. Not only would he not be able to get out, he would only stay longer.

"No. I never cause trouble."

Zhao firmly believes in his vows and looks up at Qianghua who is still far away.

The other party clamped his legs tightly, obviously hiding something, Zhao Jian didn't click on it, just smiled.

As Jiang Xiaohu's apprentice, if he can't even handle this, how can he work for his master in the future.

The old prison guard looked at this look and sighed in his heart.

He knows that things are definitely not over yet. Seeing this guy with his thumb full of blood and hatred in his eyes, he knows that things are not that simple.

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