The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1075 Jiang Xiaohu's Plan

Zhao Hui arrived soon, with a face of vigor and resoluteness. Compared with the life of the stewardess, she seemed to be busier. She once complained to Yuan Yimeng that she could not find a boyfriend if she continued.

As soon as he entered the door, he first nodded his head to the boss Zhou Lin, and then looked at Yuan Yimeng with a sad expression on his face.

"Knowing you are busy, let's make a long story short. Take a look first. Qinger found out that someone is targeting our stock market."

They are all acquaintances, Yuan Yimeng knows Zhao Hui too well.

Now that the company is officially listed, Zhao Hui’s work has increased a lot. Yuan Yimeng has delegated the power to her and let her recruit people by herself, or even if she hires a husband directly, Yuan Yimeng has no objection.

But this is after all related to a company, how dare Zhao Hui employ people indiscriminately.

Hearing what Yuan Yimeng said, he immediately picked up the materials and sat down on the other side of Yuan Yimeng.

"Eternal Steel? What the hell?"

Checking the data carefully, suddenly a name jumped into Zhao Hui's eyes.

A steel company has actually vigorously acquired Tailin’s scattered stocks. Tailin’s current projects only have facial masks in the entire China market, and there is only Tailin Hospital in the medical industry.

"An old steel import and export company could not find valuable information."

Qinger found that something was wrong, and immediately did some investigations, and then said something.Zhao Hui nodded and continued to look down.

Soon, two more company names came into sight.

Qingsheng Copper, Christie Sterling Silver.

They are all metal import and export companies, and their main business has nothing to do with Tailin's facial mask and medical industry.

It is precisely because of each company's vigorous acquisition that the stock price has increased three times in just one day, which caught Zhou Lin's attention.

At that time, Tailin Group had just been established, not to mention the start-up capital, because of the mask incident, the outside payment was in arrears, the sales inside were closed, and a large amount of money was owed.

At that time, Huang Liying and Huang Liying helped to invest in Tailin and gave 30 million.

Thirty million, it looks like a lot.

But it is simply not enough to spread the country's large market at once. The Huang Group is not an acquisition, but also has its own business. It is not easy for Zhou Lin to stand with a market share of several hundred million and just use the resources of the Huang family.

At that time, Zhou Lin discussed with Yuan Yimeng, Deng Shuangshuang and Huang Liying to obtain funds to spread the market on the basis of fairness and justice while ensuring the balance of interests and unparalleled confidence in the product.

The result of the unanimous discussion of the women is to directly use the market as a potential stock to go public for financing. With the belief of the market public, 10% of Zhou Lin's equity is taken out and diluted into the market to obtain funds.

Regardless of whether it is more or less, as long as there is capital, it will immediately be injected into the market capital operation of Tailin Group.

While opening up the market, based on the turnover, it will bring tangible profit growth to the shareholders who support Tailin.

Tailin has always done a good job, and at the same time, through Jiang Xiaohu's contribution to society in the hospital.

While the Tailin Group has grown stronger, the value of the original 10% shares has also increased.

But in this short period of less than a week, according to Qinger’s survey data, the women suddenly discovered that the market suddenly purchased shares of Tailin Group. Nowadays, more than 90% of the 10% diluted shares have been completely covered by these three metals. The company masters.

It now appears that these three companies must be behind the scenes.

In terms of the company's shareholding system, Tailin Group has a new shareholder who owns more than 9%.

Moreover, it is not known to all women.

Even, I don't know what actions the other party will take next.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Zhao Hui's face was solemn.

Suddenly, in the stock market, Tailin's shares were bought out at the same time. This pair of Tailin Group has been artificially controlled in the external stock market.

"Can it be solved?"

Zhou Lin did not expect that a subconscious suspicion would actually find a trouble.

And troubles will not be easily solved.

Zhou Lin couldn't bother to reflect on how to get into the set, she was more concerned about how to solve this trouble.

"As far as it seems, it has no effect on our company. But once the company has any involvement with the media. At that time, the other party maliciously sells these shares, which will make investors lose confidence.

At that time, if we don't buy it back by ourselves, a lot of funds will be needed.

Of course, there is another way.

Now that the stocks continue to be diluted and put into the securities market, the counterparty raises the stock price, and a lot of funds are needed for the acquisition.If the counterparty has insufficient funds, or if the stock price plummets, the counterparty will suffer heavy losses."

Zhao Hui told her own analysis for the boss's reference.

Fight financial battles with the other party now and use money to solve them, or the other party waits for the opportunity, and then bites Tailin hard and makes Tailin bleeding.

This is a choice.

Zhou Lin fell silent, Yuan Yimeng was not good at this, but was deeply troubled.

Qing'er seemed calm, without expressing too much expression.

"Qing'er, what do you think."

Zhou Lin couldn't think of a clue and looked at Qing'er directly.

"Don't bother."

Sister asked, Qinger answered immediately.

Upon hearing Qing'er's answer, Zhou Lin raised her brows and Yuan Yimeng's eyes lit up.Zhao Hui didn't understand yet, she wanted to speak a little anxiously, but held back.

The rise and fall of stocks, sometimes to a large extent, can make a company very passive.

Ignore it, definitely not.

Zhao Hui is still organizing the language, persuading the president not to really ignore it. At that time, the loss will be heavy and she does not want Qinger to speak again.

"The purpose of our investment in the stock market is to raise funds from the society to expand the market. Now that this purpose has been achieved, the stock price growth will not bring us long-term benefits.

The development of Tailin is entirely dependent on good product casting.

Even if the stock price drops to nothing, Tailin's products are still selling well. These things are completely ignored, and it is not impossible to even exit the stock market directly."

When Qinger finished speaking, she looked sideways at Zhao Hui.

Zhao Hui was completely stunned, Yuan Yimeng also wanted to understand, Zhou Lin's eyes were full of admiration.

After so long, everyone is constantly improving.


Zhao Hui did not expect that Qinger actually proposed to delist directly.

I'm afraid that all listed companies dare not do this, and even dare not even think about it, but they were asked by a little secretary.Moreover, it is impeccable.

"Well, then do it, don't pay attention to it for the time being, keep an eye on the stock price situation, if the other party likes our company's stock, then let him hold it."

Zhou Lin made a decision.

In order to remain unchanged, we must understand what we need to understand.

At this moment, in Tailin Hospital, Jiang Xiaohu was also holding the first major meeting of Tailin Hospital.

"Director Yu, did you have a reply from the foreign side?"

Before looking to Yu Bailing, Jiang Xiaohu told Tailin Hospital that Tailin Hospital was going to contact medical institutions with the latest virus database abroad, hoping to reach a willingness to cooperate, and told all Tailin doctors present.

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