Upon hearing Jiang Xiaohu's question, Yu Bailing's face was embarrassed.

Just now, Dean Jiang was in the main position, and he stated the content of the work that was arranged for him, and Yu Bailing felt a little bit in his heart.

Now that he asked directly in front of all my colleagues, Yu Bailing really didn't know how to answer.

The world's most authoritative medical institutions seek cooperation.

No one is stupid in this world, how many top hospitals in the world, which one of them does not want to seek cooperation with this important department linked to the government.

The political, financial, economic, and even social influences involved here are not easy to achieve cooperation.

What's more, at present, Tailin Hospital is at best a young star in Binhai who is almost qualified to Binhai TCM.

"Over there, there is no reply yet."

Yu Bailing stood up and said something, and immediately sat down.

Jiang Xiaohu frowned slightly, Yu Bailing's performance was obviously hidden.

"be honest."

Jiang Xiaohu's eyes couldn't contain sand.

Most of the doctors guessed the content of the other party's reply, but Jiang Xiaohu had not thought that he would have to ask at such a meeting where all the doctors were present.Everyone dodges their eyes, really don't know if this unsightly Dean Jiang has to be pulled out, or is too young and energetic.

"The Dean..."

Several doctors who followed Tai Lin spoke up.

Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand to prevent the other party from interrupting, watching Yu Bailing closely.

This matter is related to Jiang Xiaohu's cultivation. The last unknown virus incident made Jiang Xiaohu understand that in the current world, science and technology are increasingly developed, and merit is no longer a matter of doing a few good deeds, which can be obtained by plundering the rich and helping the poor.

Benefit the cause of Qianqiu.

The sharing of the virus database is vital to Jiang Xiaohu's next plan.

"SATA looks down on small hospitals like ours. They said that even if we did not find the mutant virus from the three countries of Niu and A, they can still get samples in their home country."

Forced to be helpless, Yu Bailing could only use euphemistic and clear language to say the other party's reply.

Jiang Xiaohu nodded slightly and began to understand.

In the past, the prescription of treatment and the trick of diagnosis were the unique ability of doctors, and it was not easy to spread.

And now, in dozens of hundreds of countries and countless nations, the daily mutation and infection of the virus has become something that will not spread easily.

When saving lives is covered by political interests, those lives will also become bargaining chips on the negotiating table, allowing those in control to play around.

"In this case, then we will build our own virus database."

Jiang Xiaohu also has no habit of placing hopes on others.

He has already made plans for the second set of plans to establish Tailin's own virus database.

When all the doctors heard Jiang Xiaohu's words, their eyes widened.

They couldn't believe what they had just heard.

"This, Dean Jiang. The procedures inside..."

A doctor immediately got up and raised doubts.

Virus database, this can't be done by just having a medical mechanism.Why are hospitals classified into one, two, three, and one, two, and three levels, provinces, cities, and towns? In addition to the size of the relevant hospitals, more importantly, qualifications.

Without the relevant qualifications, even some special major operations are not allowed to be performed at will.Certain special medicines and reagents cannot be open to patients at will.

This is also the reason why the hospital will recommend transfer for a major disease.

This is because once a medical accident occurs, the hospital to which the hospital belongs is not qualified enough, and it must bear legal responsibility.

"It is underway. I have checked it. You can temporarily establish a virus database in your own name and in the form of scientific research. Each person, each research, does not exceed 20 types.

I plan to handle this scientific research direction both in Tailin Hospital."

Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand again and made corresponding arrangements.

Tai Lin went up and down, including cleaning and nursing, with a number of nearly 200 people, with 20 types per person, and a temporary virus database of 4,000 types could also be established.

Many terrible viruses, like smallpox, have been fully promoted by humans, and Jiang Xiaohu does not plan to introduce them.

Similar mutations may occur, including many special cases of influenza viruses, and even those that are clinically easily infected or contacted by patients. Through contact, body fluids, sex, and other transmission methods, this is the direction for Jiang Xiaohu to focus on temporary storage.


Yu Bailing was dumbfounded, and the doctors were stunned.

research?You tease me.

Let our Tailin's doctors also build a virus database, which at least requires a degree or something to do it.Dean Jiang, please think twice.

Jiang Xiaohu had already formulated the specific implementation plan and immediately issued it to every doctor.

When Yu Bailing took the information in her hand, she just glanced at it, then her eyes widened.

'Everyone who reaches the qualifications of scientific research virus research will receive a reward of 100,000 yuan.'

This is the first sentence at the beginning.

Yu Bailing turned his head and looked sideways. Many doctors were doing this.

Everyone's eyes were fiery, and they knew what was thinking in their hearts without even thinking about it.

One hundred thousand yuan, this amount is not large.

But as long as a scientific research qualification can be obtained, what is the difference with the money falling from the sky?

Jiang Xiaohu doesn't know when he will leave the main position. Many doctors have begun to blatantly take out their mobile phones and call relatives and friends, doctors with research qualifications or students to let them all come too.

At the same time, Tai Lin went up and down, all nurses and ordinary doctors were boiling together.

They have a job in Tailin, Jiang Xiaohu issued this order, and there is no time limit.

In other words, as long as the qualifications are obtained within one to two years, or before the instruction is cancelled in the future, the rewards will be awarded.

Many doctors originally graduated from medical colleges, and the postgraduate entrance examination is just an exam.

There will be one hundred thousand through, who will not work hard.

Yu Bailing initially calculated that just for the beginning of the establishment of the virus database, more than 20 million would be invested.

Looking at the hospital financial director again, his face looked bitter.

Yu Bailing remembered the first time that he and Jiang Xiaohu were seeing doctors for people in difficulty for free.

This hospital has been burning money since it opened.

This time it was even more generous at 20 million.

During the lunch break, Jiang Xiaohu had just eaten with Deng Shuangshuang and informed Deng Shuangshuang to transfer 20 million to the finance department of Tailin Hospital. He returned to the hospital and made himself a cup of health biling grass root tea, and then opened the textbook.

After systematically learning Western medicine knowledge, Jiang Xiaohu's medical level has grown rapidly in just a few months and has caught up with the level of ordinary medical college students.

Of course, in some respects, medical college students can't compare to Jiang Xiaohu. They have been able to perform many difficult surgical operations independently.

"Dean Jiang, do this..."

Yu Bailing couldn't help it.

When she was eating just now, she also went to Cengfan. Before she could speak, Deng Shuangshuang had turned on the phone directly and the transfer was completed.

Even if it is to save the dead and heal the wounded, this way.

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