The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1077 Insincere Cooperation

"Do you have a better way?"

Jiang Xiaohu did not look up, but Yu Bailing followed him all the way to the office.

I don’t know when, Yu Bailing began to take the initiative to follow Jiang Xiaohu. Deng Shuangshuang and Jiang Xiaohu were still a little awkward. When Yu Bailing arrived, the two girls talked and laughed. Sometimes Jiang Xiaohu would interject, but let Deng Deng talk. Both are very happy.

Now, except for Zhou Lin's lunch on Monday, Yu Bailing, Yuan Yimeng and Huang Liying, will have her with her.

"Although SATA refuses to cooperate, the world-class virus database is not the only one. We can also try to cooperate with other medical institutions.

Twenty million to build your own virus database and invest in it without seeing the virus is too blind and too time-consuming."

Yu Bailing spoke to Jiang Xiaohu sternly.

Even if the other party doesn't manage well, they can't do this.

She loves Tailin Hospital and her current career even more. Yu Bailing doesn't want to see Tailin Hospital being tossed so wildly by Jiang Xiaohu, and finally closes down.

"Then you arrange."

Jiang Xiaohu had this idea early on building his own virus database.

Now that the qualifications of Tailin Hospital are not enough, Jiang Xiaohu also started to upgrade the hospital's grade specifications through the city's last award.

It's just that there is no rush, it needs to be approved step by step to the state, and some rigid conditions, such as the specifications of certain departments, the qualifications of the chief physician, and so on.

There are many things Tai Lin needs to overcome.

"it is good."

Yu Bailing knew that Jiang Xiaohu was hard to convince.

Since he empowers himself, then try to do it.

Yu Bailing was not a messenger either. He immediately contacted his mentor in Huajing and asked if he could match and connect with other world-class medical institutions, hoping to achieve a willingness to share the virus database.

"Xiaoyu, you are too close, are you taking too much steps?"

On the phone, the instructor spoke with Yu Bailing.

Hearing the students suddenly proposed to establish a virus database, the professor was really startled.

This matter, even in the Huajing Second A Hospital where the instructor is located, did not dare to think about it.

"Our dean has a very big heart. The incident of variant gas gangrene last time is probably irritating him. For treatment here, we have to wait for replies from abroad, make countless calls, and wait to go to work on time. The long hair made a big fire.

and so……"

It was true that this happened, Yu Bailing said immediately.

The concept of time abroad is very strong, saying that the time is what time.

Jiang Xiaohu was very angry at the delay.

"RUBU is currently discussing cooperation with our country. I just did an inspection from their country a few days ago. Although their virus database is not the world's top, it is very comprehensive.

Recently they are thinking of exporting a batch of medical equipment to our country. This may be an opportunity.just……"

"Great mentor, send it to me, and I will tell the dean the good news right away."

Yu Bailing can't care about it. She only knows that if you spend 20 million here, you can not only get a large enough virus library, but also a batch of medical equipment. At the same time, medical exchanges between the two countries can also promote common development. .


The instructor didn't say much.

With this excited temperament, the other party may be able to cooperate but not necessarily.

The instructor was a little curious about Jiang Xiaohu. I remembered that the students said that the other party wanted to go to Luck to be a field doctor, but because the mutant virus was left behind, he now wanted to get a virus library.

The name Jiang Xiaohu has been deeply remembered by the instructor, and he must meet him when he has the opportunity.

Yu Bailing took the information faxed by his instructor and immediately found Jiang Xiaohu.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't expect Yu Bailing to actually find a way. If it can be realized, he does not want to re-establish a virus database and do repetitive work.

First, we communicated over the phone and discussed the time of the meeting.

The other party is now in Huajing, communicating with the other party in foreign languages ​​through Yu Bailing's phone, Jiang Xiaohu learned that the other party is going to return to China in a few days.The cooperation of this batch of medical devices has not been negotiated, and may not come again in the future.

I booked the tickets and sent a text message to the girls.

With Yu Bailing, Jiang Xiaohu boarded the plane to Huajing.

Soon, the two arrived at each other's hotel, and the two parties arranged to meet.

Zhou Lin received Jiang Xiaohu's message and knew that Jiang Xiaohu was going to Huajing, so she immediately called Yuan Yimeng and asked him to rush to Huajing to find Jiang Xiaohu.

"Why, elder sister is not afraid that I will abduct Jiang Xiaohu?"

Yuan Yimeng had booked the nearest flight and called Zhou Lin before boarding the plane.

"I can't ask for it. I just asked Yu Bailing. Jiang Xiaohu went to Huajing to reach a virus database sharing cooperation with the RUBU medical institution in country F. People in country F always think that it is romantic and noble than other countries.

I am afraid it is difficult to achieve cooperation, so go and help him."

"Don't worry, eldest sister, the sales of Tailin masks in country F have not been achieved by me. Those people can't move their legs when they see me."

Zhou Lin was serious about it, and Yuan Yimeng kept showing off.

"Just try my best. I would rather Jiang Xiaohu get a virus library of our own."

Zhou Lin held it in her hand with a wry smile on her face.

Tailin mask entered the F country market, the other party did not know the potential of Tailin mask. People in their country appreciate spots and think that only girls with spots under their eyes are more attractive.

In fact, this is created by regional skin.

Almost all women in country F have such spots. Tai Lin mask enters the country F market, and its mask has an excellent anti-freckle effect.

When the spots left by youth disappeared, no woman can resist the charm of the mask too.Similarly, no F country man dares to block the needs of women.

And this time, it was Jiang Xiaohu who asked each other to cooperate and share.

With less than tens of millions of medical equipment orders, I want to achieve this. With Zhou Lin's experience, I am afraid it is not so easy.

The fact is indeed as Zhou Lin thought, the F countryman, who has always attached great importance to the concept of time, actually released pigeons at the time of the appointment with Jiang Xiaohu.

When Yu Bailing called to inquire, the other party unexpectedly used the medical device to be ordered as the reason for the missed appointment.

At one point, Yu Bailing almost couldn't help calling her instructor to ask who the other party was.

Yuan Yimeng arrived in Huajing, called Yu Bailing who was about to call the tutor, asked about the place, and immediately arrived by taxi.

Looking at Yuan Yimeng dressed up in a capable work attire, Yu Bailing spit out bitterness while his eyes lit up.

"In order to accommodate each other's itinerary, we made an appointment with the other party when we got off the plane. These people unexpectedly missed the appointment and would not come if they could not come."

"Doctor Xiaoyu, this is business. Wait!"

Before Yu Bailing's bitter water was poured, Yuan Yimeng immediately made a few calls.

First, I found a detective agency, including inquiring about the same agency, and asked about F country medical sales information.

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