I checked several medical companies that the other party had recently contacted in Huajing, and then met with these domestic medical device agents through familiar people.

"Okay, go, take you to eat delicious food."

In less than an hour, several agents who were also in contact with the medical sales of country F arrived at the Quanjude branch on Dajing Street at the same time, looking at Yu Bailing and Yuan Yimeng, who were eating up and eating, and Jiang Xiaohu, who was eating like a nobleman.

"you are?"

When the three met outside Quanjudemen, they were full of spirits.

The so-called meeting with colleagues is extremely jealous.

Especially the three of them have been involved in a certain business recently. They nodded their heads when they meet each other on weekdays. Now they don't bother to go through this etiquette. They all entered the shop and rushed towards Jiang Xiaohu.

"Sit, sit, rush to eat, this restaurant's food is good, I ordered a few people early, eat first."

Yuan Yimeng waved his greasy hands while busy continuing to fight the roast duck in front of him.

The three swallowed hard.

This shop obviously has a good piece of duck meat, but these two beauties have to hug and nibble, but the man on the other side does not hold it directly, holding a knife and fork in hand, and sliced ​​duck meat by himself. The meat and the skin are half and half.

Eat first

The three of you are also welcome. For a while, duck bones flew up on this classical Chinese round table.

Eat and drink enough, a cup of Tieguanyin, mouth and teeth fragrance.

It is satisfying, the three colleagues are looking at each other, and their eyes are softer.

As the saying goes, those who can eat at the same table are all brothers.

"We are from Tailin Hospital. I heard that this time the RUBU medical institution in F country has acquired a batch of new infrared disinfection and sterilization equipment. The three are the general agents of the east, west, south and north of our country. Our hospital plans to cooperate with RUBU to share the virus database.

I am also interested in this instrument. I would like to ask how it looks like the sales from this RUBU?"

Yuan Yimeng, who was carefully cleaned up, was elegant and decent, and became vigorous.

When the three heard what Yuan Yimeng said, their faces suddenly showed bitterness.

"What? You, still want to cooperate with RUBU virus database?"

The big back on the left exclaimed directly, with a wishful look on his face.

"Humph. RUBU"

The middle man picks his teeth and snorts directly.

"Ruby! What RUBU, these bastards, there is nothing good. I am a foreign medical device agent and also a seller of Tongzhi Xiehe. Tongzhi Xiehe, a first-level qualification, you know, every time this RUBU person Here, the first one is to meet me.

Every time they come, the dean of Xiehe will call me, hoping to achieve cooperation in virus database sharing, no matter what the cost, just mention it.guess what?

They still sell you things, and the virus library is not mentioned at all. It is completely considered that we are monkeys, hanging and playing!Just talk about several infrared sterilizers this time, what are they?

This technology has long been mature at home and abroad.

The things they sold are no different from last year's products.I also said it was a new technology, what new technology, I also studied medicine.I don’t know what that thing does!"

The man on the right raised the matter and was not angry.

Just an hour and a half ago, he had set a purchase price with this group of RUBUs and prepared to sign a contract to buy the equipment, and then took this opportunity to talk to the people of RUBU about the virus database.

Unexpectedly, the other party called suddenly, saying that the price was low and the contract could not be signed temporarily.

This made him angry.

"Co-author, so are you?"

Yuan Yimeng didn't expect that these guys would actually sell more than one thing, and the higher price would get them. All three wanted the virus library.

"I am benevolent, not a virus database. There are several foreign exchange students in the leadership..."

The picker smiled, nodded and said.

"Do you still want a virus database? How many big hospitals in our country don't want this thing. I thought I could give you a few machines if I bought them..."

As soon as I said this, Beijing movies started flying all over the ground.

Huajing people love Kai, commonly known as Kai Ye.

Yuan Yimeng also asked a few words, but in the end he didn't say a word of conspiracy. The three of them started chatting on their own.

It hasn't been a while before I even talked about the offer.

At the beginning of the co-authoring, this group of RUBU wanted to sell one 10,000 yuan each, all of which were equipment that was not used in the elimination of overproduction in F country.

After running to Huajing, the price has doubled ten times, one hundred thousand one, and now the other party still has the appetite of Tongzhi Concord.

"The three hospitals work together."

Without a few words, Jiang Xiaohu already understood everything.

They competed with snipes and clams, and finally let these fishermen of country F profit.

Jiang Xiaohu said a way, and the hot atmosphere that had just been chatting suddenly stopped.The three looked at each other, their eyes avoiding.

Obviously, everyone knows that this is foreigners fooling us.

But they are not decision makers, and the superiors have confessed this task, and they must rely on their own ability to get things done.

No matter who will end up in the end, there is no possibility of cooperation.

"Then what, I think of something else, your hospital is called Tailin, right? As long as you don't fight with the infrared sterilizer this time, make friends."

The first one on the left got up.

"Renai Hospital has cooperated with many domestic pharmaceutical companies, and we will be a family in the future. I also have something wrong with me."

The middle one then got up.

"The negotiated cooperation stopped again. I haven't told the leader about this yet. Let's talk back and talk back. This is my business card."

The third person also handed over a business card, got up and left.

Obviously, the two who walked before knew that these instruments had not been finalized, and went to be grandchildren of country F.

He offered the highest price, and he had to investigate what happened.

"Hey, you guys..."

Seeing that things had just turned around, Yu Bailing wanted to stop when people came and left.

Yuan Yimeng directly pulled Yu Bailing onto the stool with one hand and sat down.

"Cooperate with sincerity. None of these three can do the Lord's. You can't find them for this matter."

Yuan Yimeng thought.

But there is no way.

All three are big hospitals, each with its own purpose.

The original intention of the cooperation is different, the end is also different, and there is no clue at all.

"The roast duck is good, have another one."

Jiang Xiaohu ignored it, drank a cup of tea, had no food, and felt a little hungry again, so he spoke immediately.

Back at the hotel, Jiang Xiaohu had no hope of RUBU.

As the previous few said, the other party is using its own advantages as bait, and constantly casting nets like China, in exchange for inferior products in exchange for benefits.

No matter how much benefit you give, they will not let go of their advantages.

This is a long-term meal ticket, and you will not give it to as many people as you like.

It was the afternoon when I flew to Huajing. As soon as I ate dinner, the sky had already started to become so cute.

I found a hotel to stay and plan to fly back to Binhai tomorrow. Yuan Yimeng kept talking on the phone all the way to the hotel.

Through some relationships in Huajing, I still want to find a way.

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