The original sudden short-term forgetting is a normal situation that may occur when people are old.

The family sent the elderly to the hospital, and the doctor prescribed many drugs to stimulate brain activity, which once made Zeng Lao excited.

The person was immediately stimulated, but the drugs affected the elderly's condition.

Subsequent foreign doctors prescribed the same drugs or used stronger drugs, which made Zeng Lao's condition worse.

Fortunately, Zeng Qiufeng didn't take the medicine anymore.

"Really, can it really be?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaohu's words, Zeng Qiufeng's voice began to tremble.

This is what Zeng Qiufeng has always hoped. She doesn't want her grandfather to be used all the time. Watching those so-called uncles and uncles come to see his grandfather every few months, it seems like a routine.

After inquiring about various situations, I heard Zeng Qiufeng say that Grandpa has been doing very well recently, and the smiles in those people's eyes seemed so false.

If Grandpa can restore their memories, they would no longer dare to appear in front of Grandpa like this.

"Are there any silver needles at home?"

Jiang Xiaohu didn't take this thing with him for a long time and decided to treat directly.

I found the crux of Zeng Lao, but what I found was just a tool.

"Some and some."

Zeng Qiufeng immediately got up and fetched it.

Because of the excessive movement, he hit the coffee table and couldn't take care of his bruises on his knees. He stumbled to a room.After a while, a small satin-wrapped box appeared in his hand.

"This is a set of silver needles for my grandfather's deceased. Grandpa cherishes it very much."

Zeng Qiufeng opened the wrapped silk and satin, revealing the sandalwood box inside.

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the sandalwood and shook his head slightly. The needles are gold, but they decay when they meet wood. He doesn't know if the needles inside can be used.

Take it from Zeng Qiufeng and open the box.

Two rows of small silver needles are tightly pinned on the upper and lower sides.


Jiang Xiaohu was surprised, but there was no expression on his face.

Most wooden boxes store jade and wood raw soil, which also nourishes its roots and nourishes its body.I thought that even if the silver needle could be used inside, it should be covered in brown and black.At this moment, the needle body is shiny, not only without a trace of rotten spots, but even with a chill of aura.

It is actually Jin Baoyu.

No wonder

Jiang Xiaohu raised his hand and picked up one to investigate it carefully. As soon as he touched his finger, he immediately discovered the mystery.

This is the essence of jade, and it is uniquely endowed by nature with gold.

"Does this work?"

Zeng Qiufeng looked at Jiang Xiaohu's silence for a long time and asked.

Yuan Yimeng and Yu Bailing next to them didn't know what was wrong with Jiang Xiaohu, and they didn't dare to talk nonsense. Yu Bailing didn't understand this, but Yuan Yimeng felt that the wooden box was different, covered with aura.

With such a town house, no ghosts dare to get close.

It's no wonder that the old man has so many injuries and can persist for so long. It seems that there is no reason.


Jiang Xiaohu didn't say much, and brought Zeng Qiufeng back to Zeng once again.

As soon as he walked in, Mr. Zeng had already opened his eyes, sweating slightly on his forehead, and he was probably awake from illness.

When Zeng Qiufeng saw his grandfather waking up, he thought he had hit the coffee table and awakened his grandfather, put the wooden box in Jiang Xiaohu's palm, and immediately knelt on the bedside.

"Grandpa, do you pee?"

Zeng Qiufeng repeated this sentence over and over again.

Seeing the horrified eyes of Jiang Xiaohu's unfamiliar face, Zeng Lao slowly turned his attention to Zeng Qiufeng, and slowly shook his head, his face relieved.

"How about we make a game?"

The other party's performance just now was only five years old. Jiang Xiaohu made this judgment in an instant and said something immediately.

When Mr. Zeng heard the game, he nodded immediately, his eyes lighted.

If it weren't for the heaviness of the corners of the mouth, I'm afraid it would have jumped for joy.

Zeng Qiufeng looked at the side with a slight eyebrow. Before he could figure out what Jiang Xiaohu wanted to do, Jiang Xiaohu said,'One, two, three, wooden people, no talking, no moving!'

The formula of this popular nursery rhyme game just said, Zeng Lao really bit his neck and kept his eyes wide open, still looking at Jiang Xiaohu.

The sandalwood box in Jiang Xiaohu's palm didn't know when to open, and one after another silver needles flew over Zeng Lao's head one after another without Zeng Qiufeng being able to see clearly.

A few of them can even be seen slightly red.

Zeng Qiufeng saw that the needle should be painful, Zeng Lao's eyes were stubborn and painful trembling.

But this old man, even when he was about five years old, played the game very seriously.

All his attention is in Jiang Xiaohu's hands.

The opponent's hand obviously didn't seem to be moving, but Zeng always felt that the hand was moving, and it moved very fast, so he stared at it earnestly, hoping to see the clues.

"The last stitch."

There were 36 silver needles in the box, of which 35 needles densely covered the top of Zeng Lao's head.

At such a density, Zeng Qiufeng was a little scared.

And when Jiang Xiaohu spoke, Zeng Lao's eyes showed joy.

"You, you talked, you moved...ah"

Before Zeng Qiufeng could give any more comfort, Jiang Xiaohu sat up with Zeng Lao, the silver needle in his hand was already in the palm of his hand, and struggling to slam into the center of Zeng Lao's head.


As if punctured a small bag, a jet of dark green and black liquid slowly flowed out of the back of his head.

Elder Zeng felt bullied, opened his big mouth and stretched out his hand to hug Zeng Qiufeng, tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, good, good grandpa, it's okay, don't hurt, don't cry, crying nose is not a good child."

When Zeng Qiufeng saw grandpa crying, her eyes were distressed, and she subconsciously said what he usually coaxed grandpa with.

Before Zeng Lao could speak, his brain suddenly became cool, making Zeng Lao too late to vent his emotions. The original wise wisdom and countless memories rushed into Zeng Lao's brain nerves like divine enlightenment.

Collecting the scenes that happened in the past six months, the domineering old man couldn't even think of what happened.

Even during the day, the granddaughter fed herself, because she was acting like a baby, the granddaughter actually...

This time, there was no barrier to tears anymore, leaving a face full of wrinkles.

Lines of wrinkles are like gaps, spanning them, but bringing the heart closer.

"Don't cry or cry, grandpa doesn't cry, I'll find you candy, if you have candy, eat candy."

The tears were like bursting a bank, frightening Zeng Qiufeng at a loss.

She didn't dare to blame Jiang Xiaohu for making Grandpa hurt too much. At this moment, Grandpa was just crying, and there were no other terrible symptoms. Zeng Qiufeng also put a big rock in his heart.

"crazy girl."

The long-lost three-character name suddenly appeared at the corner of Zeng Lao's mouth.

The black and green blood was getting less and less, Jiang Xiaohu held the silver needle in the back of his head and slowly rolled.

The aura covering the silver needle has been completely injected into Zeng Lao's body, re-stimulating and reactivating the neurons blocked by the drug, passing the blockage to the back of the brain and expelling the body.

If Qi Minghai could see everything Jiang Xiaohu did here at this moment, he would definitely kneel down again, begging Jiang Xiaohu to accept him as a disciple again.

Jiang Xiaohu just performed the 36-day gang needle method to enter the gate of cultivation.

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