Jiang Xiaohu, who entered the Taoist way with medicine, once realized that there is Taoism and nature between heaven and earth through this set of acupuncture methods.

Zeng Qiufeng's expression froze, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Grandpa would have stiff chewing muscles at night, and would never speak, but would only make painful whimpers.

And just now, it seemed that I heard Grandpa's voice.

The name is still the wild name Zeng Qiufeng gave to him when he was a child.

In fact, Zeng Lao spent some time with Zeng Qiufeng when she was very young.At that time Zeng Qiufeng was very naughty, so grandpa called her crazy girl.

She is homonymous with Feng and has no nickname, since this has become her nickname.

Many friends also call her that.

"Why, grandpa is called Crazy Girl, Crazy Girl ignores Grandpa."

Elder Zeng, with tears in his eyes, as Jiang Xiaohu put the last silver needle into the wooden box, he raised his hand and wiped the muddy tears at the corner of his eyes.

He seemed to have had a long, long dream.

Everything that happened in the dream has become real, and there are many terrible things in it, such as the terrible expectation in the eyes of children and grandchildren, and there are also many warm things, and the daily laughter with the crazy girl, and at this moment, it will be Make old Zeng, old face reddened to exchange words.


Seeing that action, Zeng Qiufeng finally realized that grandpa really recovered his memory, and suddenly threw himself into his arms, crying bitterly.

Jiang Xiaohu covered the wooden box, placed it on the bedside of Zeng Lao's bed, and walked out slowly.

Two grandparents, there should be a lot to say.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, a black line appeared on Jiang Xiaohu's forehead.

It was just such a coincidence that Jiang Xiaohu saw Yuan Yimeng opening his thermos cup, facing the place he had drunk in his memory, and drinking tea.

"Coming out? How is it?"

Yu Bailing kept paying attention and saw Jiang Xiaohu stand up and ask.

Cough cough

Yuan Yimeng, who was caught off guard, was like a thief caught in a bag. He drank less tea than it came out of his nose, and many splashed onto the thermos cup.

Seeing the very fragrant tea, it's so impossible to drink it.

"All right."

Jiang Xiaohu told the two to go to rest. The rooms here are all clean, so you can choose one at will.

Grandpa had just recovered, Zeng Qiufeng certainly couldn't come out to say hello.

Jiang Xiaohu greeted the two women to rest early and sent the thermos cup to Yuan Yimeng before leaving.

"Send me off?"

Yuan Yimeng looked at Jiang Xiaohu in surprise.


Jiang Xiaohu tried his best to keep his eyes clear, without revealing other traces.


Yuan Yimeng held a thermos cup and found a room near the gate and walked in. Yu Bailing understood Jiang Xiaohu’s habits very well. Seeing the cheering Yuan Yimeng couldn’t bear to tell the truth, he could not help but show something, so he chose the one next to Yuan Yimeng. room.

The body was originally half-paralyzed due to the impact of the bullet shell. Because of the set of silver needles, Zeng Lao recovered part of his body functions.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohu saw the silver needle and was more confident about taking out the bullet by 30%. He was already 90% sure of helping Zeng Lao recover his body, as before.

The night passed quickly.

To Yuan Yimeng, I was excited holding the thermos cup like a hot water bottle. The night passed. To Yu Bailing, the long-term night watch was just a short rest time. To my grandson, it was a long and warm night.

Zeng Lao felt sorry for her granddaughter and insisted on letting her sleep on the recliner next to her. Because she couldn't get up, she kept asking her granddaughter to cover her shoulders and her ankles.

And Zeng Qiufeng also tucked the quilt early, watching grandpa fall asleep first.

The old man suddenly regained his memory, no longer sleepy, just like his granddaughter, closed his eyes.

He hadn't seen the young face just now.

It should be Xiaofeng's friend. After so long, the old man didn't know that Xiaofeng had been so hard.

Early the next morning, after Zeng Qiufeng woke up, Mr. Zeng told him to fall asleep again because of thinking about it all night.

"Don't you take out those bullet shells?"

Yu Bailing looked at Zeng Qiufeng with a puzzled face.

In the morning, Zeng Qiufeng told Jiang Xiaohu about taking out the cartridge case for him. Grandpa said that these had become part of his body, and he did not agree to the operation.

Zeng Qiufeng still wanted to persuade, but the stubbornness of the old man who had recovered his memory was beyond rebuttal.


Jiang Xiaohu nodded slightly.

Then Zeng Qiufeng personally sent Jiang Xiaohu to the airport.

Before boarding the plane, Yuan Yimeng also wanted to call the people at RUBU to ask about the cooperation, and even wanted to buy the other party's medical equipment at a high price.Jiang Xiaohu shook his head directly, stepping into the boarding gate without saying a word.

Now that you have seen the essence, you may not have good results if you try to force it.

In just half a year, Jiang Xiaohu's understanding of China's interior found that it is a country full of vitality, health, and prosperity for the whole people.

The establishment of the virus database itself is to plan a healthy life for human beings all over the world. Now it has become a special project of certain countries, and it is even covered with political, economic, and even interest colors.

This in itself is inappropriate.

Jiang Xiaohu saw this and deeply understood its importance.

Since some countries that think they are powerful are not willing to share, then do it yourself. Spending money is not a problem. Time is not even a problem for Jiang Xiaohu, and it will not be an obstacle to the long-term development of this country.

"Miss Yuan, I believe in your sincerity, but are you really going back now? We are still very happy to negotiate the price last time."

Joseph felt surprised on the phone.

The other party came to Huajing by plane, and the price was high and he was willing to accept it.But suddenly he was going back. If he didn't take the initiative to contact him, Yuan Yimeng would have already boarded the plane.

"Price is not a problem. What we need is the sharing of the virus database. If this is not in the contract, I don't think we need to continue talking."

Jiang Xiaohu had already left, and Yuan Yimeng was upset.

The other party kept using the words that he thought of as a gentleman, but he had always pretended to be elegant and beautiful. In fact, he was a group of hungry wolves who can eat people without spitting out bones.Yuan Yimeng knew it before and thought he could handle it easily.

But now, Jiang Xiaohu's uncompromising, non-contact, let Yuan Yimeng find that his so-called business skills are worthless in Jiang Xiaohu's view.

This kind of frustration is much more serious than talking about the failure of the entire F-country facial mask general agent.

"I have said that this matter can only be decided by the RUBU headquarters. Don't you need to look at our infrared sterilization equipment? Its multiple functions have the most cutting-edge technology in the world. I believe that as long as The cooperation was successful this time, and the headquarters saw the sincerity of your hospital, and there should be no problems with sharing the virus database."

The talk time exceeded three minutes.

A smile appeared at the corner of Joseph's mouth.

This is a time of psychological pressure in the negotiation, which shows that the other party really needs this cooperation very urgently. In fact, he will encounter different negotiation opponents when he travels around the country, and the trump card of the virus database is not disadvantageous.

"Your machine is just a pile of shit!"

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