The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1087 Three Pediatric Departments

I didn't know if it was hot or scared, but looked at Jiang Xiaohu directly.

"What dean, you haven't heard of it, I just got let go. Now it's Nurse Jiang."

Ya ya ya ya

Before the team had gone far, Jiang Xiaohu jumped into the car again.

Moving continues.

Yuan Yimeng was dumbfounded as soon as he took everyone into the hospital.

People, crowds of people.

When he came, Yuan Yimeng called Yu Bailing, and through layer-by-layer inquiries, he knew that Jiang Xiaohu was moving things at the back door of the hospital, so he brought the city leaders here first.

The condition of the gate was not seen.

And now, in the immediate situation, Director Zhang clung to Yuan Shi's head in fright, as if he was about to lay down his life when following an emergency.

"This, usually..."

There were so many people when I came in the morning.

Yuan Yimeng thought it was afternoon, and he would have less.

But I don't want to, there is more.

"Which department do you look at first?"

The head of Yuan Shi didn’t mind, he looked at Yuan Yimeng

The kind look reminded Yuan Yimeng of his father again.

"Go, go to the pediatrics."

Yuan Yimeng was a flight attendant before, and he didn't pay attention to hospital affairs at all on weekdays. When he walked to the hospital on weekdays, he mostly looked for Yu Bailing and Jiang Xiaohu.

Which department of this hospital is the busiest, she doesn't even know.

Now that I was going to the pediatrics department, Yuan Yimeng saw that there were very few children in the hall.

According to this theory, I went to the pediatrics department.

People from several government departments are not familiar with it, but Director Zhang wants to stop him.

This hall is so busy that it is absolutely impossible to go to pediatrics.

A hospital has the most people, that is, pediatrics and the elderly.Children with poor resistance are especially prone to get sick. Now that adults believe in Tailin so much, they all come here to see a doctor, and all the children have to be sent here.

Sure enough, after finally finding a nurse who went to the pediatrics department, Yuan Yimeng didn't dare to let anyone lead the way, so he followed him.

She doesn't know the way either.

The countless patients encountered along the way made Director Zhang frightened.

This is a hospital, where the most patients and viruses are the most.

This is a general inspection, where did you inspect this situation.

If this matter is left at the Binhai Central Hospital, the inspection time must be scheduled on Tuesday, and a group of patients who can go home for recuperation must be sent away in advance, and the entire hospital will be systematically disinfected inside and outside.

Only then can the leaders come to inspect and see the orderly side of the hospital.

The current situation, although it still looks orderly in the past, but this environment.

"Come, borrow it, borrow it."

There are also patients in the corridor, with beds on both sides.

Yuan Yimeng originally wanted the leaders to come and see the chaos, but the current situation completely exceeded her expectations. There was no chaos and no discomfort.It's because there are too many patients, the doctor is too busy, he is busy raising the cup to talk, and he has to explain things to the nurse and give the patients instructions.

The nurse is too busy, and the patients take the initiative to help the nurse to do many things.

For example, I read the thermometer myself, and some even pull out needles by myself.

But here, there is no one who has time to stop, let Yuan Yimeng stop to explain to Yuan Shishou or stop for a while.


The long line, layer after layer.

What's wrong?

The front is nowhere to go, and there are parents everywhere with their children queuing to see the pediatrics department.

At the end of the front, two nurses were walking around, and the thermometers in the hospital were not enough.

They need to re-sterilize all the thermometers that have been measured in the sterile water box in their hands, and then use them for the next person.At the same time, the severe children were sent to the doctors in several departments in advance.


Yuan Shishou was surprised all the way, but now, it was simply shocked.

"There are several departments in the pediatrics department of your hospital. These are all children, and they are the future of the motherland. How did you manage them!"

Director Zhang yelled at Yuan Yimeng.

There are so many children who are sick and waiting here, and there are a steady stream of children and parents at the back of the stairs, either holding or holding them.

The crowd of Yuan Shishou was stuck in the middle, now in a dilemma.

"Hey, Xiao Liu. Come here. Tell Director Zhang, he just asked how many pediatric departments we have."

Yuan Yimeng did not know anything about the hospital.

Fortunately, a nurse just came over, and the name of the other party was Liu Jiajia on the badge.

"Three departments of pediatrics."

Subconsciously answered, Liu Jiajia looked up.

Seeing Yuan Yimeng, I remembered this beauty who dared to pursue a married man.

This matter has been spread in the hospital for a long time, and the nurses have met Yuan Yimeng outside, waiting for Jiang Xiaohu.

"Well, the department is lacking. What Director Zhang criticized is that I will immediately go to Chairman Zhou for this matter and let the hospital add seven or eight."

Hearing that there were only three, Yuan Yimeng didn't understand at all, thinking that there were very few, and immediately apologized.

She didn't notice at all. At the moment Director Zhang heard that there were three pediatric departments, his face was drawn.

Especially when Yuan Yimeng apologized, his face was even more ugly.

"The nurse! What is the configuration of your pediatric department?"

The secretary following Yuan Shishou knows everything.

It was also very unbelievable to hear that there were three pediatric departments in a Tailin family. He thought that the nurse might have heard it wrong. He thought it was asking how many pediatricians had, and asked again.

"Who are you!"

Liu Jiajia was taking a child's temperature, and was interrupted again. The other party was not the child's parent, and was a little impatient.

"That, I'm just an ordinary person, just ask."

The secretary of the city chief looked embarrassed.

It was the first time that he was given a face like this, and he didn't adapt for a while.

"One department has three director-level physicians and six deputy director-level physicians."

Seeing that the other party was quite obedient, Liu Jiajia calmly said something.

"Are you mistaken? The top three are equipped with a department with at most two chief physicians and four deputy directors. This is still a very large top three."

Director Zhang didn't believe it at all, and then spoke.

"That's another place, this is Tai Lin! Our President Jiang said, our hospital will surpass the top three in the future and become the best hospital in the country. Get out of here!"

When Liu Jiajia faced Director Zhang, he even shouted directly.

This fat man, the place is so small, he doesn't know that he is fat, and he is in the way.

"Nine? Nine? Those three departments, 327, and there are 27 pediatric clinics over there?"

Yuan Yimeng stood on tiptoe and looked towards the front end.

She was already tall, wearing high heels, and not much taller with her toes slightly on her toes.

But such a small distance is enough to see several rooms, and at the same time the patient enters with the child.

After visually inspecting it with the naked eye, more than a dozen children were admitted in just a short time.

The team took a big step forward.

This big step was filled by a large group of parents with their children.

Become the appearance of the beginning again.

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