The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1088 Zhang Yiyi and Liu Jiajia

"You don't need to watch today's inspection, Secretary Zhang, you will stay and have a detailed understanding of Tailin's situation, including the conditions of major departments and the qualifications of doctors."

The first group of Yuanshi finally squeezed out of the pediatric floor and returned to the lobby on the first floor.

There are so many people.

It's as if the entire Binhai patients all went to Tailin Hospital to see the doctor.


"Director Zhang, how many days has the situation here lasted? Why haven't these patients been treated?"

The head of Yuan Shi looked at Director Zhang with a serious expression.

"This this……"

Director Zhang didn't know anything about Tailin.

This hospital is privately owned. It was given special instructions last time because of its outstanding contributions, and the relevant departments provided support. At the same time, it has the qualifications of a Grade B hospital.

To put it nicely, this is a hospital with the same environment as Binhai TCM.

But in fact, in terms of management and control, more of it is self-management, and Director Zhang is basically the first time he has come.

"Okay, this problem needs to be resolved. Tailin also needs the support of relevant departments. Take a moment to talk with the chairman of Tailin, can you directly cooperate with the relevant departments, as for the qualifications, go to the meeting to discuss collectively, and then Make a decision."

Qualifications are really difficult to determine.

A large hospital with the highest level, a top three-level hospital, and a matching doctor in a pediatric department cannot keep up with Tai Lin.

Simply put, since its inception, Tailin's configuration has far exceeded the top three.

Such large hospitals are one of the few in the country.

Being buried here is definitely a waste of resources.

But if it's wasteful, the constant revolving situation here is another irony.

"Head of Yuan City."

"Xiao Yuan, I know the situation. The relevant departments will actively help you solve the problem. Don't worry."

Yuan Yimeng hasn't been able to say the word'for money'. The head of Yuan City has already made a decision, and he also has a decision in his heart.

"Solve the problem? Do we have a problem?"

The words of the head of Yuan Shi always echoed in Yuan Yimeng's mind?But there has been no clue.

In the situation here, the patient comes to see a doctor. Is this a problem?

Yuan Yimeng suddenly recovered.

The idea of ​​the head of Yuan Shi is to let the patients go to other hospitals and not to come too much, so as to relieve pressure and solve problems.

That's it!

"The head of Yuan Shi, the head of Yuan Shi..."

Thinking of this stubbornness, Yuan Yimeng hurriedly chased across the crowd.

Secretary Zhang lifted his eyes and looked at Liu Jiajia, the female nurse who had just scolded him behind him.

"Hello. Let me introduce again. I am the Secretary of the City Chief of Binhai City, translated by Zhang Yi. Just now, our City Chief gave me a task to let me know about Tailin's situation. Now, do you have time..."

"No time to!"

Liu Jiajia turned around and turned his back to Zhang Yiyi.

"Do you feel dizzy? Did you drink water in the morning? Why do you feel uncomfortable?"

This side scolded Zhang Yiyi, and the other side was very gentle with the children.

"Um, I feel a little dizzy!"


Zhang Yiyi chose to find Liu Jiajia in this way, hoping to let the other party take time to chat.

Waiting for Zhang Yiyi to hang up and return to the pediatrics department, Jiang Xiaohu also came to the pediatrics department.

He replaced Dr. Wang in the department of pediatrics. Dr. Wang has been arranged to go home and rest for a long time.Come over to work.

"Secretary Zhang?"

When moving goods downstairs, a group of people introduced them.Jiang Xiaohu remembered the other person's name. When Yuan Yimeng chased Yuan Shishou's car away, Jiang Xiaohu had just come up, saw it from a distance, and did not ask.

"Ah, Dean Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu, Zhang Yiyi's face was embarrassed.

"Well, see a doctor?"

Jiang Xiaohu noticed the registration order in the opponent's hand.

"Ah, yes, a little dizzy."


Jiang Xiaohu didn't say any more. When the other party spoke, he looked up and glanced at Liu Jiajia's direction, and already understood everything.

Soon, Jiang Xiaohu, who was put on a doctor's white coat, walked through the crowd and walked to the innermost room, where there were severely ill children.

They were all children who were checked by the deputy chief pediatrician and were sent by suspected severe illness.

In the car, Yuan Yimeng told Yuan Shishou that the more patients in Tailin, the better, the medical rules and social security benefits are all provided by Tailin.

In fact, only hospitals supported by relevant departments have social security subsidies.

By doing this, Tai Lin is regarded as paying the patient himself.

"You, don't you keep losing money by doing this!"

When the head of Yuan City heard Yuan Yimeng say this, his eyes widened.

Most of the private hospitals are for profit.The medicines they use are good but also expensive.

Coupled with the inability to reimburse, the patient has to pay the money.

"I didn't lose much. No, Yuan Shi, the reason I asked you to investigate this time is to hope that the relevant departments can support our Tailin Hospital. We plan to open another Tailin Branch."

Yuan Yimeng didn't know that he had subconsciously let Yuan Shishou know the fact that Tailin Hospital had been burning money. She was unfamiliar with her and could only get straight to the point.State your needs directly.

"Open another one?"

The head of Yuan Shi thought he had heard it wrong.


Yuan Shi first raised his hand and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Xiao Zhang."

"The head of the city, I am investigating the report and did not pursue the nurse."

Zhang Yiyi saw the phone call from the city leader, facing Liu Jiajia's unkind eyes, anxious, and actually said his inner thoughts.

When he realized that he had said something wrong and saw Liu Jiajia's surprised eyes, Zhang Yiyi couldn't wait to find a hole immediately, and even hung up the phone.

"Love at first sight? Okay, then this is also one of the tasks. Be sure to track down the nurse Liu. Also, if you have time, go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to check Tailin's operating conditions and financial statements."

Hearing that this young secretary who has always worked smoothly will have such a side.

The head of Yuan Shi looked very happy, and actually joked.

"Yes, I will go to the relevant bureau immediately and send the report to your WeChat."

Zhang Yiyi said immediately where he dared to forget his own business.

When the phone hung up, Liu Jiajia stared at Zhang Yiyi.

"Secretary Zhang, yes, let me tell you, this is the pediatrics department, you already have an adult, and the andrology department is also on the third floor. Get off!"

Liu Jiajia was completely angry and worked diligently early in the morning.

She kept looking for things to her, ignored this person, followed behind her like a worm, choked up and talked endlessly, and still had a lot of questions.

Zhang Yiyi looked down at the registration slip in his hand, the two words on his face made him blush.

It's not the time to talk about this, he still has tasks.

In the car.

"Yeah, Chief Yuan, we found that Tailin Hospital is under a lot of pressure. The chairman of our company has already held a meeting for us, and they unanimously decided to open another branch to relieve the pressure on the hospital. At the same time, there is no need to let Our people on the coast ran around, creating benefits for people."

Yuan Yimeng finally said what he wanted to say in one breath.

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