The head of Yuan Shi looked at Yuan Yimeng beside him, he was really puzzled.

If insurance is offered to the people, the money can be supplemented by themselves, so that the hospital can make money for treating people's illnesses?Is this a profiteering industry?

Ding dong.

Yuan Yimeng was still talking about requesting land grant, and Yuan Shi's cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Yuan Shishou opened it.

The above is the financial statement of Tailin Hospital for the past three months sent by Zhang Yiyi.

"This... nonsense!"

Yuan Shishou flipped through two pages and was shocked by the numbers displayed above, and said a severe criticism.

"City leader, what's wrong?"

Yuan Yimeng didn't know the situation, and looked at Yuan Shishou with a look of confusion.

"Okay, you have something to do on your side too. Just get off here, and I will have an emergency meeting right away to discuss your visit to the hospital."

Faced with Yuan Yimeng, Yuan Shishou couldn't figure it out.

He didn't want to ask about this now.

The current situation reminded him of the scene when the beauty suddenly had to recognize her godfather when he first met Yuan Yimeng.

He was driven out of the car for unknown reasons. Yuan Yimeng still doesn't know what he said wrong.

Logically, they gave money to do things for the people.

But why does the head of Yuan Shi seem to be angry?

Here, after a week of running-in, Tailin Hospital gradually began to arrange patients in an orderly manner.

The place is big enough, mainly manpower.

Yuan Yimeng’s suggestion of increasing the department was heard by Liu Jiajia, and finally got free. During the break, Liu Jiajia took the whole plan of Yuan Yimeng, one of the Dean Jiang’s women, as a joke.

Then it passed ten, and it quickly spread to Yu Bailing's ears.

"I heard, you want to add another department?"

As usual, Yu Bailing rushed into Jiang Xiaohu's office.

Had it not been for Jiang Xiaohu had a very human perception, and strong physical control over emergencies.

If the hand that is opening the tea can for himself shakes, I am afraid that he will suffer a heavy loss.

"Director Yu, knocking on the door is a good habit."

Jiang Xiaohu just had time to rest soon.

Just want to relax.

"We have used all the rooms, what other departments do you add? Free up the utility room!"

As the splash of water poured into the teacup, Yu Bailing unceremoniously took a big mouthful.

Refreshing and refreshing.

The tea is ordinary Tieguanyin, but I don’t know why. Jiang Xiaohu’s here is very delicious.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't care, and poured himself a glass again.

Take a sip, leaving fragrance on your lips and teeth.

"Can the utility room be vacated?"

"No! These are all medical waste dumps. Although many of them are temporarily vacant, once something happens, these places will become the key, and none of them can be missing."

"That's it."

Jiang Xiaohu said casually.

Take another sip, good, the temperature is just right.


Yu Bailing did the same, then suddenly coughed and choked.

"what did you say?"

Since it is a hard and fast rule, Jiang Xiaohu will act in accordance with the rules of this world and will also abide by the hospital's rules.

These specially set spaces seem to be useless and even a bit wasteful, but Jiang Xiaohu knows that every wasted space has its value. It may be an emergency, it may really be a simple utility room, and it may have special The passage allows people to pass through.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't know, and didn't want to know whether it was useful.

He is not here to dialectic things, nor to convey the truth.

When Jiang Xiaohu reaches a certain height, he doesn't need to understand many things, someone will tell him then.

Just like a star who suddenly became famous overnight, or even a lottery with hundreds of millions of local tyrants.

These people may have been just plain-headed people, but when they have everything, someone will tell them how to get a C position when attending certain events, and some will tell them the correct way to eat Chinese food and enjoy red wine.

Of course, just have more.

Those so-called rules will no longer exist.

He wants to blow to the bottle, as long as he is rich enough, the so-called etiquette will only say that he is domineering.

"That's OK, I'll go busy."

Yu Bailing thought it would be necessary to fight again.

Because in his impression, Jiang Xiaohu's thinking is difficult to change.

Even persuasion.

This person, as long as he decides, he will not change easily.

She didn't know what happened. In fact, Jiang Xiaohu didn't decide this matter, it was just an error.

"Wait a minute. Now there are a lot of people entering the postgraduate entrance examination in the hospital. How is the initial special virus research work done?"

Compared with inspections, Jiang Xiaohu is more concerned about this matter.

"It's still going on."

Yu Bailing rolled her eyes.

Seeing this mischievous action, Jiang Xiaohu was stunned, and then understood.

Tailin Hospital is so busy, it is really difficult to study mutant viruses.

"Do it when you have time. By the way, have you seen Vice President Bai Fu recently?"

Last time I told her to go to work, let her stop Zhou Lin a few, and if possible, it's better to give up.

All subsequent actions, including the exercises.

Obviously Bai Fu did not do this.

After rebelling against Jiang Xiaohu's mission, and having been busy for so many days, Jiang Xiaohu has not returned to Lanting Yawan, and has not seen Bai Fu for a long time, Jiang Xiaohu asked.

"She? Didn't she ask for leave?"

When Yu Bailing heard this, she was even more puzzled. Bai Fu called in person and said that she had also agreed with Jiang Xiaohu.

Jiang Xiaohu didn't know how it looked now.

"That's it, let's go ahead."

Jiang Xiaohu nodded.

There are gradually fewer patients in the hospital. Although he doesn't know what happened, Jiang Xiaohu's feeling did not affect his promise, so he didn't care.

Bai Fu comes from the mountains and is born once or twice every few decades.

Compared with Jiang Xiaohu, Bai Fu should know the world better than Jiang Xiaohu, and Jiang Xiaohu is not too worried. After all, she has to care more than herself. It is estimated that something is going on, which younger generation is producing, and she has gone back to the mountains. .

Every time a patient is treated and the other person is truly grateful, a piece of merit will be passed into Jiang Xiaohu's body.

Very weak, but good for cultivation.

In this world where spiritual energy is thin, elementary herbs like Bi Lingcao can only help through Qi training to the early stage of foundation building, and even the middle and late stages of foundation building can no longer help much.

Relying on the experience of previous repairs, and the last time the virus mutated, Jiang Xiaohu gained tremendous benefits.

He will never give up this matter, no matter how difficult it is, he will continue to do it.

Yu Bailing felt that Jiang Xiaohu became more and more strange, but on weekdays, the responsibility was always strange, and he didn't think much about it.

On the side of the road, Zhao Hui drove the car to Yuan Yimeng's side.

After receiving a call from Yuan Yimeng, this friend drove to Tailin, then got into Yuan Yimeng's car and drove to find his old friend.

As soon as we met, I saw her drooping.

"What's wrong? Lost in love?"

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