This is a joke often made when flying in the sky.

Working on an airplane, I can often see certain stars and handsome boys, and often when the flight attendants fall in love at first sight, these little meats have a master by their side.

Then everyone would tease each other and lament the injustice of fate. They didn’t meet earlier, but they were flying in the sky all day. Before landing, all they saw were in people’s bowls. After landing, they had no time to go outside and wave again. Or just the opposite.

"What do you mean by Yuan Shishou? Did we do it wrong?"

Yuan Yimeng kept thinking of this sentence in his mind, and he was puzzled.

"What's the matter, get in the car and say. You have been stuck on the road, and some handsome guys over there are staring at you, afraid that you will jump into the river."

A smile appeared on Zhao Hui's face.

This place is really easy to find, just on the bridge.

This Yuan Yimeng's heart is also really big. Before Zhao Hui came, she was lying on the wall and looking at the sea below.

There have been many people around, and I still don't feel it at all.

"They all look at me? Mom, go quickly."

Whoosh, bang!

Yuan Yimeng got into the car and closed the door.

I have just been watched by so many people, and I didn't even think about turning around to take a look.

When everyone saw Yuan Yimeng getting in the car, they determined that this person should not have suicidal tendencies, because they dispersed immediately.

"I just said, a good girl, so handsome, how can she commit suicide, you people, just like to guess!"

A big mother approached Yuan Yimeng recently, she was ready to carefully move to Yuan Yimeng's side, take this girl home, and make her stupid son a wife.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Yimeng turned her head and surprised her.

After people left, she looked as if she had already guessed, and made her laugh.

Fifty steps laugh a hundred steps.

There are a few men gearing up next to them. They have not had time to do it, so this aunt must not be allowed to do it first.

In the car, Yuan Yimeng truthfully said what he had just said to Yuan Shishou.

"Aren't you stupid! Such a money-burning hospital has opened branches. Don't even mention Yuan Shi's head, as I heard it, I think you are crazy!"

Tailin's other products are making money, and all the money earned is used to give back to the society and invest in the hospital.

Moreover, it is still crazy to invest. The money invested, excluding the expenses, will have to be opened as soon as the branch is opened.

"This is charity, it is saving people."

Yuan Yi dreamed that his friends looked like this, and said loudly.

"What are you doing so loud, I can hear you.

You have to do charity, donate!Why go to the hospital?

If the hospital does not have subsidies from the relevant departments, let alone making money, it will be difficult to operate well. The head of the city is the head of the city. The development of the entire Binhai City must be considered. A large hospital has suffered losses for years, and it is still desperately losing money. Also ready to see another loss.

I feel abnormal when I hear it!"

While driving, Zhao Hui raised her arms and pressed her palms to Yuan Yimeng's forehead.

No fever?

Why don't you tell the truth in this big day!

"We are willing to be in this charity. As the saying goes, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level float. This is now on the street to save people, where there are so many people waiting for you to meet, and then save, the hospital will be fine. !"

Yuan Yimeng said his heart.

The text in the cheat book I got last time was obscure.

Several people flipped through the dictionary, looked up one by one, and then asked Jiang Xiaohu again, only to memorize the specific steps.

But this is cultivation, especially because Tebi targets women and dare not care.

Regarding the mutated virus, Jiang Xiaohu gained tremendous benefits, and Yuan Yimeng and others also gained.

This kind of harvest, if you change it to the past, is excellent luck, which will last for a long time.

Until there is no special way to keep it, slowly dissipate.

Tasted the sweetness, now all the girls are focusing on Tailin Hospital.This is closely related to their future, so they have to pay attention to it.Land grant is only the first step. If the relevant departments cannot plan, Zhou Lin also discussed a second plan to develop and construct in other areas.

In a word, this must be done.

"Loss means that sooner or later, it may fail.

The privatization of privately-owned hospitals determines that its ultimate future direction is the top three.

Want to go international, even become a symbol of the country, similar to foreign SATA, and RUBU.

They can't keep losing money like this, which makes people untrustworthy.

"Oh, oh, it's over, why did I forget this. This is a business, or a business!"

Hospitals, after being privately owned, are also a business.

Yuan Yimeng is preconceived and regards it as a national welfare. Among them, privately-run hospitals working with public hospitals feel inferior.If you lose money again and don't go bankrupt, if you keep insisting, you might be called a bit stupid.

"No, I have to explain. Go, drive back!"

Saw a mistake.Yuan Yimeng immediately wanted to remedy it.

"Go back, what did you say?"

Zhao Hui discovered that Yuan Yimeng, who has always been savvy, has recently felt that his brain has become stupid.Is this the legendary woman in love?

Bringing up this matter, Zhao Hui remembered that Yuan Yimeng hurried out to eat at noon that day, with a happy smile on her face.

I asked her to eat together at the time, but she didn't come, saying that she met a customer and had an appointment.

client?Did you eat at noon?

Even if Zhao Hui does not sell, she knows that there are only a handful of them.

In particular, we are selling facial masks too soon, and now orders are stable, and shipments are increasing year by year.

Nowadays, five new factories have been built, all the surrounding areas have been purchased, and they are still here for a long time.

"I, I will explain to her."

"Okay! The capital of the city saw the report, so what else to explain. What should be done, so be it."

Zhao Hui waved her hand.

To explain too much is to cover up, no matter how good the relationship is, there are still a lot of leaders in the relevant departments, and it is impossible to hide such things.There will be a unified arrangement above, and it doesn’t matter if you think about it now.

"Then what to do?"

Yuan Yimeng finally realized that he had messed up everything.

"What else can I do? Now take me to see that handsome guy in your mind. I have always listened to you, and I want to see it too."

Stars appeared in Zhao Hui’s eyes. She really couldn’t understand why Zhou Lin, Yuan Yimeng, Deng Shuangshuang, who he had seen behind him, and even Huang Liying, another star shareholder who rarely appeared in the company, all treated this Tai Lin courtyard. So interested?

She went to ask, knowing that it was Tai Lin's dean, but she hadn't plucked up the courage to come and see it by herself.

There is also a default among flight attendants, and some people will avoid them when they are favored by friends.

"If you want to see, go and see for yourself. I can still stop you. The legs are longer on your body and the wheels are on the body."

Yuan Yimeng was amused by what his friend said.

If it was before, maybe she would still avoid something, but now it doesn't matter.

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