Livello also walked over at this time, and after the magic ball was completely submerged in the enchantment, she stood where the magic ball disappeared.

"Wait for a while and wait for my return."

Before she finished her words, her figure disappeared in front of her eyes, and Aroline stopped Gekara and Rafia who were acting.

"Don't be too anxious, you two, wait a while, sister, she is going to investigate the situation."


Don't worry, this kind of place can't trap my sister.

Just as Arolin said, it didn't take long for Livello's figure to resurface in front of everyone.She nodded at them, indicating that there was no problem and that she could go in.

Still Livello left first, followed by Rafia, and then Gokala.Aroline and Hua Yueling followed behind.

The feeling of this teleportation array is different from the previous ones, but it has a stronger impact on people. It feels that the passageway when teleporting is full of terrible magic power, and that magic power will unconsciously attack people who enter.Fortunately, not all the magic power surged, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others would not even think about it.

After passing through the teleportation array, Hua Yueling and the others came to a new place, which still had a certain degree of similarity with the fairy forest in another world they had been to.But Hua Yueling noticed it the moment he arrived.

Although this forest grows very vigorously and has many towering trees intertwined with each other, it does not have the vitality of the Fairy Forest.

Hua Yueling likes the Fairy Forest very much, partly because of the unparalleled vitality that makes him feel a very comfortable feeling.It's like bathing in a hot spring, that feeling is extremely comfortable.


He breathed out, and didn't see Livello and the others, and I don't know if it was because of the teleportation formation, or that they left before they came.

Not far in front was Sister Alorin, she seemed to be observing the situation in the forest, and then Sister Yun and the others followed.

"Xiao Yueling, come here soon, come here!"

Aroline ran to the right while waving her arms at them.Hua Yueling didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to catch up. Hua Yun and the others had just come out. Seeing them both were running over there, they ran along.

The group of people ran for a certain distance without stopping, and finally found Livello and the others.They are now hiding behind a tree, and not far away is a village. On the wall made up of wooden stakes in the village, there are several people standing on more than one side. There are several people in each of the four directions. In this case, it is more difficult to make a surprise attack.

"It should be safer to seize this place. Be careful not to be discovered. And it is impossible for him to monitor so many places."

Gokala and Rafia observed their surroundings, but did not find other notable places, which made them want to take the village.If they do, then they will have a base, but if they want to do it, they must be fast enough to eliminate all the enemies, and the most important thing is not to let them escape. That would be dangerous.

After Arolin brought Hua Yueling and the others, she immediately asked them to hide behind the tree to avoid the sight of the guard soldiers in the village.

"Well, let's take a look at the surrounding situation first, and see if there are any people hidden nearby. If not, we will take over here."

This kind of relatively remote village is supposed to have no powerful people sitting in the town. It is not difficult to take it down with their strength, but some other problems will arise if they occupy this place.

"For a while, it's best not to tease and kill, and leave one or two people to ask how things are now."

"Don't talk about it, let's talk about it after exploring the surroundings."

Gokala reminded Rafia, and then the two spoke to Livello, and then separated and left from different directions.They went to investigate, while Hua Yueling and the others stayed here and waited. It didn't take long for the two of them to come back and brought back a fairly good news.

"There are no people ambushing nearby. From this point of view, this place should be an ordinary stronghold. Be careful when you make a shot later. Don't make too much noise. If you can kill covertly, kill covertly. Also pay attention to the village. Those people, don’t let them escape."

Gekara mainly talked to Rafia. After all, Livello and Aroline would not make a move. Hua Yueling and the others would help, but they certainly couldn't be compared with those two.


Hua Yueling and the others were hiding behind the trees and cautiously approaching the past, while Gokala and Rafia appeared directly behind the two enemies and easily solved them.This is very easy for them, get the body to a hidden place, and then they hide and observe, to see if the enemy is in a place where no one is paying attention.

Perhaps it was due to the long-term peace that led to the decline in alertness, so after a while, those people didn't even notice that the two companions disappeared like this.They still stood calmly, and others sat down directly, leaning on the pillars, talking boredly with their companions next to them.

This is also caused by the calm for too long, but this is not a bad thing, if it is in a certain way.Of course, even if they are really defensive, it doesn't matter if they are very vigilant. With the abilities of Gkala and Rafia, it is very simple to solve them.

After several waves of raids by the two men, they were not discovered until the enemies on the wall were almost wiped out.But it was too late, and after they had solved the remaining few, Hua Yueling and the others did not idle anymore and jumped directly onto the city wall from the outside, into the village.

All the residents living inside were arrested, and the elders in the village were brought out by Rafia.It could be seen that the elder was terribly scared by her, his body trembling, his face pale and terrible.

Gokala and Rafia might not know the others, but there are still people who know them, like this trembling elder.It was precisely because he knew who they were that he was so afraid that he couldn't even speak.

"Unexpectedly, even you have fallen to this level."

Gokala looked at the acquaintance whom Rafia had thrown on the ground like garbage, and couldn't help sighing.


The elder did not answer, lowered his head, and said nothing, he had always known his own destiny.

"Raphia, let's see and wish him first, I have something to ask him later."

Some of the people who were gathered also knew the two of them, but they behaved differently, and Gokala took them all in his eyes.

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