The action was much easier than imagined, and it didn't take long for Gekara and the others to solve the problem here.Some of the villagers were arrested with ghosts in their hearts, and Gokala and Rafia were not ready to let them live. As for the others, they continued to live here according to the usual normal order.

This is fine, but Rafia is still a little worried.When those people returned, and only these people were left, Rafia expressed his concerns.

"At least there should be no problem for the time being. And I am not without any preparation."

Gekara said confidently.Although Rafia still had doubts, since her friends said so, she chose to trust her friends.

"Where are those people?"

"Ask later and see if you can ask something. If you can't ask, kill it."

There is no way for Gokara, but if you leave them behind or let go, it will be too dangerous, so the best way is to get rid of them once and for all.

The power that Gokara and the others possess is too weak, let alone fighting against a planet, or fighting against a country, there is no chance of winning.

"If you want to win, you must take back the bits and pieces that belonged to the princess. But the most important thing is to understand the situation here and the power that the royal city possesses. If we don't understand these, we don't have any Way to fight them."

"Ask if they can ask?"

Rafia asked suspiciously.

"I'm not sure about this, but it's better than not having any clues. That person may know some, but the others here probably know very little, and it's useless to ask them."

"Let’s check it out later, but before that, Rafia...Forget it, I’ll go by myself. Rafia, you go and tell them first, we’re going back and bring everyone else over, and everyone will live first. Don't worry about anything here."

"What about you?" Rafia turned around and walked a few steps, then stopped and asked.

"I have to go and see them first, so I don't have anything to do with them. I can't even ask if I want to."

Gokala's worry is still necessary, Rafia also nodded in agreement with her idea, and then almost ran out.But Gekara did not stop, and walked quickly towards the place where those people were held.

Since this is a small village, there are actually no places such as prisons for detaining people. Fortunately, there are a lot of houses here. After a lot of arrests, many of them are vacant. These places It was temporarily used as a prison to detain those people.

After Gekara came over, he was still worried that something might happen to that person, but when he saw that he was still fine, he was relieved.After catching the opponent, she hasn't asked anything. If the opponent is killed at this time, it will be troublesome, and she doesn't know who she wants to ask about.

"It's really fast to come."

Seeing her walking into the "prison", the person who had been a companion sighed like this, but he also sighed and had no other meaning.

"Naturally be faster, otherwise if you run away."

Gokala didn't express his worries. There is no need to tell the other party about those now. shouldn't tell him anyway. They are still enemies after all.

"Unexpectedly, my retribution came so late, I thought it would be faster."

The other party said something weird, which surprised Gekara. He didn't expect that he would say this to himself. What did he mean?

"You thought of it a long time ago?" Gekara asked strangely. In any case, she couldn't expect the other party to say such a thing, it was too strange.

"I thought of some, but I didn't expect you to come back so quickly."

Gokala stared at his face and didn't ask these questions again. After all, it is not incomprehensible to have such a premonition sometimes.

"Then you should also know what I'm here for."

"If you want to know anything, just ask, as long as I know it will not hide from you."

Gekara did not expect the other party to agree so easily. She even doubted whether the other party had any traps, but now the other party was still in her hands, and he dared not do anything.

On the other hand, Hua Yueling and the others helped occupy the village and found a place to rest. There was nothing interesting here.However, in a while, they are still going to walk around to see if there is anything interesting, or something worth noting.

Livello and Aroline were studying in the middle of the village, and they did not ask.Both seem to be very focused, and it is very important to think about it.

"Huh, it feels a little different from the other world here."

Lu Yuetong looked around and said that this place could also be called a different world, but it was different from the one they had been to before.Perhaps it is because there are no elves living here.

The breath of life mentioned before is only part of the difference, and the density of trees here is also different from that in the elven forest. There are no dense trees there, and the branches and leaves are not so lush.It is also worth mentioning that some differences can be vaguely detected in these trees, but Hua Yueling and the others did not observe it carefully, so they can't tell the specific differences.

The four people were sitting on a big rock, observing the situation nearby.After solving the enemies here before, Rafia had patrolled the surrounding area with Aroline, and found no other things wrong.The residents who were left behind were also under surveillance, but the method of surveillance was not very clear to Huayueling, but it was certain that not all the people who remained here could be trusted.

At least now, whether it's Gokala, Rafia, or even Livello, they are all staying vigilant. They don't completely believe in the people who stayed behind, but they are not ready to do anything for the time being, but wait until the other party takes action. Say it again.

After Hua Yueling and the others sat on the rock and rested for a while, they got up and walked over to Aroline and the others. They were still working on something in the middle of the village.Regardless of the size of the village, it is quiet at the moment, perhaps because the village has just changed its owner, so those people are hiding in the house and are not willing to come out, afraid of something.

Originally, when they came, it was quite lively inside, at least someone was active outside, but now they haven't seen anyone resigning.

The four people stopped by their side and watched the movements of their hands. They didn't ask anything, but just watched intently.

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