Hua Yueling and the others stood on a wooden wall made of piles of wood, observing the situation outside the village.Now look at the special peace in the forest. There are no animals. It is quiet, as if there is nothing.

Maybe it is because the animals here have been eradicated by the people here before?Hua Yueling guessed, but he didn't know exactly what was going on, it was just a guess.

At least from observation, it was still relatively calm outside, and there was nothing worth noting, and no other creatures existed.There are no animals, let alone humans.

I don't know how the people live here or where the food comes from.Hua Yueling and the others just turned around and took a look. There is a well here, but there is no land for farming. So their food may be obtained from other places, maybe in the forest, or maybe in the forest. Villages or cities outside.

It is still unknown for the time being.

Looking into the distance, it is difficult to see more through the layers of trees. After observing for a while, Hua Yueling and the others left there and returned to the place where they had rested.

It would be great if there was a house where they could rest, but after all, it was an unfamiliar place, and it was just occupied. Even if there is a free house, they are actually reluctant to live in it.

Aroline and Livello are still busy, but Gokala and Rafia don't know what to do. They are not outside, and it is estimated that they will not come out for a while.

What to doSeveral people sat down with such thoughts and leaned back. The backrest was made of wooden boards. This is for people to rest.

It feels good to lie down, quite comfortable.With the occupation of this village, they suddenly became free, and they didn't know what to do or what to do. They seemed to have nothing to do, and they were so idle.

But there is really nothing to do for the time being, they came here to help, and naturally they didn't know what to do before Gekara and the others did not act.The battle is also over, and it seems that for the time being I need to recuperate and make a plan instead of continuing to fight.

In addition, there is no entertainment here, and there is no way to watch the mobile phones that they bring, which is very different from the earth, which is why they are bored.

If there is nothing to do, then they can only stay, and for the time being, they really have to be so bored.

It’s okay to say if the portals of Aloryn and Livio are built, but if they can’t build it, they can only wait like this. As for when they can be built, this is not what they can say. After all, they also waited.

The portal is already standing in the middle of the village, and it is difficult to detect the magic power, which shows that the magic protection of this teleportation array is still very good, and there is no leakage.

Another thing to say is that Sister Aroline is constantly trying, but the results obtained are all failures without exception, and I don’t know why. Anyway, building a teleportation array here seems to be quite difficult. At least it will not be solved in a short while.

I don't know to what extent they are experimenting, and how long it will take to get it right.

Hua Yueling is quite looking forward to it. If it is done, you can go back. It’s okay to go back and bring a game console or bring a few books. It’s a pity that I didn’t think of this at the beginning, otherwise, I won’t do it now There will be nothing to do.

Thinking about it, I regret that such a great time has been wasted.

Although he said so and thought so, Hua Yueling was just thinking about it. After he got down, he felt that this was actually good. Lying in this place, even though he didn’t feel like he was on the bed at home. It’s comfortable to lie down, but it feels pretty good. Sometimes it’s good to take a break like this. It’s better than keeping the brain in a more tense state.

Several people did not speak when they lay down. They lay down peacefully, as if they were about to fall asleep.In this state similar to half asleep and half awake, time passed quickly.

But they were not allowed to lie down for too long. After a while, they heard someone calling them.Hua Yueling was the first to wake up and look at the person who called herself, Sister Aroline.

"Sister Aroline? Is the teleportation array okay?"

"No problem, you can go back now, how about it, do you want to go back first?"

"Well, go back and come back later. There is nothing wrong here anyway."

"That's true, but you can go to other places. Gokala and Rafia still need to stabilize the situation here, so there is nothing that can be done for the time being. As for other things, we will wait until later. Nothing will happen for a while."

"Then we have nothing to do even here."

"Who knows. But there should be no. I thought they would want to occupy more places, but it seems that they are temporarily preparing to build this place as a base, so it will take some time to build this place, so in a short time There should be no more fighting."

" we still need to come over? It seems unnecessary?"

"Anyway, it just so happens that Sister Huayun is also on vacation, so it’s not bad that you just take things here and have fun. Anyway, the time here is very slow, and it’s pretty good here, isn’t the environment very good? , It feels different from the fairy forest."

"It's not bad. It's considered a tourist to come here. Well, even if you come here for a tourist."

When Hua Yueling said this, Hua Yun and Mu Ningshuang next to them both woke up, but they did not hear the conversation between the two.It was after Hua Yueling told them that they knew what had happened.

"Then go back and come back in a while, it's pretty good here. It feels different from Jelucy."

If you want to say where the difference is, the most important thing is popularity. Don’t look at the fact that there are no people on the street here, and even if it’s like this, you can still feel the popularity here, not really as deserted as Zelucy. .

After all, there is really no one in Jelucci, except Jelucci.But now it's a little different. Many people stayed there and lived there, which made it a little different, and a lot more angry than before.

Since they are all here, and they came here deliberately because of the holidays, then this time should not be wasted, they all think so.In that case, it would be nice if those things come here to kill the boredom.

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