Rafia went back earlier than them, but he hasn't come back yet. It seems that the people over there are still packing things.

Hua Yueling and the others also returned through the teleportation array.This time the teleportation array was different from the one used before, and it didn't feel so uncomfortable, and he returned to the earth calmly.

"Huh... it feels like returning to modern society from primitive times. It's really different."

The group returned to Sister Aroline's home, but only they came back. Sister Aroline and Sister Livello stayed in another world, and did not come back together.It seemed that they still had something to discuss with Gokara.

Hua Yueling was not particularly concerned about these, since they didn't want to say anything, there was no need to ask anything.

They didn't stay after returning to the earth, so they left and went home immediately.In the middle of the road, Hua Yueling and Hua Yun separated from Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, and agreed to meet at Mu Ningshuang's house later.

It's relatively close to Aroline's house, just go straight from there in a while.

After saying goodbye, Hua Yueling and Hua Yun speeded up and headed home.When I got home, there was no one at home. Mom and Dad seemed to be out again, and they didn’t know what they were doing every day. It was a little mysterious and seemed to be playing around. Hua Yueling also asked, but Dad Mother didn't say anything, which made him feel quite curious.

"Not at home again, they were still at home when we left."

Hua Yueling said after opening the door.The two of them went in and came to Hua Yueling's room, and then they looked in the room, and took all the things they thought would help kill time.

The two still took a lot of things, such as handheld devices, books, and e-readers.If nothing happens, they will have to stay there for a long time, although they will come back halfway, but after all they will have to stay there for so long, it is better to bring more.

Soon Huayueling and the others put everything away and put them in Huayueling’s inventory. In this way, it is convenient to take them out, and they don’t need to be put together to make a mess, and they won’t be able to find it. That would be troublesome.Hua Yueling is also a lazy person, if it really messes up, he won't bother to clean up.

After taking the things, they did not rush to leave, but sat at home for a while before leaving.There is no electricity in that world, and it is impossible to connect the electricity to the past at least temporarily. You have to get the power bank for charging, otherwise they will have to come back and charge once in a day. There is nothing to do.

Hua Yueling originally didn’t buy a power bank. After all, he didn’t use it normally. Almost all of these electronic devices are used at home, and he wouldn’t take it with him outside. However, Sister Yun bought him a power bank. It's useful now.

"Sister Yun, let's go."

To say that the only good thing over there is that the time flow is slower than here, and the environment is also good.If you can, you can go around at that time, which is pretty good.


Hua Yun also stood up, and the two of them left the house and went to Mu Ningshuang's house like this.

Lu Yuetong hadn’t come when they arrived at Mu Ningshuang’s house, and Mu Ningshuang hadn’t packed his things yet. After they knocked on the door, Mu Ningshuang’s mother came to open the door. After a few words with her, Huayue Ling and the others went to Mu Ningshuang's room to find her.

When I arrived in the room, I found that she was still packing her things, and she could see that she had to bring a lot of things.Fortunately, she has a space bag, so those things can be placed in the space bag. Although it may be a little messy, as long as it is cleaned up, there is no problem.

If you want to say, the space bag can hold more things than Hua Yueling's inventory, but Hua Yueling feels that it is not easy to use her own inventory.

There was not much left, Mu Ningshuang stopped after finishing packing, and said hello to Hua Yueling and the others.

"Why bring so many?"

"Is it going to be there for several days? It seems that nothing happened these days. It's better to bring more things."

Mu Ningshuang said and sat down, they could wait a while now, after all, Lu Yuetong hadn't come over yet.

Lu Yuetong might have to wait a while and don't know when to come, but it's not bad to wait a while.A few people just sat and chatted, but it was Hua Yun who talked the most, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang just responded.

Just after they chatted for a while, the door bell rang, Hua Yueling and the others knew that Lu Yuetong should have come, but she was still slower than expected, and they didn't know what they had taken.

"Let's go down too, don't wait for her to come up."

Hua Yueling stood up as she said this, as did Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yun, and the three of them went out of the room and walked downstairs together.

When going downstairs, Lu Yuetong came up, and the two sides met in the middle of the stairs.

"Let's go."

Mu Ningshuang said so, Lu Yuetong turned around and walked on again.

It just so happened that Mu Ningshuang's mother came out of the kitchen with a tray in her hand, on which there were snacks and drinks.Seeing a few of them went downstairs instead of staying there, and looked like they were going to leave, showing a look of surprise.

"Why don't you just leave, eat something to leave?"

"Then eat something first, and let's go later."

Hua Yueling was about to refuse, when she heard Mu Ningshuang say so next to her.In this case, they can only stay temporarily, sitting on the sofa enjoying snacks and drinking drinks.

Mu Ningshuang's mother also sat on the empty sofa next to her and chatted with them.It seemed that Mu Ningshuang hadn't made it clear what they were going to do, so Mu Ningshuang's mother was still very curious and worried, and asked sideways.

It was difficult for Hua Yueling to tell such things, so they made up a lie to temporarily conceal it.However, Hua Yueling felt that Qiru Ningshuang's mother knew that they did not tell the truth, but she also knew that they did not want to say it for some reason, so she didn't ask any more.

It's not the first time Hua Yueling and the others have come, she still knows them better.Besides, her own child still doesn't know when Mu Ningshuang has never worried her. He is very sensible and mature.

"Slow down, watch the cars on the road."


Mu Ningshuang nodded after hearing this, indicating that he knew it.Then she said goodbye to her mother, and then left with Hua Yueling and the others.The group of people arrived at Sister Aroline's house as quickly as possible. The door of Sister Aroline's house was open, not the way they were locked when they left.

"A thief?"

Hua Yueling himself denied this idea.

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