At the moment when he saw the scene before him, Hua Yueling suspected that a thief had arrived, but he immediately denied this idea.No thief would act so blatantly. If he wanted to go in, he would go over the wall instead of directly entering through the front door. That was too courageous.

The other is that Sister Aroline’s house has a special defense device. People who are not allowed can’t get in. Not only that, but that person will receive terrible punishment. This is not just for fun.

A few people pushed their bicycles into the yard. Just after they parked the car, they heard footsteps coming from the door, and when they looked quickly, they saw a group of girls coming in with Rafia.

Roughly speaking, there are more than a dozen people coming and going. It seems that they are all the people who are with Rafia and Gokara.If you think this way, Rafia should have opened the door. Maybe she also got the key from Sister Aroline, so she could open the door.

Rafia naturally noticed their presence, and after bringing the girls over to greet them, she asked.

"Are you going back too?"

"Well, everything that should be prepared is ready, I didn't expect it to be so coincidental."

"Then let's go together, I just want to send them over."

Those girls are also very lively. Outside, perhaps because they were in front of Rafia, they didn’t dare to speak, but after meeting Huayueling and the others, they all opened up. They were more able to talk than each other. Yueling sounded ashamed.

These girls are just like a group of birds, and they are pretty cute.Rafia didn't show any expression when she heard them, so others didn't know what she was thinking.

In this way, he quickly came to the place where the teleportation formation was located. Rafia did not walk in directly, but let Hua Yueling and the others go first, and then directed the girls she had brought over.

Originally, Huayueling said that let the family go first, but Rafia didn't agree anyway, so she could only return to Rika Star through the teleportation array.

This time I felt much more relaxed than the last time. I returned to Ricca. Just opened my eyes, I saw a woman waiting next to me. She looked like she was in her thirties. Gekara and the others are almost the same, they are also very beautiful, their skin is fair, and their eyes are smaller, but they are very charming.

Wearing heavy armor, holding a weapon in his hand is a spear.

This was the first time Hua Yueling saw a real weapon like this, and couldn't help but look at it more.The woman was a little surprised to see that they came out, but she still knew them, so she greeted them, and then began to stand guard again without saying a word.

It seemed that she was waiting for Rafia to bring someone over, but she hadn't seen her before, and it should have been someone Rafia had just brought here.

I looked around, and I didn't see Sister Aroline or Sister Livello, and Gekara wasn't here either, maybe he was still talking about things in the house.

A few of them immediately walked away from the portal, so as not to affect the transmission of Rafia and the others behind. After clearing the space, they saw a figure emerging from the teleportation array. That figure hadn't stood still. Another person came out from behind, and he rushed out directly.

The person who rushed out didn't notice that there was a person standing in front of him, so he slammed into it, staggering under the foot of the person who had not recovered, and almost fell.


Moaning in a low voice, after standing firm, the man shook his head, seeming to have a headache.

"Don't run so fast, do so in a hurry, just slow down."

The girl who ran out hadn't recovered yet, so she was given a lesson by the lady standing next to her. I had a pity for her headache. She still couldn't walk away, so she had to be trained here.Fortunately, the lady also knew that someone would come back, so she didn't teach her for too long, she just told her to step aside after saying a few words and don't stand in the way.

The girl quickly ran aside, she didn't want to be criticized like this anymore.The reason why he just ran out is only because he finally "escaped" from under Rafia's nose and was so excited to return to his hometown.

Just after they walked away, someone came out from behind, just like that intermittently, everyone came here through the teleportation array.But after they arrived, new problems appeared. There was no place to live, or there was not enough place to live.

There were not many people living here, and there were not many houses. Even if some of the remaining empty houses were captured, there were only a few empty houses. Even if these houses were filled, they would not be able to live in this situation. Now we need to build a house.

Rafia looked sadly at the girls who were staring at her. She was also very speechless. She just wanted to quickly take them over. They missed their hometown just like herself, but they forgot about it. It happened that Gekara told her before, don’t take everyone over.

"We still have to discuss with her."

Rafia backed down when he thought of it. What is certain is that when he tells this story, he will at least be scolded by his friends. Who made him forget it was his fault.


She sighed helplessly and walked towards the house where Gekara was located. If she could, she actually didn’t want to go there. It was a very happy thing, but it turned out that she was not happy at all. Really are……

Let alone how Gokala will react, her own reaction is enough to explain the problem.

Those girls were left behind. Rafia told them not to separate first, and they gathered in the middle of the village, waiting for her to give orders before they could act.

The girls are also very obedient, just standing in the middle without moving, waiting for her to complete the task and come back.

The people are brought back, no trouble, but...

When she found Gokala, she was still talking to Aroline and Livello. It seemed that the conversation was pretty good. At least the expressions of both sides were calm, with some smiles, not like a bad conversation. Look like.

Seeing her come in with such an expression, Gekara shook his head helplessly. She knew what was going on without her friends saying.But today is a good day after all, so she didn't want to teach her, just a reminder is still necessary.

"Okay, let's forget it this time, let's figure out how to arrange them later. If it doesn't work, we can only ask some people to go back first. But you have to remember next time. You can't do things like that. I don’t care about the consequences, how can I do it well."

Rafia did not expect that Gekara would say such a few words to her, which surprised and pleasantly surprised her, which exceeded her expectations.

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