The defense of the village is a big problem. Judging from the power that the village currently possesses, trying to block the enemy's attack is tantamount to a dream.It is not the girls brought by Rafia that they can rely on. Although they are also powerful, they are not top-notch. They are far behind Rafia and Gokala.

There are a few of them that are powerful, but they are also a few. If the enemy attacks on a large scale, they are very dangerous.

So what needs to be considered now is how to strengthen the defense of this village.Rafia and Gkala have been thinking about this issue at night, and these issues cannot be delayed and cannot be delayed.

Now not only this village, but even this forest is regarded as a territory by them.So the first thing that needs to be done is to find out if there are other villages or some kind of gathering places in this forest. If there are, they must find a way to occupy them.

This also needs to be explored, but no real action will be taken until Gokara returns.Maybe Rafia will go out to explore, but Gokara also reminded her that she must not leave for too long, she needs to sit here, if there is no one in the town, it is really dangerous.

Rafia also understood this, and it was precisely because of this that she agreed to stay, instead of saying that she must follow Gokara.

"Don't worry, Gokala, I won't go outside at will if not necessary. I will wait until you come back."

"now it's right."

Later, they worked out some opportunities. Although it was only a foundation, it was possible to develop further. If there was not even a foundation, then there would be nothing.

The two girls looked out the window. It was late, and they didn't know how long it was before the early morning. No matter what, they could take a rest.Although they are strong, they also need to rest well.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Gokala and Aroline set off early.Hua Yueling and the others also followed. The number of people may be slightly larger, but there is no need to worry about this. Aroline has a way to solve this problem.

Rafia who remained was not idle, the first thing she did was to call out the girls and then reassign their tasks.The girls did not have any opinions, and obeyed Rafia's command.

The first is the patrol team. Due to the expansion of the village, the number of patrol teams has increased, and the number of girls standing guard must also increase.

It's not enough to only consider the inner villages, and the outer walls must also be paid attention to.So she simply divided these girls into three groups and formulated a series of measures to change defenses.The most important thing is to maintain the stability of the number of people at all times. Only when there are enough people on guard and patrol can they ensure that there will be no unexpected situations.

Rafia took this matter very seriously. After mobilizing everyone, after sending the first group of guards, he even asked someone to move a chair and sat in the middle of the village thinking.But not long after sitting down, I saw a girl running over.

"what happened?"

Rafia immediately asked the girl.

"Master Rafia, some villagers just came over and said they would go out hunting and farming, let us let them out."

"Where are they?"

"It's right at the door, but we stopped them all."

"Good job. I will check it out. In addition, you will also tell other people that as long as they want to leave the village, no matter what the reason is, they are not allowed to leave without my permission."


Rafia stood up and walked to the door of the village.On the way, she frowned, and there was still a field planted outside the village, and it was still in this kind of place... Besides, you can believe it if you go hunting, but...

"If you send someone to follow them, you have to reduce the number of people. Although it is not a big deal, the remaining people can make up for it, but it is not a way to keep doing this."

But if you don’t agree, what will those people eat?This is also a problem.

" happens that we also lack food here. Although there is food given by Lord Aroline, and it can be obtained from the earth, it would be nice to collect some by yourself."

Thinking of this, she had a way and called some people, not many, about ten.

"You come with me."


The girls followed her to the door of the inner wall of the village, and the people were waiting at the entrance of the village.

"You asked to leave the village?"

"Yes, my lord, we must go outside to cultivate grain and hunt. Please allow us to leave the village."

"Well, there is nothing wrong with letting you out, but you have to be with them. It just so happens that they are going out hunting, you follow them, it is best not to go out of their sight."

Those people changed their expressions all at once, apparently they didn't expect Rafia to do this.This makes them a little embarrassed, but they are all going to leave the village anyway, it is not impossible to follow these girls, as long as they can go out.

It's just that these people don't understand why these girls have to look after them.

"You, you are treating us as slaves!"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Rafia asked with a smile, but there was a dangerous light in this smile.Regardless of whether the other party is a spy or not, she believes that the other party has absolutely no good intentions.

"You, you sent them to follow us, and not all the prey we caught is in your hands!"

Perhaps it was too much, the person replied loudly.

"When did I say I want your prey. I'm not saying that you should go hunting with them. They will do it themselves and don't need you."

After looking around for a week, her eyes swept over everyone, she asked again.

"Do you have anything else you want to say?"

Those people closed their mouths and didn't dare to say anything. Rafia looked like a Shura at this time, very scary.

"Okay, you can go, but you must come back in the evening."

"Yes, my lord!"

The girls watched the people walking out of the village. Those people were also daring to be angry, but in fact, most of them didn’t have much thoughts, except for the words that the man who stood up at first heard. They are a little frightened.

Rafia didn't use force to solve the problem, but explained it, which made them relieved.

"After you go out, pay special attention to the person who stood up before. If he makes any abnormal movements, just grab him."


The few girls who remained were urged by Rafia, and then let them leave.Rafia, the men who went out, has also observed that none of them are too strong, which is more than enough in terms of the strength of the girls he sent out.

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