After leaving the village, the group walked deep into the woods. Some animals can still be caught here, which is also part of the food source in the village.They must go to the forest every day, no matter how much, as long as there is a harvest.

This is why they strongly demanded to come out, and they couldn't help but come out.

When they came out, they were still a little uncomfortable, but they were relieved after walking a distance. In fact, they were no different from before, but there were more girls, and they also said that they would not want them to hit. Prey, isn't it the same as usual?

The two girls who had been reminded by Rafia were secretly observing the men who had come out to question Rafia's decision.

At the beginning, there was nothing notable about the man, but even so, they still watched each other from time to time.Rafia even told them that this character is the most important, and that the others are not important, which shows how much she cares.

Because of this, they must not mess up.

There was nothing all the way, basically ordinary hunting operations, but although the girls followed Rafia's statement to go hunting together, they still haven't taken any action.

The men were very puzzled, and a bold one asked.One of the girls was the leader and gave him a simple answer.

"Wait until you are almost hunting."

This can be regarded as giving them a chance, which means that the girls will not compete with them.A few of the men were stunned, but felt that the girls looked down on them and even wanted to say something impulsively, but they were still stopped by the older ones and not let them go crazy.

Younger men may be more impulsive, so I think that girls look down on them with this statement, but the older ones are experienced people. Naturally, they know the strength of these girls, which is not something they can fight against.It's good if they don't trouble themselves. If they take the initiative to trouble the other party, it's not just looking for death.

Those boys are their hope, the future of the village, and older people naturally don't want them to die here because they offended those girls.

Fortunately, the girls didn't plan to teach them, but just glanced at them and then looked away.The young boys were furious, but they were still held back and stared fiercely.

"Hunt well!"

Shocking these boys with a louder voice, the older men took out bows and arrows, aimed at the distant prey and prepared to shoot.Although the young men are still unwilling, but when the elders say so and are stared at, they dare not make a mistake for the time being. Although they are thinking about something in their hearts, they still take out their bows and arrows obediently. Come, aim at the distant prey with the elders and prepare to shoot.

Through the layers of branches and leaves, we can see the animals running in the distance and the birds standing on the branches. Those are their prey.However, they will also protect some wild animals, lest they become extinct and there will be no food at that time.

But this is not so easy to do. They have to send people out to explore the surroundings every time, and understand whether the number of creatures has increased or decreased. If there are too few, they will not hunt for the time being. Creatures, this is also a skill learned for long-term survival.

Although these people are not necessarily strong, they are still quite good in archery skills, even the girls are not necessarily their opponents here.After all, these girls are all warriors trained by Gokala and Rafia in order to recapture Rika Star. They are real hunters, and they rely on head-to-head confrontations to fight the enemy, not these.

Just the aura emanating from them can feel their terrifying strength, but this is also relative to these men.Although they are not strong, they can feel the pressure from the girls.

As for the young people, they are still too young, and they are naturally inadequate compared to these adults, so they can't feel it for the time being, otherwise they would not dare to talk like before.

The ignorant are fearless. It is because of their ignorance that they dare to face these girls and even want to compete with them.Fortunately, this is only the case, so these girls don't do anything, they just watch them, even if the young boys have provocative actions, they just stare at them, and don't mean to do anything.

If you do it just because of this, it would be good if half of the men under their surveillance can be left.

In this way, all the way forward, there are fewer creatures in the forest than imagined.After walking for almost a morning, the hunted prey can be counted with both hands, which is far worse than imagined.

The girls haven't taken a shot yet, so naturally they haven't gained anything.They wanted to move their hands and feet, but they didn't have this opportunity.

It was noon unknowingly, and the girls focused on the men most of the time, but they didn’t look blatantly, but watched in secret from time to time. They haven’t found anything worth noting yet. .

As for the person Rafia asked to focus on observation, so far, there is no difference from ordinary people. It seems that he is just an ordinary person, not like a spy.

Although they thought so, they didn't dare to take it lightly, and they were still observing carefully.

On the other side, after Rafia sent people out with those people, he would go to the village, sit down again, close his eyes and rest.Obviously returning to her hometown should be a very happy thing, but what has happened so far has made her feel a special headache.

There are too many things, and the things to think about are all aspects, which makes her very tired.Last night, I discussed with Gokala for a long time and didn't sleep well, which made it even more uncomfortable.

"Hey... I hope they can catch the spy. It would be better if there is no nature."

But Rafia didn't believe this. Both she and Gokara believed that there must be spies in this village, but they hadn't come forward yet.What they have to do is find a way to get the other person to stand up or catch him when the other person is ready to act.

Now the leader on this planet has been replaced, and replaced by someone they didn't know, not the original usurper, nor his descendants, but someone they had never heard of.

No one knows what happened, but now Ricard is in the hands of that person.After hearing about this, Rafia and Gokara first thought of that organization.

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