The new leader of Rika Star should have been brought out by the organization that captured this planet, or a member of that organization.The people who were originally dispatched by them to replace their management office may have been killed by them.

As for the descendants of that person, naturally this planet cannot be handed to him.

"They are now in complete control of this place. But maybe it's not complete, just don't know if there is any resistance organization."

There were resistance organizations before they fled, and even after they fled here, they existed.It's just that because the rebellion organization's actions were a bit too public at the beginning, it was easily eliminated.At that time, there were actually many resistance organizations, but few survived, and they were basically eliminated. This is understandable.

Even if there is such an organization now, it should be hidden deep and deep underground, at least those controllers of Ricard Star cannot find them.However, this naturally brings another problem. If even the card-type controller can't find those people, how can they find them just by relying on them?

This is a very difficult problem. They need more manpower, but it is almost impossible to find those people.

"I don't know if there is any good way for Gokara?"

She had also asked when talking to Gokara before, but Gokara was also very upset, at least at that time she still had nothing to do.In the end, she just said, "Let's take a step and take a step", something she would never say in the past.

"If only there could be any simple way. But don't be too anxious. Let's take one step at a time."

Although Rafia herself is the one who can't wait to fight back to the capital to drive away the enemy and take back everything that belongs to the princess.But they can't do that yet. They need to collect information and can't do it until they know everything.

The old acquaintance of her and Gokara was dead, and those who died with him were still unwilling to surrender.Rafia was very angry, not sure what they were thinking, why they must be loyal to the usurper, and did not repent.

Those people were all killed by her, she had never done anything like this before.

"The original plan remains the same, but the number of rotations needs to be changed. You should go first. I will send someone to tell you what to do later."

After thinking about it, Rafia still didn't think about how to change the defense strategy, so she told the person who came to ask to go back first, she had to think about it again.

It is also sad enough. Originally, Lika Star was proud of hunters, and the highest honor on the planet was to be a hunter, but now there is not even a real hunter in such a village.

Did the people here have fallen, or did the hunters have been completely wiped out.This is not yet known for the time being, even the person they were familiar with doesn't quite understand it.

He has been living here after the change of Rika Star, and becoming the subordinate of the current ruler of Rika Star happened not long after that ruler took the power.

Neither Gokala nor Rafia could understand why he was so loyal to the ruler. He couldn't explain it clearly, and the other party didn't mean to explain, so in the end, all this stopped.

The thing is like this.

Rafia's side is very troubled, but Gokala's side is different.Bringing Aroline and the others to the nearest city, standing in the distance and looking at the city from afar, Gokara observed it.

She doesn't know much about the city, which is normal.After she was born, she lived in the royal city, but later as a hunter she had visited many places, but she had never been to this small city in a remote area.

There is no time, and there is no need to come here.But now it's different. It's not just coming here, she has to re-occupy this place. This is not simple, especially if she wants to not disturb the current ruler of this planet, it can basically be said to be idiotic.

So in order to increase her strength and deal with the means that the enemy might take after occupying the city, she must find some like-minded people, or even some organizations.

The more remote this kind of place is, the more resistance organizations there will be. They can’t go to lively places. It’s not easy to hide in that kind of place, and in this kind of place where few people come, it’s not to hide well Easy to be found.

Perhaps the current rulers of this planet will not pay attention to this.

"How can I find those people?"

Let’s not say if there are any. If so, how can she contact them?Gokala still hasn't figured out a good way.

They entered the city after passing through the door with Aroline.The defense of this city is not perfect, but it also has something to do with the peace here for too long, just like the village they occupied not long ago.

Although there were guards at the door, their eyes were not placed on the pedestrians passing by, but looked up at the sky, not knowing what they were thinking, and looked boring.

When passing through the passage of the city gate, Gokala accidentally discovered the wanted order from himself, Rafia, and the princess. The portrait above is very realistic, just like a photo, the technique is great, I don’t know if it is. What someone drew it.

"If we don't pretend, we'll have to be stopped before we come in."

Aroline looked at the portrait and said in surprise.Unexpectedly, even in such a place, there are still such skilled painters.

"But I have never seen such a painting before. There are very few people here who can paint, and the ones that paint well are even rarer."

Gocarado glanced at the pictures and said softly.

"But people who are not familiar with you can't draw it like this."

In fact, it's not only that, but that you can draw such a realistic portrait, which means that you must be quite familiar with them, or you can often see them, otherwise it is difficult to paint like this just by seeing one side.

"Is it true everywhere, or just this place?"

"I don't know, but luckily I didn't bring Lafite with me."

Gekara breathed a sigh of relief. In order not to attract the attention of others, several people did not stand in front of these portraits for too long, and after a few glances, they continued to walk into the city.

Don’t look at it as a relatively remote place, but there are a lot of people and it’s very lively, but in contrast, there are many soldiers on the street, and patrols pass by from time to time. Compared to the outside, the inside can be said to be on guard. Strictly.

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