The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1106: Unexpected Meeting

There are already a lot of people on the street, and coupled with those patrolling soldiers who are tough and straight through the crowd, it makes the street feel like a mess.And it's messed up everywhere, very uneasy.

Gekara and the others were also squeezed into the crowd. Although there is no way to compare with the crowded bus and subway, it is still surprising that there are so many people in such a remote town.

"This is not normal."

Gokara muttered to himself.In any case, this shouldn't be the case here, and she can see that some of these people are different.It seemed to be looking for something.

The streets were noisy, so they followed the crowd all the way to a meeting place. There were some people in the meeting place, but there was no way to compare it with the outside.But it's not quiet here either, all kinds of sounds are mixed together, in fact it is even noisier than outside.

There are forging sounds, cooking sounds, talking sounds, and walking sounds, plus the sounds coming in from the outside, here is really surrounded by various sounds.

"came back."

Speaking softly, Gekara expertly went to the front of the counter and ordered a drink that Hua Yueling had never heard of.According to Gokala, it is a kind of wine, but it is delicious, just like the drink on the earth, not as spicy as the wine on the earth, she likes this drink very much.

"We too often."

"Well, five more glasses."

After waiting for a while, the waiter came back with a wooden tray. The large wooden cups on the tray were filled with light yellow wine, and there were bubbles on the wine.

Gokara couldn't wait to take a sip and sighed.Close your eyes and relish.It’s been a long time since I tasted this kind of taste, and the last time was before I escaped.

After occupying the village, I didn't taste it. You must know that this kind of drink is unique to the gathering. It is not available outside, and can only be drunk at the gathering.

In fact, the taste of this wine is not that good, at least it can't compare with the ones she had drunk in Wangcheng, but this glass of wine gave her many memories that those wines could not give her.No matter what, she can't forget the things after she just became a hunter and started hunting monsters as a hunter.

Drinking the wine here and tasting the dishes here will bring her back to that time.Before she took a few sips, she felt drunk and saw everything she experienced at that time.

However, she soon came to wake up, and realized that she was in something wrong, and shook her head vigorously to make herself sober.

There are some hunters in the rally, but there are less than ten. This is also the characteristic of this small border town. Unless hunters have special tasks, few hunters would choose to come to this place.

Don't look at the assembly hall as it is quite lively now, but it is also now and then, not to mention that the reason why it is lively is because of the sound coming in from outside.

A few people just sat at the counter and drank. If you want to say, this is the first time Hua Yueling and the others drank, but the taste is more like a drink than wine. The taste of the drink is still different.

A few people had no purpose, and just sat here doing nothing, but after a while, they heard footsteps at the entrance of the rally, a few people came to the door, glanced inside, and then they quickly Stepped in.

They are very strange, no matter what they did when they came, or what they are doing now, they don't look like hunters, but they seem to be looking for something.It's just that they just glanced over the hunters who were resting or preparing, then turned to other places and looked around here.

The waiters, chefs, and blacksmiths saw them coming in, and just looked at them and then bowed their heads. There was no surprise. It seemed that these people were not here for the first time.

"What do these people do?"

Hua Yueling asked strangely.His voice was very small, and now they were still far away from those people, so they couldn't hear it.

"I don't know. But it seems that the visitors are not good, so leave them alone."

In order not to startle the snake, Gokala just glanced over there and then withdrew his gaze. Although all of them have changed their costumes now, it is best not to do too conspicuous movements, otherwise it will cause trouble. of.

Rafia knew this too, but she would definitely not do that when she came here.

Those people wandered around here a whole circle, and finally stopped by their side, and sat down not far from them, and called the waiter over and ordered a few glasses of wine.

Next, Hua Yueling and the others thought it was over, and those people would leave later. When nothing happened to them, what happened below would let them know that they still want to be bad.

The reason why those people would sit here at this time was mainly for them, not really wanting to drink and rest.

Gokala had guarded against these people in his heart, but he never showed it.Seeing them sitting here, I immediately became suspicious and secretly guarded.

In fact, with her strength, there is no need to worry about these people at all, the difference in strength is very large, but she does not want to cause trouble here.

"Are some newcomers?"

The leader of the group had been staring at them, and when the drink came, he took a sip, then greeted them in general, and then asked.

"How do you know we are new here?"

"Hehe, none of our brothers have seen you here before, and our brothers come here every day."

The other party explained it with a smile, and couldn't see anything from his eyes and movements.

"Yes, we are here for a trip. We plan to stay in this city for a few days, and we may leave in a few days."

Gokara replied.

Not only the appearance, but even the voice has been changed. Naturally, those people can't learn anything from the communication with her, which makes them quite disappointed.They mainly want to see the appearance of several people in Gokara to confirm it, and they are also going to ask more, trying to find out some flaws.

However, even if it hasn't been here for a long time, Gokala knows a lot about this place after all, and yesterday he asked the people who were caught many things, and communicated with each other smoothly without any problems.

In this way, the two parties chatted for a while. After the other party confirmed their identities, they felt that they were almost done, so they drank the wine in the glass, and then left them.

Glancing at the backs of those who had left, Gokala turned around and continued to taste the wine in the glass.

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