"What is Gekara doing?"

Hua Yueling glanced around the room, and after sitting for a while, she saw that Gekara was still writing intently. It seemed that she would not finish it for a while, so she lowered her head and whispered to Sister Aroline. Scream.It's just that he didn't get the answer he wanted.

"Sister, I don't know, that's why it's so boring. But it's very important to look at her, otherwise I won't wait for you to leave and start doing it right away."

Aroline moved her body a little so that she could stay more comfortable.It's really boring to stay in the room like this, especially if it doesn't prevent Gekara and the others from talking.

"Will you go out then?"

"Who knows, let's see the time. It's almost noon now? Why don't you have to take a break after lunch? Besides, even Gekara herself is not yet fully prepared, she doesn't know what to do. Maybe you have to wait until tomorrow to act."

Aroline is also not sure what to do.Anyway, it can be seen so far that although Gokala came with a clear goal, he still didn’t think about how to do it. Otherwise, he would not just take them in the city until now. Turn around and find a place to write something.

"Perhaps she is just thinking about what to do next, wait and see, but there is nothing for us, unless it is a special situation, otherwise, for the time being, she will not want to cause trouble here, so let us Say there is no benefit."

The two people talked in Aroline's hiding state, so Huayun could hear it, but Gekara could not hear her not far away, which also saved her from being affected by their conversation.

But while they were chatting, they heard footsteps outside, and it seemed that Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong had almost finished cleaning up and came back here.

Aroline immediately got up and walked to the door.She opened the door directly and waved at the two girls.

"Xiao Ningshuang, Xiao Yuetong, come here quickly, but remember to speak quietly."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong went to the door and greeted Aroline, and then followed her into the room. After closing the door, they observed the situation in the room.

Hua Yueling and his siblings were sitting not far away, while on the other side was Gekara, who was looking down and writing something seriously.

When they thought of what Aroline had just said, they understood what Aroline meant, that they were afraid of quarreling with Gokara.Both girls lightened their steps and went to the place where Hua Yueling and them were with her, but there was no stool to sit on, so they sat on the bed next to them.

Then they talked again, but they didn't talk long before they saw Gekara finished writing and came over.

"It's already this time. It's time to eat. Let me order some food for everyone. What do you want to eat?"

"Let's go together."

Arolin said that, they went out of the room together and went downstairs. The downstairs was quite lively, and there was still a big gap between what Gekara thought at first.

Several people found the boss here, ordered some food and asked him to take it into the room, and then went back to the room.

"What are you going to do?"

When they returned to the room they sat down, and Aroline asked Gokara.

"Let's take one step at a time. For the time being, I don't have any good solutions. After all, I haven't been back for a long time. It's not easy to find someone who has the same aspirations as us."

Gekara sighed, she hoped things could be simpler, but it was very difficult to do it.

"But I can give it a try. We used to have some secret codes. It's just that some of the most commonly used ones are no longer available, and they may have been used as methods to catch us."

"It's okay to try. But it's not impossible to try one by one, but the key is somewhere."

Aroline said.The secret code must not be written casually in one place, in some relatively secret places, but it must be visible.

"I'm also thinking about this issue. Where the code is written, it must not be the same as before. It will definitely not work, but if it is written in a place that is too hidden, it will not necessarily be found."

"Try it first."

Aroline has nothing to do.The main reason is that they don't know much about this city, and they know even less about the situation here, otherwise it won't have to be such a headache.

"It would be nice if I could get more news."

"Then what to do, just ask someone casually. If you target the city lord here... that won't work, it will easily cause commotion. That will not only cause us trouble, but also Those comrades hidden here cause trouble."

"Well... Actually, even if you find him, it's useless. If he really knows that he is enemies with those people, how could he still keep their lives."

"That's true, but maybe there are clues. Then don't target him, go to him to find out if there is any useful information, maybe you can find something."

Aroline said again.At this time, Gekara was a little moved. Aroline was right. Maybe the city lord here didn’t know where the people were hiding, but there might still be some clues. As long as there are some clues, then it’s for them. It is of great help.

The most troublesome thing is that there are no clues at all, so even if you want to find it, you don't know where to find it.

"But you can't go now, you still have to go at night. At night, you should be more prepared, so it's best not to go too many people."

"Then let's go together. Xiaoyueling and the others will stay and rest."

Aroline turned her head and asked Hua Yueling them.

"What do you think of Xiaoyueling?"

"Anything is good, and it's good to rest here. Anyway, don't you still have to go out later in the afternoon? It's good to rest at night."

Hua Yueling had no opinion, and other people naturally didn't have any opinion, so everyone said so.

It didn't take long for the food to be served. Although there is definitely no way to compare with eating at home, it is still not bad. Because they have more food, they are quite generous.

It's just that there is no drink that Hua Yueling and the others are more accustomed to drinking.Fortunately, Hua Yueling was also prepared early and brought a lot of drinks.He took out several cans and put them on the table, and asked the others if they wanted to drink.

Everyone didn't refuse, even Aroline and Gekara picked up a can by themselves. They didn't eat first, but opened the drink can and started drinking.

"Ah, so cool!"

After taking a big sip, Hua Yueling put the tin can back on the table and exhaled.

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