After eating lunch, Hua Yueling and the others asked someone to clean up the bowls and plates on the table, and then they said goodbye to Aroline and Gekara and went back to their room.

However, they didn't rest immediately after returning to the room. After all, they had just finished eating and had to move around first.

Hua Yueling and her sister walked casually in the room, chatting about some topics as they walked.The two sisters and brothers of Hua Yueling and Hua Yun were quite able to talk, but it was mainly because Hua Yun had added a lot of knowledge in order to be able to talk with him on some topics, so that she was able to talk a lot with him.

Hua Yueling is not good anymore. Sometimes when his sister talks about some topics, he can only "umh" twice or nod his head, not knowing how to take the conversation.In fact, it's not that he can't say, just don't want to say, but this is only one aspect, on the one hand, he is not interested or not interested at all, on the other hand, Hua Yueling is also afraid that what he says is not easy to make people laugh. Although he knew that Sister Yun would never laugh at himself, and would only listen to what he said with a smile, he still couldn't cross this threshold in his heart.

It’s not that I haven’t tried to break through this barrier, but it’s very difficult. It’s like being locked in a cell without a door. I always feel abnormally depressed. When I want to say something, I put pressure on myself. Even if it had nothing to do with others, the outside world did not put pressure on him at all, but he was putting pressure on himself.

This is a wrong approach. Hua Yueling knows this very well, but it is extremely difficult to change it.There is no other way around this. Hua Yueling has changed a lot now, but many aspects remain unchanged.

It's not that he doesn't want to make changes, but that changes are really not so easy to do.

After chatting for a while, both of them were a little sleepy. Hua Yueling yawned, and his eyes were about to open. He felt a little tired. He walked back to the bed and sat down and lay down on the bed.

"Sister Yun, if you are sleepy, go to sleep."

"Well, it's okay, sister, I'm not too sleepy."

Hua Yun shook her head and continued to walk around the room.Hua Yueling couldn't take it anymore, and soon fell asleep after closing her eyes, sinking into a dream.

But before he fell asleep, he didn't forget to make room for his sister. Otherwise, if he took up too much space, there would be no place for her sister to stay for a while.Hua Yueling only occupies a small part of the bed, and most of the rest is left to sister Yun.

"Xiao Ling, lean further inside, I can't use that big space."

Hua Yun turned around and walked over to the bed. Seeing that her brother had left such a large space for herself, she quickly said to him.It's just that Hua Yueling was already groggy at this time, and she only gave an "um" when she heard that, and then seemed to shook her head, or just to lie down more comfortably, and then she didn't respond.

Seeing her younger brother like this, Hua Yun shook her head and said nothing.Since he is almost falling asleep, don't wake him up about it, he is all sleepy like that.

After walking in the room for a while, Hua Yueling was completely asleep at this time, and there was no reaction. Hua Yun then returned to the bed and lay on the bed.

Turned his head to look at his younger brother's sleeping face, stared at it, and even wanted to reach out and touch his face, but in the end Hua Yun gave up this plan.He didn't really reach out to touch him, but just smiled and closed his eyes.

Facing the midday sun, in this slightly warm environment, they just fell asleep.

The outside of the pub is still very lively. There are naturally some people who have a rest at noon, and there are many such people.You can hear lively conversations and footsteps outside, as well as various sounds.

All kinds of sounds come together, and there is no moment for it to stop.

Before she knew it, time hurriedly passed by. When Hua Yueling opened her eyes and woke up, it was already afternoon, and the sun shined through the window into the house, still bright.

Looking at Sister Yun who was still asleep next to her, Hua Yueling felt as if she hadn't slept enough yet, she could still feel sleepy.

After sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, yawned softly, and then lay down again.Closed his eyes, it seemed that he was going to sleep again.

Anyway, Sister Yun hasn't gotten up yet, and it's a bit too hot outside, it's not a suitable time to go out.

Inwardly, she found an excuse for herself. Perhaps Hua Yueling hadn't woke up, and she was still a little confused, thinking she was at home, but she was not.

In this way, he was going to fall asleep again, but he closed his eyes and lay down for a while. He felt a little awake and a little sleepy, but it was difficult to fall asleep.Can't help but roll over, but still can't sleep.

There seemed to be a lot of thoughts in his mind that reminded him to wake up, get up, and stop sleeping.Although he still wanted to sleep for a while, he still had to open his eyes and sit up under the urging of this voice.

"I'll have to get out later. If I go to bed, it will be too late. Um...If you don't sleep then, just close your eyes and rest for a while. Then there is no problem, right?" Speaking to himself, he glanced at Sister Yun next to him again. Sister Yun didn't mean to wake up yet, and was sleeping soundly.

Sister Yun should also be very tired, otherwise she won't wake up yet.Hua Yueling thought so, and lay down again. In addition, Ningshuang and Yuetong didn’t know if they were up, as well as Sister Alorin and Sister Gekara. Maybe they haven’t yet. If they wake up, they should come back. Call them, in that case, there is no need to worry.

Hua Yueling closed her eyes and thought like this, her eyes a little tired, he blinked and rolled over softly, and at the same time moved into the bed.Originally, the space he left for Sister Yun did not occupy all of it. Sister Yun left a space for him. Otherwise, the space he originally occupied would be a bit too small and it would be uncomfortable to lie down at all. .

"Um... I'm so tired, why is it still so tired in the summer vacation, obviously there is no summer homework."

This was supposed to be the easiest summer vacation for them after so many years of school. As a result, because they had to think about various things, they didn't feel relaxed at all. On the contrary, they were even more exhausted than before.

After sighing, he tossed over and over and couldn't sleep. He didn't want to sleep or squint for a while. He just opened his eyes and stared at sister Yun's face.

Although Hua Yueling stared at Sister Yun's face, the thoughts in her mind were not on this, but thinking about other things. As for what she was thinking, maybe even he didn't know it.

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