Turn left and right, and you came to a hidden room again. This kind of room was hidden by a special method. Even Gekara didn't know what kind of method was used.

She hadn't seen such a method before, which turned a seemingly unremarkable wall into a door leading to the inside.It's like a magic trick, and it can't be discovered directly by attack. It's really weird.

Just like this, the old friend of the follower walked all the way in. After not going far, he saw the old friend took out a chip from his arms. The chip seemed to be specially made and placed on the ground. With the twinkling light, the ground disappeared without a trace. , From above you can see the hidden passage below.

"I have to hide it a little bit deeper in a while, so that it may still be discovered."

With that said, he saw the other party quickly fall into the ground, and Gekara didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to catch up.Sure enough, it was restored to its original state shortly after she came in, and she didn't know what to do whether she wanted to come in or go out.

Although Gokara wanted to test it, he had to give up this idea in order not to be discovered.

In this way, with the old friend unaware of it, she followed the other side to and fro along the road. She didn't know how many bends she took. This was the destination.

Seeing everything in front of him, Gokala was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that there was such a place hidden under the ground.Just on the way here, she was thinking about what's going on in it. Now it seems that a resistance organization is hiding here.

There are guards on the road, and almost every turn has a hidden space. By this method, it can be concealed, even when the enemy comes in.

The houses inside and outside can be said to be very different. Not to mention that the houses are arranged neatly, even the number of people inside is quite large.When seeing so many people here, Gekara was very surprised and didn't know how they got here.

If it is from other places, but the number of people in the city is gradually decreasing, is there anyone else who will not find the city lord here?Are they stupid?

Gekara is not sure, but it seems that it is at least safe here right now, and her old friend has not betrayed the princess, this is what makes her most happy.

Those people were still living a peaceful life. When they saw that person came back in a hurry, they all changed their faces. These people were obviously not ordinary people. They didn't need to say anything, they went back to their homes and watched. Looks like it should be ready.

"Well, good job."

Gokala thought as he walked forward.

In this way, I followed all the way to the deepest point. There was a building larger than the other houses. The door was open, and several soldiers could be seen protecting it.

When they saw that man came back, they hurriedly saw the salute, but the old friend of Gokala didn't have the time to talk to them, and quickly entered inside.The soldiers immediately realized the seriousness of the situation, and they all became alert.

It’s just that no matter how guarded they are, it’s impossible for them to discover the existence of Gokala. Gokala still easily followed into the house, all the way to a place similar to the living room, and her old friend stopped there. .

There was only one person in the room. This person was sitting quietly at this time. There was a cup on the small table beside him, and the tea in the cup was steaming.

When she heard the sound, she turned her head to look and saw the person who came back hurriedly. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. She had never seen this person before.

"What's wrong? What's the urgent matter?"

So she asked quickly.

"Clean up quickly, we must find a way to strengthen the defense and strengthen the hidden lines, otherwise it is very likely to be discovered!"

The words of the visitor were very hurried, and they continued to walk inside while talking.

"Found? How could it be? Are you exposed?"

"Yeah." This old friend of Gokala didn't conceal it. He nodded directly and admitted, "I didn't expect it either."

"Someone can find you? We have lived here for so long. We almost know all the people here, and we have never seen anyone like that." After hurriedly got up, I couldn't take care of having tea again. Asked incredible.

"I don't know what's going on either. But if it wasn't for me to have this, it would be impossible to find the other person, so I almost brought him to our place, but I noticed it when I was outside. , Otherwise it’s more troublesome."

"What about that person?"

After I found out, I fought with him and then left. Maybe it was to call for reinforcements. I looked for it outside and came back after confirming that there was no one.


"There is no other way, first think of a way to carry this group over, and they can't let them discover this place!"

"But is it too late?"

"Even if you want to leave, it’s too late. With so many people here, it will take a while. But I think there should be no problem. Although that person has good strength and strong hiding ability, he is not necessarily in this respect. How strong is it."

"Yes, let's take a look first. Let's call a few people later. Let's go to the entrance and be on guard. If we are not found, it is okay. If we are found, let them stay directly. Let's do it. Frustrated!"


"Do you have anything to worry about?" Seeing her teammates and leaders say such words, it made her dissatisfied.

"It's not that I dare not fight with them. Even if they have any other players, I will not take it too seriously. It is not difficult for us to capture this city, but how to manage it is the most difficult. of."

Gokara's old friend said with a sigh.

"We are weak. If there is no way to conceal the news, I believe it will become the focus in the near future. At that time, do you think that with our strength and this city, a little bit of people can hold it?"

When she said that, the girl's rebellious emotions that had arisen out of her anger disappeared in an instant. I have to say that the other party was right, and this was the reason why they kept hiding and did not do anything.

"But...then we just keep running away like this? There is nothing we can do?"

"Don't think about it, let the Master go to the entrance. I don't know how much it will lose later."

It was the same when I thought, the girl wanted to say something, but in the end she couldn't stop it, and the two walked inside together.The two of them are not enough, they have to hand in more talents.

"No need to go."

Gokala knew it was time for herself to show up and could not hide it anymore, so she showed up.

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