The two of them were walking inside, unexpectedly one of them was eavesdropping, and they hadn't noticed it all the time. Their expressions changed involuntarily, and they immediately turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

When she saw Gekara appearing in front of her, the younger girl still looked wary, and the other person who was followed by Gekara was startled.

"How, how come?!"

Looking at Gekara incredulously, she almost yelled out in surprise.But fortunately, she still cared about where she was, and didn't really call out, just said in surprise.

"It's you!"

"Yes, it's me."

"That just..."

"It's me who has been following you just now." Gokala admitted, "I didn't expect you to build such a large area here. It's incredible."

"Gekara, you...not even you..." The color of surprise quickly faded from his face, and changed to a look of guard.


Looking at the face of her old friend, Gekara couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, I'm just getting to know you, and there is no malice."

"You are not one of them?"

"They?" Since Gokara hasn't returned for a long time, it is not clear who this old friend is talking about.

Seeing her didn't seem to be cheating, but the other party still didn't put down his guard.

"Then what are you following me for?"

"You should be clear. Are you still your Majesty's subordinate?"

"Of course."

"That's good. So do I."

"..." The other party stared at her face, seemingly not quite convinced,

"If you don't believe it, you can wait and see, or do you think I need to lie to you again?" Gekara said softly.

"...You are right. I may not believe what others say, but you..."

"You have no need to lie to me."

The man nodded and said.Although she and Gokara have not seen each other for a long time, she still knows what kind of person Gokara is, and she believes that Gokara is not the kind of person who will betray the country, she is definitely not that kind of person.

In the past, she and Gokara talked a lot, and that's why she understood what kind of person Gokara was.

"So you don't have to worry, let them relax first, there is no danger."

Gokala stepped forward and held out his hand.

Staring at her for a while, the other party also stretched out his hand and shook her hand. At least for the time being, the two sides still reached a consensus, and they let down some guard.Of course, it’s impossible to let go of your guard completely. After all, even if you’re an original friend, after so long, and the world has undergone such a big change, how can you trust each other just because of one or two sentences? It's impossible. They are not children, so it is not so easy to believe.

"Leanne, it's been so long, you still look the same."

"You are different, I don't recognize it anymore." Rianne, an old friend of Gokara, walked outside while talking, another girl still stared at Gokara with some caution in her eyes. Look.

The three people walked out of the house in this way. After they went out, Rayanne called everyone together, and then introduced Gokara, and then told them to relax, there was nothing wrong, and after everyone was relieved, this brought Gokara. Back in the house.

"Okay, can I talk about you now?"

Rianne sat on the chair and motioned to the girl on the side to get some drinks for Gokara.The girl nodded and walked away, but she did not forget to glance at Gokara before leaving.

Gokala didn't care at all about it, as if he hadn't noticed, he didn't even look there.

"What about you, have been hiding here since then?"

"Aren’t you talking about your business? Let’s talk about what you have been doing for so many years. I thought I could hear and write about you, but after that, you disappeared completely. There are other things. Some friends are the same, they are all missing. Although we are basically hiding here, but I often go out, go to different places to inquire about news, and look for other like-minded partners, but I have never heard of it. There is nothing about news about you."

"That's for sure." Gokara smiled bitterly. "If there is news from us, wouldn't we have been besieged early. Besides, we have been hiding in other worlds for this period of time. We just came back yesterday. ."

"Other worlds?" Rianne didn't expect it. She originally thought that Gekara was hiding well, or that it was hidden in such inaccessible places, but she did not expect to hide directly in other worlds.

"It turned out to be so, no wonder. Then why do you think of coming back now?"

"In fact, we wanted to come back earlier, but for some reason, there was no way to come back. Only now can we finally solve the problem before we can come back. If we think about it, it will be a long time." Gokala said with a wry smile.What she said was naturally that Livio hadn't been moving, but she didn't say too much detail.

"That's it. Then you come back to want to..."

"The purpose is the same as yours." Gekara said in a deep voice, with very powerful words. "We can't let those people continue to control our country. We have to drive them down and take back this place."

"It's very difficult." Rianne poured cold water on her. "You have to know that they have sent a large number of soldiers to guard every place now. It is quite difficult to defeat them. You have just seen it, so many years have passed. I have only gathered a thousand people here, and wanting to fight with the enemy’s army is simply a dream."

"Maybe so, but since you are still here, it doesn't mean we have the same idea."

"That's right. I just want to tell you that you can't act recklessly. We must make a good plan. In addition, we must increase our strength. Although there are many resistance teams like us, let alone the uneven quality. , There may even be undercover agents, not to mention that everyone’s strength is not directly twisted together, each has its own ideas, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to gather their strength." Rayanne frowned. , Put one hand on his chin, sighed and said.

"So we need to find people who are worthy of trust. In addition, there is a key that deserves them to gather together."

"Yes. But your Majesty the King and Queen are already... even the princess is missing, even if you want to persuade everyone with the slogan of "Recovering the Nation". Unless..."

Rianne didn't finish her words, but Gokara already knew what she was going to say.

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