What Rianne wanted to say was indeed a way, but Gokara didn't like it.So she waved her hand directly, beckoning Rianne to stop talking.

"Forget this method."

When the two of them were chatting, there was a commotion outside.Both Gekara and Rianne raised their eyebrows in surprise. Rianne couldn't help but glanced at Gekara, saw her expression, and then turned her head.

"grown ups!"

"What's wrong, what happened outside?"

A male soldier in a sturdy armor rushed in from the outside. Seeing him looked very anxious, Rayanne asked immediately.

"Yes, sir. A few people came in from the outside entrance just now, but they didn't seem to be hostile, and they said they knew the people who were advancing..."

When she heard this, Rayanne stopped listening, turned her head to look at Gokara, and asked her with her eyes.

"It should be a companion with me. They are all I know in another world. They are very strong and incredibly powerful. I can only come back with their help."

"Is that amazing?" Rianne had never heard Gekara comment on others, so she raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"Naturally, I am not their opponent at all. If they are willing to help, our chances of success will be much higher."

"Since it is such a character, it's better to go out and invite someone in." Leanne said, standing up. "You lead the way. Are you offended by those few people?"

"No, we just asked the other person to wait outside for a while."

"That's good."

Gekara also got up and went outside with them. When she just came out of the house, she saw Aloryn and the others. Don't think Aloryn is usually unreliable. At this time, she didn't do anything incredible, so she waited there quietly. With.She was like this, and it was naturally even less likely for Hua Yueling and the others to cause any riots.

After walking over, Rayanne greeted them with a gesture of respect for each other.Although Hua Yueling and the others were good at strength, Leanni didn't pay too much attention to it. It wasn't until her eyes fell on Aroline that she realized who the very powerful people Gekara said were.

"It is our honor for you to be here, and I am extremely sorry for the trouble they have caused you."

"Nothing, just wait a while anyway."

Aroline waved her little hand indifferently, and then walked inside, as if she was in her own home, without any request.

"Several people, please come here."

Leanne said this and walked back quickly.Gokala and Aroline followed, and Gokala asked how Aroline got in.

The hidden door here is actually pretty good, and if the door is really hidden, it will not be easy for her to find it.It would not be easy for her to come in without following Leanne.

But it is too difficult to ask these from Aroline, Aroline just raised her small head, looking triumphant.

"This kind of thing can't trouble me."

Aroline originally wanted to say that their concealment could be easily deciphered, but thinking about it now is on someone's turf, and in this world, her concealment method is actually quite good.

It’s just that this method is basically useless in my opinion, but it is naturally different in the eyes of others.

Hearing what Aroline said, even though she was a little arrogant, but after all she had easily revealed her hidden tactics and entered, then naturally there was nothing to say.

Back in the reception room, a few people sat down as the host and the guest, and the girl who had been sent by Leonie to get some drinks had just returned.

Seeing a few more people, she was a little surprised, but she did not ask anything, but found a few more cups and poured tea for each of them.She had just brewed this tea, otherwise it would not take so long.

After they were done, they started to talk about the previous topic again. Rianne and Gokara talked more than before, and they understood each other a little bit better.

"You mean the village in the forest was occupied by you?"

"Yes. But it was only occupied yesterday, and I met an acquaintance there."

Gokala loosened his shoulders and said.

"Well, how many people are there on your side?"

"In addition, there are only two hundred people left in the village, but those children are pretty good and can be considered elite."

"The number of people is still too small. We add up to only 1,200 or 300 people. Not to mention how much damage will be caused by occupying the city, even after the occupation, even the number of defenders will not be enough."

It's amazing to say that more than a thousand people can be gathered here, and let alone the supplies of maintaining so many people, Gokara doesn't know how Rianne got it.

"So I also think it's better not to be in a hurry. I will not move for the time being to develop and develop. In addition, I need to contact other resistance teams, but I don't know how to contact, Anne, what about you."

"I know that some are hidden in other places, but it is unlikely that I want them to come here. After all, although they are not large in number, if they act rashly and many people come out at once, they will definitely be suspected. In addition... "

Rianne glanced at Gokala, the meaning in her eyes was obvious, and she asked her not to hope too much.

"Although you must have a certain appeal for Gokala, I am not sure that they will be willing to join in. After so many years, I may not have contacted them for a long time. Who knows how many people are willing to do this A vain goal and a killer."

"Hmm... Anyway, I should try to contact you first. By the way, you don't know Anne, the princess is still alive."

Gokara stared at her for a while, and threw a bomb.


Rianne stood up abruptly on both sides, and screamed in disbelief.

"You said your Royal Highness is still there?"

"Yes, and it's with me."

"In this case, there is still hope in this case. Our appeal may not be enough, but as long as the princess is still there... they will definitely have different ideas and are willing to join our team. They just have to admit it. The identity of the princess."

"I don't think it's a good idea for Her Royal Highness to appear here until it is safe enough."

"Indeed, the safety of Her Royal Highness is the most important thing. But it is also necessary to let Her Royal Highness show up, so based on our words, some people may believe it, but it is only a small part of the people who know us. Those who believe, must let Her Royal Highness come forward."


"So the first thing to do is to let them recognize the identity of the princess."

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