The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1116 Proof of Identity

"what do you mean?"

Gokara somewhat understood what his friend thought.What my friend said is not wrong in this regard. Her Royal Highness does not take it out to get everyone's recognition. Some people are likely to have the idea of ​​not acknowledging, so sufficient evidence is needed to prove this.

And the best evidence...

"You mean the dragon hunting badge and the dragon hunting sword, right?"

"Yes, now only the princess can use these two artifacts. So as long as they are retrieved and used by the princess, no one will doubt the identity of the princess."

"But... we don't know where the dragon hunting badge and the dragon hunting sword are hidden, or even if they are still hidden here."

"Don't worry about this. I have explored it once and got some clues, but now it should be hidden in the original place. So as long as I continue to explore the clues I have obtained, I should be able to find What."

"That's it. But it will take a lot of time, right?"

"Naturally. Don't be impatient, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Leanne said.

"Should I help you."

"It's best if you can come and help, but in the village..."

"Don't worry about the village. Let's not say that both Aroline and Livello are there, and Rafia is also there. If they manage it, there is no problem."

"Oh, Rafia has always been with you?"

"At that time, we were protecting Her Royal Highness together."

"That's great. In this case, it doesn't matter if the number of people is smaller. At least we still maintain a good high-end combat power. As for her character, I have been worried all the time. I can't go wrong with you."

Gekara smiled and did not speak.

"The two treasures should be kept in different places, so after knowing where the treasures are hidden, we'd better act separately, or create a set of imitations to show the truth. Normally, no one will go there. The inspection, after all, has calmed down for so long, as long as we do concealment and not be discovered or arouse suspicion, it will be fine."

"But in terms of imitations..."

"Don't worry about that. We still have a very good blacksmith here. With his help, it shouldn't be a problem."

"That's good." Gekara nodded and said.It is naturally good for someone to do this. After all, she doesn't have the talent in this area, and it is basically impossible to make it.

"I'll talk to him later, and then let's explore the information of those two treasures."


Naturally, Gekara would not deny it, and he agreed immediately.

After chatting for a while, Rianne is suitable for another girl to take them around in this underground village. The open space here is even larger than the village occupied by Gokara and the others, so it is very lively. .

Fortunately, this place is deep underground, and there is some kind of barrier protection, so it will not be easily discovered, otherwise they will not be able to maintain it until now.

"By the way, what about your food here? You can't buy it outside, right?"

If you buy it outside, buying too much at one time will definitely be suspicious, but if you buy less, so many people will definitely not be enough.

"Every once in a while, we will send a few people out to collect food, and everyone will try to save some food, so it is enough for the time being."

"that's it?"

Gekara asked incredulously.To maintain the food resources in this way, it would take a lot of heart, how much food the people sent out would have to collect, it is simply unimaginable.

We must know that this is more than a thousand people. Solving their food problem is not a small problem, and it is even more troublesome than others.

"In fact, we have other strongholds. Those strongholds are not hidden in such places, but in some villages or small towns. Apart from the collections they have collected, they have also helped a lot. Besides. Not more than a thousand people live here, most of them live here, but some people live in different places."

"That's it, I'll just say it."

"In fact, we collected a lot of food here at the beginning, but the more we eat, the less we eat. This is also because it is really difficult to satisfy so many people recently, so we have to make this move. Fortunately, the search has not started recently. It's so strict, so I dare to let them out, otherwise I can only endure it."

"Is the search strict before?"

"It's much stricter than it is now. At that time, there was panic everywhere, and many people resisted because of it, but it didn't have any effect. Then everyone understood that instead of wasting their lives and dying, it was better to hide them. Since then, almost everyone has been hidden, and they have been hidden very deeply, and the contact with each other has become much less."

Leanne said with a sigh.

"It turned out to be like this. Now it is very difficult to contact other people, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't contacted them since then, and now I don't know how they are, and I don't even know if they survived."

Sometimes with a sigh, Leanne said helplessly.

No one thought it would become what it is now, but in fact, it should have been noticed a long time ago. After the master of this planet changes, everything will also change, but they can't do anything.

Originally, they were able to move outside and communicate with each other. If that way, their strength would gradually increase, but who would have thought that it would become what it is now after only a period of time.

Not to mention the poor camps of other rebels, in fact, she can be easily found here. Today, if it weren't for Gokara, no one would be able to find it.

"Have you eaten? If not, eat some here."

Leanne asked.

"After eating, we booked a room in the pub, and we rested there at noon. In the afternoon, we were going to walk around here to see if we could find some resistance forces. I found you unexpectedly. It was lucky. That's it."

"Yeah. I haven't heard from you for so long. I even wonder if we can see each other again. It is indeed lucky to see you again now."

Rianne and Gokara shook each other's hands, and both said very excitedly.Although they had expressed this excitement before, they were still more restrained at that time.

Although I don't know the other person as much as before, but based on previous knowledge, it can be considered a great improvement.

"Then when shall we start?"

"Don't worry. Before that, I have to arrange things here. After all, we don't know how long we will be back when we go out this time, and even if we have to leave, we have to wait until the weapon is cast."

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