Hua Yueling and the others stopped in the aisle, staring at the man walking here and beating the resting worker.The scene was more terrifying and bloody than what they usually saw, and it was a bit unbearable.

The miner next to him was trembling and working, and he didn't even dare to look over. He didn't know if he was afraid of seeing the scene, or because he was afraid of being watched by someone as his next target.

Everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, but Hua Yueling didn't quite understand why.These people are all hired to work, why should they endure such treatment?

It's a pity that because they were worried about bringing trouble to the actions of Gekara and the others, Hua Yueling and the others had no way to make a move. They could only endure without making a move and left like this.This kind of thing is useless now, even if this person dies, there will be another person. There may not be many such people, but it is impossible to solve them all.

What's more, if one is resolved, a new one will appear. This is not alarmist talk, but a real fact.

After passing there, Hua Yueling and the others quickened their pace, perhaps because they didn't want to listen to those sounds anymore. They walked very, very fast, and they all started shooting like arrows.

Back to the entrance along the way, they saw the two soldiers at the door again, but the two soldiers who came in before should have been changing guards, and now they are not at the door, but Hua Yueling they have never seen before. Two people.

The two soldiers still didn't notice them coming out. They easily walked out from inside, passed by their side, and then went down the road all the way back to where they were hiding at the beginning.

Hua Yueling and the others were also cautious, and did not immediately release their invisibility, but continued to walk outside like this, preparing to go further.

Leaving directly from this place, out of this mountain road, they released their invisibility.But they didn't rush to leave. After all, they called a room in the city, and there was no need to hurry up at night. It didn't matter if they had a rest for the night and then set off in the morning.

A few people are tired but not too tired, it seems that there is no need to go back.

"Should we go directly to the next place, don't go back."

"Even so, I have to go back. You can go back after you go back." Aroline said.

"We will have one day anyway. It should be fine even if we don't go back. Anyway, it's not tired. There is no need to waste that time."

"Hmm..." Aroline thought for a while, still shook her head and said, "I have to go back no matter what. After we go back, let's set off again."

Although it is not clear why Sister Aroline must go back, since she said so, let's go back.It doesn't take much time to go back if they want to say something, and then they can send it directly to the next place. In fact, not much effort will be wasted.

"Then let's go."

Hua Yueling said.

The group mounted their horses and embarked on the return journey.The time it takes to go back is the same as when they came, or even longer, after all, they are not so anxious than when they were, and they walked back like a walk.

Riding the horse back in no hurry, toward the direction of the city.

After spending some time in this way, they returned to the city. After entering the city, they went to the tavern. After talking to the owner of the tavern, they ordered some food and they left here.

Leading horses on the street and walking out, they just came to the gate of the city all the way, and then went directly out of the gate to the plain outside.

"The next goal is here."

After walking a certain distance on the plain and almost unable to see the city, Aroline stopped and took out the map and pointed at the label on it.

"The distance is not close, but there is no city, there seems to be no village, not a place where people gather."

"What materials should I collect there?"

Hua Yueling stared at the point marked on the map and asked. Although the map was also marked, he didn't know the name of that thing.

Staring at the material, he looked at Aroline, and he probably didn't know Aroline either.

"This is also special material. Let's go there and have a look. Gokara didn't write anything on it, and I don't know what it has unless it passes."

Another Gekara and Rianne also collected the initial materials. After the collection was completed, they immediately went to the next place. At the same time, they also found the person they were looking for and gave them the task.

The next place they were going to was more dangerous, at least compared to the place Hua Yueling they went to.What they are going to is a city located near the royal city. In that kind of place, the defense of that kind of city is definitely almost the strongest on the planet, and they want to act more cautiously in that kind of city.

This was also their choice. Hua Yueling was given the simpler place, but the road there was farther.As for the more dangerous places, they were contracted by themselves.

In other words, this is their own business, there is really no need to trouble others, but since they are all troubled, then you can't call the most dangerous one to others, even though they are not as good as others.

Both are in action, and people searching for information are also starting to act.It took some time, but things are at least progressing.

"Let's send it directly, but maybe we will look for it after we get there."

When Aroline's voice fell, a ray of light surrounded them all, and then their figures disappeared without a trace, and were teleported away from this plain.

"is it here?"

The long yellow sand was in front of us, and all of them were looking into the distance. It was difficult to see clearly what was in the distance in the yellow sand.The environment in the place they visited was very bad, and more importantly, there were many monsters.

The monsters looked scary in appearance, and they seemed to be very aggressive. They had just arrived, and the nearby monsters screamed and crawled towards them to attack them.

"Resolve these first or just run?"

Hua Yueling took out the weapon, facing these monsters, did not immediately rush up.

"Come on, there are not many anyway, we will find a quiet place after we solve them."

Arolin said that she had already attacked, and she was more anxious than anyone else.Hua Yueling followed closely behind, attacking on the other side, Hua Yun and the others were responsible for a different direction from them.

Almost ten scorpion-like monsters moved over. They were huge, almost as tall as a flower, and a pair of sickle-like forearms was also extremely terrifying.

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