The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1140 A Quiet Place


Hua Yueling flashed and came to a monster. The monster raised a forearm to attack, but Hua Yueling was faster than it.After probing his body, the hidden dragon blade pierced the monster's head fiercely, and the scorpion-like monster was easily killed by him before it attacked.

"It looks pretty good, but it's the same thing when fighting."

Thinking like this in his heart, he aimed at the farther one that was moving toward this side, and dashed towards it with a "swish".

The monster also raised his forearm to attack when he saw him rushing over, but Hua Yueling was faster and passed before it attacked.The hidden dragon blade accurately pierced the monster's head, blood flowed out, and another monster was killed.

The other monsters that surrounded him also failed to survive, and Hua Yun and the others died one by one under the attack.Hua Yun and Mu Ningshuang assisted in their long-range attacks behind, while Lu Yuetong helped them resist moving enemies.

"Okay, don't waste time, go now!"

After the monster was almost wiped out, Aroline said immediately and ordered them to leave here quickly.The Huayueling group also reacted immediately and ran in one direction.

Several people agreed and responded at the same time.The yellow sand is full here, and it is almost the same scenery everywhere. It is difficult to tell where it is from these scenery.It is impossible to have detailed information on the map, and it is not so easy to find what they are looking for.

But the most important thing to say now is not this. The most important thing is to find a good place to rest and rest, and then I will talk about the next thing.Waiting here is nothing.

"The thing you're looking for should be nearby, not too far away, but you still have to work hard to find it. It's not that easy to find. Xiaoyueling, you can try to expand the scope to search and see where There is something worth noting, maybe that is where we are going."

"Well, then don't find a place too far away. Just find a safe place nearby. If it is too far away, it will be difficult to find if it is not where we are going."

"Look at it before you talk."

Several people are looking around. After killing a few monsters, the obstacles on the road have not been reduced. Those monsters will not be scared to move because they have killed some monsters. This is still different from humans. .

As if they were able to beat Huayueling and the others, they swarmed up immediately after discovering them.

"It's better to clean up this place than to go on like this, and then quickly look for it. If you don't clean up like this, there will only be more and more monsters."

Hua Yueling saw that sometimes a few monsters surrounded him, and defeating them was naturally a simple matter, but it would be too troublesome to go on like this.And the most important thing is can this kind of place really find a quiet place to rest?Hua Yueling didn't think so.

Who will live in such a place? It is possible for someone to pass here, but unless it is a race that has lived in such a place since childhood, it is impossible.

"Then do it."

Aroline also quickly changed her mind, thinking that his approach was better, and just like that, several people quickly changed their strategies.They stopped moving forward, but began to clean up the surrounding monsters.

There are not many monsters nearby, but some are still chasing behind.Hua Yueling and the others haven't cleaned up the monsters here yet, and the monsters behind will rush up one after another. Hua Yueling and the others have no other way, but can only continue to wield the weapons in their hands to fight.

Kill the creeping monsters one by one, spreading their bodies on the ground full of yellow sand.

"Call, call, call..."

Looking back, she wiped the sweat on her face and the dust that was about to cover her cheeks. Hua Yueling looked around, the monsters were almost cleaned up, but there were one or two farther away, but she hadn’t come to trouble them yet. So you should not care too much.

Looking at the monster moving in the distance, Hua Yueling did not withdraw his sight, observing the traces of the monster's movement.Only from their activities, it seems that there is no sign of moving here. In this case, you don’t have to worry too much. Moreover, if you want to say, the strength of this monster is not that strong. It is much worse than expected. It was a real sneak attack, but in fact it did not pose much of a threat.

"Forget it, leave them alone."

Hua Yueling murmured in a low voice, and then chased Aroline and the others to behind a sandy mountain.Although it can't completely block the invasion of sand and dust, it is much better than standing in a clearing and enduring the sand blowing.

"It's mainly the direction, where is our goal."

Sister Huayun's voice rang, she said.

"Yes, it is very difficult to distinguish the direction in such a place. Moreover, we are directly teleporting it. Now we can't distinguish the north, south, east and west. Even if there is a map, it is useless." Lu Yuetong also agreed very much.

"One more thing, we don't know where it was teleported to, so even if we discern the direction, we don't know which way is the destination."

Hua Yueling sighed and added.This is also a very important point, because for this reason, even if you really identify the direction now, it is actually useless.

"so what should I do now?"

"This... you still have to explore the neighborhood. It would be best if you can directly detect where the destination is. If it doesn't work, you can only identify if there are any more noteworthy places nearby, and then use these places to tell where we are now. Position." Huayueling said after thinking about it.This method is not easy, and it is troublesome to say, but besides, they have no other better way, they can only do it.

"so be it."

Several people wiped their faces with their hands, and wiped off the sand on their faces. The dust was flying, and there was no sign of improvement compared to before.This has brought them even more trouble. It is really difficult to get out of this desert or find a destination in this situation.

The sand mountain seems to be growing little by little. When the sand is blown, the sand covers it, but the sand covered on it does not make a home here, stay here with peace of mind. Also blown away, I don't know where to blow.

Hua Yueling and the others were not in a hurry to leave this place, and squatted halfway on the slope. Hua Yueling first inspected the surrounding situation, but the distance he explored was not that far.After searching for a while, the destination was not found.

"No, it's still too far, I can't detect it here. You have to go closer."

Hua Yueling shook his head and said.But where should I go if I leave here? This is another question.

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