"Choose any direction to move forward?"

Lu Yuetong proposed an idea, but this idea was rejected by everyone, and no one agreed with her proposal.Isn't this just lucky, definitely not.

"so what should I do now?"

Lu Yuetong asked after scanning everyone.Since her proposal is not good, does anyone have another proposal? She is asking about this, but it seems that neither Hua Yueling nor anyone else has a better idea.

It is really difficult to think of a better way in such a place where they don't know their location. No matter where they are, there is not much difference. The most important thing is that they still don't know much so far.

"Sister Aroline, show me the map again."

She stretched out her hand and motioned to Sister Aroline to give herself the map. Aroline looked at him, took out the map and handed it over.Hua Yueling expressed his thanks after receiving the map, and then unfolded the map and looked at it.

The details of this map are still okay. Hua Yueling decided to try to see if he could start with the details, and look for signs near the destination that are similar to the place where he and others are.


My eyes moved on the map, and I scanned a circle without finding a familiar sign.

"After all, it is a hand-crafted map with crude details. I am afraid it is unlikely to use this to find where we are."

At this time, Aroline also understood his thoughts, leaned forward and looked at the map with him, and said in her mouth.

"Maybe if you are lucky, you can find a similar place. As long as you can find one, at least let us have a direction and a general idea."

Hua Yueling continued to look for them. Logically speaking, they should be near the destination. After all, it was Sister Aroline who sent them with them. You don’t need to worry about the accuracy. Maybe you can’t go too far. It.

"Um...no, it would be too far to expand outside, we should not be so far away."

"Sure, sister, although I didn't send you directly to the destination, but it's not far away. If this is so far away, how far would have to be deviated."

Aroline curled her lips and said.

"If you don't, you will split up, and you will find it over there and say it."

"This idea is fine. But it's easier to get lost in this kind of place. It will be troublesome if you get lost and you can't find someone. If there is no other way in this kind of place, it is difficult to get out. Besides, we are now In the depths of the desert, even if we know the direction, we don’t know how long it takes to go out. What's more, we don’t even know the direction now."

"so what should I do now?"

It's the same question again, but there is no answer to this question.Now they just don't know what to do, so they have been discussing it all the time, but the discussion has not produced a good result until now.

"Then there is only one way, or as just said, let's act separately. There are five people in total here, in my own group. The four of you will see who is in the same group, and then we will go in different directions. Go in one direction and see where you can find something. Two people are responsible for a large area. In order to prevent separation, they will contact each other every once in a while, and just keep going forward without changing the direction. Will go away."


Hua Yueling and the others were silent and did not answer. After looking at each other, after thinking about it, they nodded separately.This is a way, and there seems to be no other better way. If this is the case, just do it. There is no need to waste time here.

A few people were quickly assigned to a group, Hua Yueling and Hua Yun were in a group of two, and Mu Ningshuang was in a group with Lu Yuetong. This distribution was also quite good, and the combat was also quite appropriate.

"Then I go here, how about you?"

Hua Yueling and the others chose one side, so the three groups chose three directions to move.Then they said goodbye to each other, and then quickly began to act.

"Sister Yun, let's go."

The two people set foot on the road, stepping on the dry yellow sand, and the strong wind was blowing head-on. Under the scorching sun, this feeling was extremely uncomfortable.Feeling that his whole body seemed to be burned by flames, Hua Yueling hoped to get out of this place as soon as possible. He didn't like to be in this place, it was very uncomfortable.

His body is extremely dry, as is his mouth. After walking a distance, he has a dry mouth and wants to drink water very much, but drinking water in such a place feels uncomfortable.There is still some sand beside my mouth.


Hua Yueling looked forward, while Hua Yun was paying attention to both sides. They took care of different places, so that they would not miss anything.But so far they haven't found anything worth noting, which makes them quite disappointed.

"Still not, I don't know if others have found anything."

It is no longer realistic for them to want to communicate through shouting now. They have traveled far away and cannot hear other people's voices.Fortunately, they were prepared beforehand. Sister Aroline taught them the ability to talk, so that they could communicate at close range.

"Sister Aroline, Ningshuang, have you noticed anything there?"

"not yet."

"Neither here."

"None, okay, then go ahead."

After getting a disappointing answer, Hua Yueling sighed and continued to move forward.Huang Sha was blowing towards them, Hua Yueling walked a few steps forward and then stopped. He turned around and turned his back to the blowing yellow sand.

"Sister Yun, would you like some water?"

"Yeah." Hua Yun was also a little thirsty. In this kind of place, the water was consumed too quickly, and it didn't take long for her to feel particularly thirsty, and her throat was about to smoke.

He took the mineral water in his hand, gave the sister a bottle and drank it by himself.He was really thirsty, and soon a bottle of mineral water was completely drunk, and he felt that it was not enough, so he took out another bottle.

"anything else?"

Hua Yun gave him the bottle, took another bottle from his hand, and drank again.Don't look at how long it has been here, but the two of them are really thirsty, and they can't stand it without drinking water.

"Huh, it's better now."

Huayueling sighed. After pouring two bottles of water, she really felt better, but she felt different.

"Okay, let's move on, maybe it will be the destination soon."

After feeling comfortable, even the thoughts became much more pleasant. After Hua Yueling put away the water bottle, the two of them walked forward.Walking along the road without roads, stepping on the sand road formed by the accumulation of yellow sand, and just moving forward at a slower speed.

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