"There is a strange place here, I don't know if it's the place we are going to."

Mu Ningshuang's words spread to the two of them, and Hua Yueling and Hua Yun looked at each other, both revealing a somewhat excited expression.They are a little tired after walking for so long, not because they have left, but because they have not found anything after walking for so long, and have gained nothing, which makes them feel very disappointed and uncomfortable.

Now I finally found something, although I don't know if it is really what they are looking for, but this is also a good sign.

"What kind of place is it?"

Hua Yueling still remembered what the place depicted on the back of the map looked like. If Mu Ningshuang described it similarly, then it was certain.

"The entrance is hidden, but there are two statues near the entrance. Almost all the statues are buried in the sand. The hidden ones are very difficult to find. In addition, the entrance is also buried, and the lower part is made by rope. The ladder below is very deep, and you can’t see what the depth looks like from above.”


Hua Yueling recalled the place on the map, and according to what Gekara described, it seemed to be the same.

But to say different things may be caused by the passage of time.Moreover, listening to Mu Ningshuang's words, there should be no one there, so it would be easier for them to find materials.

"Sister Aroline, it feels similar to the one drawn on the map. How about we just go over and take a look?"

"It should be there. Xiao Ningshuang, wait there first, and come to you when we meet."

Arolin said, she turned around and walked back.Hua Yueling and Hua Yun also turned back.

It’s easier to walk back than to walk forward. The dust is not so terrifying, but it is not particularly uncomfortable. Besides, they know that they should find their destination, and they are in a good mood, and they walk a lot easier. .

Back to the place where they were separated, this place is still relatively easy to identify. The most important thing is that there are many monster corpses nearby. Although they are covered by sand and dust, they can't be completely covered, so they can still be seen.

Soon after, sister Aroline appeared in her eyes, and she hurried back.

"Xiao Yueling and sister Yun, you are fast enough, let's go over there."

After Arolin came back, she didn't rest, and she pointed to Mu Ningshuang and the others.

Walking along the direction of Mu Ningshuang and the others, the footprints they had walked had long been buried underneath by the sand and dust, and they could not be found.Fortunately, they almost knew where the two of them were going and how they should go.

It took almost ten minutes to walk forward in this way. Two figures were seen from a distance. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong also noticed them coming. Among them, Lu Yuetong was waving on tiptoes. Arm.

"Let's pass!"

Hua Yueling also waved her arms, speeding up her pace.In this way, it didn't take long for them to come to Mu Ningshuang and the others, and they also saw the entrance they found.

"Is it here?"

It seems that this place has been manually excavated, it should have been made by Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong before they came, but now it is covered with a layer of dust.Fortunately, there is still a heavy stone slab pressed on it at the entrance, otherwise it is estimated that the lower part will have to be filled with sand and dust.

A small piece of space was vacated, revealing the situation below, Hua Yueling poked her head and looked down, following the ladder made of rope, all she could see was pitch black. There is nothing else.

This rope ladder seems to have been around for a long time, and I don't know if it can hold them.It is not always safe to go down alone, let alone so many people.

"This ladder doesn't look very safe."

Hua Yun also leaned over, looked down and said, pointing to the rope ladder.Although it doesn't seem to be anything, it's just a bit bad on the surface, but after such a long time, will the inside of the rope be OK?

"Otherwise, just replace it, pull this up, and get another one."

The rope ladder is directly embedded in the wall using a special method. It is not easy to get it out, but it is relatively simple to cut it directly.It’s just that I don’t know how long the rope ladder is. If it’s too long, it would be bad if the rope ladder is filled with sand and dust when I turn around.

"If you have one, you can just get one down, it won't affect. Or you can find a way to reinforce this one."

Hua Yun said so.But no matter which one they can do, neither she nor Hua Yueling can take things like rope ladders with them. After all, they don’t usually use them. To be honest, there is basically no possibility of using them. Instead, they need to reinforce the rope ladder. Especially with such a long rope ladder, they have no good way, and they don't think there are any tools to do this.

In the end, what to do after saying this still depends on Aroline, and she has a way.In fact, if you knew this long ago and had been prepared, you wouldn't have to trouble her, but now you can only trouble her.

Anyway, if you go back and prepare, you have to rely on Aroline to get out of this desert. I don’t know how much time it will take to go out on my own. Hua Yueling and the others don’t have that much time to waste. There is that time. Why not come here to find sins?

"I didn’t bring a rope ladder. I don’t usually use that kind of thing. Otherwise, just make one. There are a lot of ropes, so you can use it directly. But it takes some time to make a rope ladder. If you want to save time, Just use the rope to go down. It’s certainly not as comfortable as a rope ladder, but it doesn’t take much trouble."

Aroline took out the rope she had prepared while she was talking. It was a large bundle of rope, and the length shouldn't be a problem.However, if it were made into a rope ladder, it would have been worse. As for the specific difference, Hua Yueling didn't know how much.

"Then go straight on. But if that's the case, where should the rope be fixed?" Hua Yueling frowned and said, "There is nothing to fix. If it is not fixed, it is dangerous to go down." "

If there is no way to fix it firmly, then it is very likely that the top of the rope will be broken directly or the fixing objects will be pulled out.The person who goes down hasn’t reached the bottom, so he should just fall straight down. If it’s shallow, it’s okay. If it’s too deep, then it won’t kill the person directly. Hua Yueling doesn’t think she can bear it. Strong impact.

"This is easy to handle, I am here, it is not easy to fix."

Arolin said so, she picked up one end of the rope and put her finger on the sand at will, and the end of the rope flickered and flashed.

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