The skeletons moved forward, but they couldn't get close to Hua Yueling's side, they saw the Mu Ningshuang magic wand raised, and the light ball magic was released again.

Huayueling still knew this kind of magic, and he could use it, but it was not necessary now.

The ball of light hit the skeletons, and easily knocked them down one by one. The skeleton monsters that surged up died under her magic, and none of them could even withstand a blow.

"Ningshuang, your magic is getting better and better, the progress is really great."

Hua Yueling was surprised to see that all the skeletons were killed.Mu Ningshuang nodded without any change in his expression, without any other expressions, especially calm.

"The next battle is up to you."

Seeing that she didn't speak, Hua Yueling took the initiative to grab her hand and said to her as she continued walking inside.

"Don't worry, I will solve them all."

Mu Ningshuang dare not say anything else, but in terms of magic, it can be said to be the strongest among Hua Yueling and the others.There are various types of magic, and it is naturally not so easy to practice all types well, but in this way it will be easy to fight, if there are many.

After bypassing the scattered skeletons of the skeletons, they continued to walk forward. This passage was also twisted and twisted, and there were no ore veins that could be excavated on the walls on both sides. I can't figure out why the people who used to live here made this place like this.

It feels like this is not particularly good, there should be other better ways.

"Hey, is there no way?"

Walking, Hua Yueling found that they had come to an end, but there was still nothing.No, I can’t say that. If there is something, there are still things. There are a few levers on the wall in front of you, and there is a road beside it, but the road is not long, and there seems to be a dark road at the end. Door, but it's not sure yet.


The two walked inside, stopped in front of the wall paper, reached out and tapped.It's hard to hear the sound, and I don't know if it's just what I thought, what's hidden behind this, but seeing the few levers on the wall next to them, they all have a headache.

"How can I do this?"

I don't know what these levers are all about. I haven't got any clues so far. It will definitely not work if I just pull it down. Then it will not be dangerous if the mechanism that shouldn't be activated is activated.

Standing in front of these levers, Hua Yueling felt that she had nothing to do.Mu Ningshuang is the same.

"Explore and see, maybe you can find something useful."

After standing for a while, neither of them moved.But it can’t continue like this. Huayueling came up with a way, tried to probe the back of the following organs, but found that this way didn’t work, these levers were obviously used in some way to hide their connection. Because of the location, Hua Yueling had no way to explore and study where they came from. The plan just failed immediately.

"Forget it. Or let's go back and see what's going on with Sister Yun and the others, and what happened to them."

"Just ask if you can."

"That's fine too."

After inquiring, it turned out that the situation that Hua Yun and the others encountered was not much different from this one. They had all reached the end of the road, but they had also found those tie rods.

After asking, Hua Yueling also deliberately counted the number of pull rods, and compared it with Hua Yun, and found that the number of pull rods on both sides were the same.

"What does this mean?"

After asking this question, no one can answer his question. To say that the one-to-one correspondence is not a special image. After all, both sides are switches, and no one is used for display.

"Sister Yun, do you have any other discoveries?"

Hua Yueling asked.

"not at all."

"Well, isn't it related to the mechanism... In that case... Otherwise, it's in the lobby where we came, the place where the scorpion monster was crushed, isn't there some rooms we haven't explored yet? . Is there something in those rooms?"

Hua Yueling is just a guess, this possibility is actually not too great.

"It's unlikely. No one would just leave the operation method of the mechanism here so easily. Although they said that they left, it doesn't mean they just gave up here."

"That's true."

"If this is the case, they will definitely remember how to turn on the switch by themselves, and will not leave the method of turning on the switch here and wait for others to turn on the switch and take away what they have hidden. If that is the case, it is better to take it away. , Why stay."

"Perhaps what is left is what they don't need?"

"Don't argue about this, the important thing is how to open this mechanism. You can't try casually, it's dangerous."

"But don't even want to open it if you don't try it."

Suddenly there was no reaction on both sides, and there was really no way for a while. Just looking at the appearance of these levers are the same, nothing can be seen, and people do not know which one to pull down is better.

"Then what should be done. If you don't try it, you won't know which one to use, and if you don't use it, we won't be able to go."


There was another silence, and there was really no other way except experiment.

"It would be great if I could find some clues, even a little bit."

Hua Yueling looked around, but it was useless, or nothing.It's like this everywhere, it's all ordinary places, and nothing is worth noting.

Suddenly their actions fell into a certain state of stalemate. There was nothing to do, nothing to do, and even no place to go, unless they decided that their actions had failed.

Hua Yueling and the others naturally didn't want this, but what should they do if they want to continue.


"Are you in trouble again?"

"Sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling was not surprised that Sister Aroline would appear here, and after hearing the voice, he just turned his head and glanced at her.

"Sister Aroline, do you have a way?"

"Hmph, there is still something rare to live with my sister in this kind of place, this kind of thing can be easily solved even without any hint to my sister."

"Sister Aroline is so powerful, naturally you don't need to be like us."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said.

"But what method are you going to use, Sister Aroline, can you find out which of these mechanisms is true?"

"Of course, but sister, I have an easier way."

Arolin said, she went to the wall on the right and raised her little hand.

"Sister, I just broke the wall in front of me, no matter where else I can."

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