Aroline didn’t wait for Hua Yueling to say anything, she slammed her small fist. As a result, the hidden wall that should have been very strong was destroyed by her fist. It was easy, even There are no obstacles.

The hidden wall was broken into pieces like this, and Aroline made a passage for them like this, the original mechanism was naturally unnecessary.But the other side is different, it has not been opened yet.

"I'll go and help Sister Huayun open up the road over there, Xiao Yueling, go and see if what we are looking for is here."

Arolin said, she ran forward, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang looked at each other, nodded, did not follow, the two of them searched in this new passage.There are also several rooms here. The doors of these rooms are tightly closed and locked. It is impossible to open it in such a normal way.

"There is no key."

Hua Yueling said helplessly after trying some room doors.In this case, if they want to enter, the only way is to destroy the door directly.These doors are just ordinary wooden doors, it is quite easy to destroy them.

"Destroy it directly. Ningshuang, push aside a little, be careful not to be affected."


Mu Ningshuang walked away to the side, giving Hua Yueling ample room.

The wooden door was smashed heavily by the two-handed sword, and it was easily broken, and the fragments scattered all over the place, but the locked place was still connected to the wall and not separated. In this respect, it was quite strong.

Hua Yueling walked in first, while Mu Ningshuang followed him closely, chased him and entered the room with him.

A magical ball of light appeared on his head, and the room was also illuminated by light, allowing them to see the situation inside.There was nothing they wanted in this room, it was empty and there was nothing.

"Let's go to another room and have a look."

Hua Yueling scanned the room and saw that there was nothing inside. Hua Yueling frowned, shook his head, turned and walked back.Unexpectedly, there was nothing here. He had thought there would be something here, but he was quite disappointed in the end.

But this is also expected, there are so many rooms here, it is normal that there is nothing in one of the rooms.

Turning to a room slightly closer, the door is still locked, but it is impossible to open it, and it has to be destroyed.

Just when Hua Yueling was about to destroy the door in front of her, Aroline on the other side brought Huayun and the others over.When they came over, they saw that Hua Yueling was holding a two-handed sword ready to attack the door.

"Let's go to another room."

After Hua Yueling used a two-handed sword to break the door in front of her, Hua Yun and the others did not follow in, but chose to go elsewhere.After all, there are still a lot of rooms here, even if they are divided into two groups, it will take some time.

Hua Yun and the others went to other places, while Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang continued to explore the room behind the destroyed wooden door.Entering the room, under the shining light, you can see something piled up in the deepest part of the room, which is a certain material, similar to iron blocks.

There were a lot of desks and cabinets on both sides, and some things were placed on them, but those he hadn't seen and didn't recognize.

"these are……"

Hua Yueling walked over quickly, squatted down and picked up the material at the end of the room, carefully examining this material. This is a material that Hua Yueling has never seen before, and it looks very special. .

"Could it be this?"

"I don't know, just ask Sister Aroline. I'll call her."

Mu Ningshuang said that she turned around and ran outside. When she reached the door, she called Aroline to her. Soon Aroline ran back and came to her.

"Have you found it?" Arolin asked after coming over.

"Well, I found something, but I don't know if it is. I still need Sister Aroline to check it out."

Aroline returned to the room with her. When she entered, she saw Aroline walking out with a piece of the material. After receiving the material from his hand, Aroline carefully observed and began to recall the map. On the description.

In fact, the description on the map is not so careful, otherwise they can better find what they want.But now they need to carefully compare and guess.

"It should be this. It is the same as the description left by Gokala. Hold them. Then see if there are others. If there are any, hold them. Then there is no need to worry about these."

Arolin said so, she put away the materials in her hands, and then she followed Hua Yueling inside.

Going into the depths of the room, what materials have been found, the quantity of materials is not large, and I don't know if it is enough.

"Take them all, it's estimated that no one will come to this place anymore."

And there is no need to leave these things to those people.

Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang did not stay here anymore, but went to the side to see if the things on both sides were useful.

After all the materials were put away, Aroline also came to them and watched those things with them.

"What is this?"

"I don't know. But it should be something important, otherwise there is no need to hide in such a place."

"Then take all of them. Just leave it to Xiaoyueling. You can do it well. When you go back, you can give it to Gekara and the others. They may be useful."

"Okay." Fortunately, these things are all of the same type, so they can be stacked together, otherwise Hua Yueling really can't hold it.

They took all these things, and then they left this room. Then they went to each room, but they didn’t get much. Most of them were taken away. Maybe there was nothing left, anyway. Not much has been given to them.

"Okay, that's it. Anyway, what we are looking for should be found. Then we should leave and go to the next place."

After searching all the rooms, Hua Yueling and the others gathered in the passage outside.

"Well, but you still have to go out first."

Hua Yun said.

Hua Yueling felt like laughing if she had to rely on the rope that was used when she came down.It's better to say that if you go up, you won't have to exhaust yourself.

Not to mention themselves, can sister Yun and the others stand it?This is not a joke. It is impossible to know how deep it is from top to bottom. It is so difficult to go up and down through the rope.

"Then how to get up?"

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