Going back to the top is not relying on the rope. If you rely on the rope, you don't know when you can go up.Hua Yueling and the others returned to the top with Aroline's help.

Back on top of the big pothole, they stood in the desert. The violent wind and sand calmed down at this time, and everything seemed to be calm again.

The light from above shone again, fell on the desert, and fell on them.I feel very warm here.

"Next, let's go to the next place?"

There are still many places to go, but some of them are more dangerous than where they are now.Many of the materials needed to make those two artifacts are not only in the hands of the outside world, but some are even in the hands of some capable people. It is not very likely that they want to come directly in their hands. The only way that can be thought of is directly. Steal it out.

However, with the help of Aroline, this was nothing to Hua Yueling and the others. In fact, they could do well without her help, but it was not that safe.

"Go anywhere, one place. At our current speed, we will be able to collect all of them in a short time. It may even wait until we have all collected. Gokala and others haven't collected much yet."

"It's quite possible."

Gekara must be much slower than them in terms of speed. After all, they are not like Huayueling and the others, which can be directly transmitted to various places, and the distance between each place is so far. They want to rely on a pair of legs. Moving between such a long distance is not a day or two, but a very long time.

Hua Yueling and the others are much easier, they can directly transmit from various places, the distance they have to travel is very, very short, and the time spent is naturally shortened a lot, there is no way to compare.

This is of course an advantage. Now they have accomplished several goals. It is estimated that Gokala can accomplish one.

However, just as Hua Yueling thought, both Gekara and Rianne hadn't even reached the nearest destination, let alone completed the task.In the past few days, they have also rushed, but only a few days have passed. Naturally, it is impossible to reach the destination so quickly. You must know that the distance between the two places cannot be reached in a few days, although they are also riding. Horses, but want to get to the nearest place, still more than ten days.

The time spent collecting things may not even be one-tenth of the time on the way.

After a few days of busy work, Hua Yueling and the others collected all their mission objectives.During the period, they have returned to the earth several times. Two days have passed. Huayun has gone to work. She has no way to act with them. Although she seems to continue to stay, there is no way, she cannot. day off.

After all, they are different from Hua Yueling. He has to go to work, but Hua Yueling and the others are indeed on vacation, so they don't have to worry about time.

"Huh, time has not been wasted, we finally collected everything, and then we should go back first or find a way to go directly to Sister Gekara and others."

"It's better to go back first. Then contact them. They probably haven't gone back yet."

"Then we don't have to go back?"

"Go back and see how things are going, find out, and ask about the situation."

In this way, Huayueling and the others returned to the city, where they were hiding.After going back, I found that it was still quite calm there, and it seemed that nothing special happened.

Hua Yueling and the others did not go to the old blacksmith. For the time being, they were not going to send him the materials, but were going to wait until all of them were collected.

I went to the place where Rianne wanted them to live before, and there I found Rianne’s subordinate, and communicated with her.

"Haven't Gokala come back yet?"

"Well, but they occasionally send back news. There has been good progress so far, and they should be able to gather in a while. But I didn't expect that you will be faster than the adults and they came back so early. ."

"It's easier on our side. Do you know where they are now?"

"I don't know this very well. The adults and the others haven't mentioned this. They are afraid of leaking the news. Besides, even if they were sent back so long, they would have gone to the next place long ago."

"That's it, then forget it, let's ask ourselves afterwards."

After asking, she got a similar answer, and Aroline did not continue to ask, and there was no need to ask.They all know what they should know, but if they go to Gokara and the others, they will get busy again. They haven't had much rest yet, and they really want to rest.

"But forget it today. After having been busy for so long, it's time to take a break. Let's take a break today, and we will leave tomorrow."


Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others didn't have any opinions, and it just so happened that they wanted to rest.Although it's not as good as on earth, it's still pretty good.

"But let's go back to the village again. It's been a long time. I don't know how it is now. It should become more prosperous than before."

They haven't even been back this time, let alone Gokara and others, they are even more unlikely to have time to go back.After all, I haven't even collected everything I need now.Where might I have time to come back here.

A few people went out of the city to the nearby forest, and then they went straight to the village in the city.The defense of the village is much stronger than it was when it was first occupied. You can see that many people are standing on the newly built city wall to defend. They have long bows in their hands and some have melee weapons. Everyone Is extra serious.

"Looks much stronger than before."

A few talents just appeared, they were targeted by the defensive soldiers, and they were working part-time. Seeing Aroline and the others.


The moment they asked, they even released their arms to shoot arrows.

"It's us."

Aroline said this, and those people really recognized her.They have been away for a long time, but there are not many newcomers in the village, so the people who are defending here are those who were originally here. They naturally know Huayueling and them.

He took the initiative to open the door for them, and then invited them into the village. Some people rushed into the village to look for Livio and the others.

After Hua Yueling and the others entered the village, the door of the village was closed again. The door of the village was remade, and it looked stronger than the one used before.

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