The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1160 Quiet Village

Rafia took them upstairs, Hua Yueling and the others looked over each room.In fact, most of the rooms are almost the same, regardless of the area or the layout inside.

However, the furniture placed inside really made Hua Yueling and the others feel very interesting. It was not obtained from the earth, but handmade by people here.Unexpectedly, there are many talents in such a small village, and there are people who can make furniture, and they are so exquisite.

"Do you like these?"

Rafia also specially showed them some of the most well-made pieces of furniture, all of which are commonly used. As for the less frequently used ones, they are a little worse, but there is no difference.The gap is not visible to the naked eye, but if you look closely, you can still easily see it.

"It's pretty good, I don't think I've seen anything like this on Earth. But these seem to be a little different."

"Well, I need too much furniture. If you hand it over to a few people, you will definitely not be able to make it in a short time. Some of them are made by other people, so there may be no way to compare with these."

"No, they are actually pretty good."

Hua Yueling said again quickly.He didn't want to criticize other people. It would be good if they could make these furniture, and he also said what else to do.

The room was selected quickly, one room per person, and comfortable to rest.Then Hua Yueling and the others did not stay in the room. They were led by Rafia to the place to eat. As soon as they entered the room, they smelled the scent of the food. The taste was really good, and I ate it with them. It's not the same, but it's really fragrant.

The number of dishes is not large, but each one is very delicate, just looking like it can be said to be delicious.

The table is a large brown wooden table, which is very clean.There is no problem with fifteen or six people sitting around the table. The chairs next to the table are all the same color, but they seem to be darker.

"Come on, do it. If you want to eat, ask someone to bring it out. Is there anything else to drink? There are also drinks."

Rafia's hospitality was really meticulous, which was hard to imagine before.In the impression of Aroline and the others, Rafia was still the temperamental character, who would have thought that she would become like this now.

"Forget the wine, just drink some juice."

Aroline waved her hand and said.Among these people, she is the only one who can drink, is it interesting to drink alone, and she doesn't really want to drink.


"No, let's take it here."

"It doesn't matter if you bring it. We often make special drinks here. In this regard, you won't lose."

Rafia said with a smile.

After a while, I saw a girl walking over quickly, holding a yellow-brown round wooden tray in her hand. There were several large wooden cups on the tray, all for drinking.Generally speaking, the average hunter has a good amount of alcohol, and you can drink several glasses with this cup when drinking.

But this has something to do with the wine here. The average alcohol content is not so high, but you can drink more.

Whether the degree is high or not is not so related to Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang. After all, they don't drink at all and are not very interested in these.But these big wooden cups are quite interesting for them to look at. They still look quite interesting.

It is also a bit heavy to serve, after all, the drink is poured a full glass.

One person took a cup and tasted it. The drink was dark red, and there were a few ice cubes inside, and there was a trace of cold air.After a bite, the taste is not bad, but it is not completely sweet, but sweet and sour, which is quite delicious.

"It's delicious."

Hua Yueling said after taking a sip and putting it on the table.

"It's good to drink. If you want to drink it, just say it. There are plenty of it. But if you want to drink something else, you can change the taste."

Rafia also sat down at this time, seeing them put down the wooden cups and no action, greeted them to eat.

"Eat more quickly. They are all freshly made. They are heating up. If you don't eat them, they should be cold later."

In fact, it's just talking, these dishes are still steaming hot, and they will cool down in a short while.

With a fork in his hand, he chose a good-looking one and put it in his mouth. It looked good, and gourmets generally chewed and tasted it slowly.Hua Yueling thought that this action was funny, but no one laughed at him here.

The same is true for other people, everyone is not in a hurry to taste the delicious food slowly.It's a completely different taste, different from the food they've eaten, it's a unique taste in this world.

I can't say that I really like it, but I can't say that I don't like it. It can be said to be delicious.

"The taste is quite unique, not the same as ours."

"That's for sure, every place is different." Rafia said while taking food for them. After sitting down, she didn't rest and was always busy.

Hua Yueling was eating and drinking, but she was the busiest one.

"Don't just clip it to us, you can eat it yourself, don't be busy."

When Aroline saw her, she was still picking up food for them, don't tell her.

"I only ate in the morning, and my stomach is not very hungry. Then I won't stay, you can eat, I will go out first."

"Don't you want to eat something?"

"Stop eating."

Rafia then said goodbye to them, Hua Yueling and the others also said two farewell words to her, and then watched her get up and leave.

After walking out of the room quickly, she left the house and returned to the place where she was before. Even though the village was calm down now, there were a lot of things to work on.

Every day she is very busy at work, and she doesn't even give herself any rest time.It's okay if only the affairs of a village are managed, but she needs to manage more than that, there are many other things that need to be managed by her.

In the days when Gekara was away, she was the leader here, the boss here, her words are the imperial decree of the word.

"Well, it seems that it won't be easy in a short time."

Sitting in the chair against the back of the chair, thinking back to what Hua Yueling and the others had said not long ago, she was still not very clear about what she needed to do next, but it would definitely not be easier than now.

"But I won't lose to her."

She remembers the name Rianne very clearly, and she is considered one of her best friends, but later due to certain things, the two sides quarreled, until she and Gokara left this place, the two people still had no chance to resolve the misunderstanding. .

"See her again this time..."

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but laughed, she raised her head, exerted a little force on her feet, and leaned back, smiling very happily.

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