After eating, Huayueling did not go to rest immediately, but went to Liweiluo.Livello was not in her room. After asking the maid, she knew that she had gone out while they were eating, and she should be in the village now.

"Go out and find her."

After Arolin finished speaking, she quickly ran outside. Hua Yueling and the others chased and ran out. A few people left the house. After they got outside, they could easily find Liweiluo.

Under the warm daylight, Livello was in the middle of the village, looking up at the sky, seeming to be staring at the hot fireball in the sky, wondering if he was studying any peculiar theory.

Hua Yueling and the others came to her and looked up like her, but they couldn't concentrate as much as her.I looked at it for a while and didn't see anything.They winked at each other, and they walked away without interrupting Livello's work for a while.

"My sister seems to be still studying the teleportation formation." Arolin said after walking away from Livello.

"Teleportation array? Isn't it all right?"

"There is no security issue, but there are other issues. My sister and I have talked about this before, but I didn't say so much."

"what is the problem?"

Hua Yueling asked curiously.Aroline looked at him and explained it.

"It's the enemy's problem that I have talked about with you. Although this teleportation array is relatively stable, this is only one aspect. It is not enough to do a good job in this aspect. This teleportation array is easier to detect, and Due to the distance of the transmission and other reasons, the emitted power fluctuates relatively large, and it will be very troublesome if it is discovered by a caring person."

The village has changed a lot, and every house has changed a lot.The outside of the house is decorated with various decorations, some are decorated with flowers, and some are decorated with some others, which are quite good.

On the road, many people greeted Huayueling and the others. Huayueling and the others also responded to these people. Everyone was very friendly to them and regarded them as benefactors.

Everyone is very enthusiastic, this is the kind of enthusiasm Hua Yueling has not felt before.Say hello to them, say a word or two in a friendly manner, and then separate.

It's really like half a friend, but a friend who has only met once or twice.

After going around the village, they returned to the place where Livio was. Livio was still there, but did not continue to look up at the sky. At this time, she was lowering her head as if she was calculating what.

"Sister, did you find anything again?"

"Some discoveries." Liweiluo said, cherishing words. "Aren't you going to help, don't you?"

"Don't worry, you have to rest for a night, no, I'll talk about it tomorrow, it's fine."

Aroline said nonchalantly.

"That's right, don't you need my help. If you need it, I won't go with you tomorrow."

"No, it's okay to be alone. You can go along with you, save something."

Livello shook his head lightly, and talked with Aroline instead of doing his own things.

"Do you use it now? There is still time for it now."

"Well, there are things you need to do, come with me."

Livello took Aroline away, and they returned to the house.Hua Yueling and the others couldn’t help much, so they didn’t follow up. They didn’t want to go to bed and rest so soon after eating just now. Although they have just turned around, it feels a bit early. Turn around.

"Let's look around again."

Anyway, there is nothing else you can do for the time being. It's not bad to go around here at will, just to carefully observe what has changed here.

Hua Yueling really enjoys the feeling of walking here, and some petite creatures can be seen moving on the green grass.The breeze was blowing, blowing his hair and blowing across his cheeks.

What rang in my ears was the sound of the branches and leaves being blown, the sound of the leaves "crushing", the trembling of the branches and leaves, as if they had been hit by something.

Now is the best season for the greenest grass. The scorching sun burns the earth and the trees, the leaves and the sticking branches.

The light fell on their heads and on them. It was so warm. They didn't even have the idea of ​​going down as they walked. They lie down like this, lying on the grass and enjoying the sun.

"I have to go back to sleep for a while, and I feel a little sleepy as I walk."

She yawned with her hand over her mouth, and Hua Yueling rubbed her eyes and said.As soon as noon arrives, he will be sleepy. It is not good if he does not sleep at noon every day. If he does not sleep, he will have no energy at all in the afternoon, let alone doing anything, even playing is uncomfortable.

"Go back, don't bear it, let's take a rest too."

Lu Yuetong saw that he was really sleepy, so he raised his hand and said.Mu Ningshuang looked at it, and also took his hand, and grabbed his other hand that was still free.

The two were silent, both pulling his hands without any words.Huayueling stood silently between the two of them. The two of them glanced at each other, and she didn't know if there was an agreement in the meeting. Anyway, she had a sharp heart, and they pulled him forward together.


Hua Yueling looked at the two girls strangely. Compared to the past, they were obviously different, but they didn't know when they started.

Under the bright sun, the three people walked unhurriedly, but they gradually got closer, becoming more and more like one person.Feeling the softness of the girl's body from both sides of her body, Huayueling's thoughts can't help but flutter, gradually throwing away everything in front of her, her thoughts dived into her dreams, and her dreams were somewhat different.

Holding the hands of the two of them, Hua Yueling also recovered after walking for a while, turning his head left and right to look at the two girls beside her, Hua Yueling smiled again, speeded up and walked back. .

The corners of Lu Yuetong's mouth curled up, not knowing if he had thought of something, that's why the smile appeared, and it didn't fade away.At that time, Mu Ningshuang could not see any reaction at all, she still looked cold, looking calm.

The three returned to the house, passed through the gate, and walked through the hall to the passage.

"Let's go back and rest first, and let's play together later when we get up."

At the door of the nearest Lu Yuetong's room, Hua Yueling released her hand and said to her with a smile.

After saying goodbye to Lu Yuetong, he then went to his own room, but Hua Yueling did not stop, but continued to walk inside until he reached the door of Mu Ningshuang's room.

Originally, Mu Ningshuang wanted to stop at his door, but he was stubbornly pulled into it and couldn't stop, so he followed him to the door of his room.

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