After breakfast, they went back to their rooms to rest, but Gokara did not rest. She was lying in bed too, but was paying attention to the situation in the mine.

After breakfast, there is nothing worth noting there until now, and no one else has passed by.It’s impossible for ordinary people to go to that kind of place. People in this town know more or less what those people do. Although developing mines is also a job, those people are not doing this job, and only It seems that they are not good people.

The more this kind of time is, the less common people dare to approach that kind of place. It's too dangerous, and no one wants to make jokes about the safety of their lives.Those who go to that kind of place at this time can only be their accomplices.

Maybe this abnormal situation will attract his attention and save them when they are not paying attention, but you have to wait and see, the time is not so accurate, and no one knows when the hidden person will find something wrong. child.

Maybe there is no hidden person at all.It is not impossible that this is possible, but at least until it is confirmed, Gokara is still inclined to guess that there are other enemies here.

Rianne was lying in bed preparing to go to bed. She needed a rest. Recently, she was on the road overnight, and she had to come back a lot. However, she was physically and mentally exhausted. Finally she had time to rest, although it was only one morning. , But it’s better than no time to rest.

Lie down and close his eyes, the spirit also sinks.But after a while she turned around and looked at Gekara, who was not lying down beside her, only leaning on the head of the bed. Seeing that she had no tendency to rest at all, she couldn't help but ask.

"Don't you rest?"

"No, you sleep on your own. I have to pay attention to that side. At this time, the rest is likely to go by mistake."

"Then you can't help but rest." Leanne said still very concerned.

"It doesn't matter if a quarter or two is a matter of time, it's just a morning. After all these are resolved, there is time to rest. Besides, I'm not that tired."

Although Gekara said that, she was actually quite tired. She hadn't rested much recently, and she was always in a state of fatigue.

Leanie looked at her and saw that she just didn't want to rest, she couldn't help but shook her head, but it was useless to persuade her at this time. She wanted to kill all those people and would not rest until she did it. .

"Then I will sleep for a while, and then I will wake you up and rest for a while, I will help you watch."

"No, I'll do it by myself, aren't you tired? Take a good rest."

Gokara shook his head and said.She didn't want to trouble others about this matter, and she knew that Rianne was also very tired, and she didn't have to trouble others anymore.

Rianne didn't say any more, even if it's useful to persuade her now, it's better to rest earlier and get up earlier to replace her.Thinking of this, Leanne closed her eyes.

The two were not arguing about the matter. The room sank into peace again. Gokala glanced at her sleeping position, then turned his head.He also closed his eyes, but he didn't want to rest, but put all his energy on the mine.

If she has been paying attention to the situation around her, she has to be distracted. That way, she consumes more energy.Now that if you put all your energy there, you will naturally consume less energy, so that you can also avoid sleepiness and the like.

Gokala closed his eyes, and within a short while, all his energy was concentrated on the mine.The situation around the entire mine was still in my mind. At this time, it was still very calm, no change was seen, and no one was coming.

It was very calm. Those who were caught were knocked out, and there was no way to react even if they wanted to.


Rayanne fell asleep in a while, and she could fall asleep almost immediately after closing her eyes, which is not nonsense.She is really tired, especially recently, she has been overworked mentally and physically, but she has very little time to rest.

In contrast, Hua Yueling and the others rested earlier, did nothing after returning to the room, and fell asleep in bed.I slept very early.

"Here is someone."

As soon as the sneaky figure appeared on the edge, it was in the alleys leading to the mine. The man came here very slowly and pretended to just come here to see where it was.

But when he noticed the other party, Gokala understood the identity of the other party. He was definitely an accomplice of those people, even if he pretended not to be, he couldn't hide it from her.

"There should be no one else."

Only this one came.Regarding other personalities here, Kara has also asked those who were caught, but he doesn’t know how they are distributed here. Those people are not particularly clear. Even if they work in the same place, their usual contacts seem to be very good. Few, so they don’t know much.

But now someone is here again, and I don't know how much this person knows.

"It's time to go over and take a look."

Gokala thought to himself, without calling anyone else, and disappearing from the room by himself.Near the mine, Gokara's figure emerged in one of the houses.

While observing the individual's movements, she waited. As she expected, it didn't take long for the person to find the place where the people were locked up.However, unlike what she had imagined, this person was more cautious than she expected.

Before that, I kept observing everywhere, and almost turned around here, although it was fast, but it was also cautious enough.

Those who were tied up were still in a coma. They went into the house and saw them. The man was startled and rushed to the person closest to him, untying the rope for him while trying to give him Wake up.But how could the person who had been knocked out by Gokala wake up so easily, and that person had some reaction after screaming for a while.

Just as the person who saved him wanted to call him a few more times and ask some questions, Gokala's figure appeared behind him.He kicked it down, and the man was kicked out. Before being kicked, he didn't even react at all, and he didn't even notice anyone behind him.


Knowing that the situation was not good, after he got up, he didn't even dare to look at the place where Gokala was, and turned around to run away.However, it is naturally impossible to run away from Gokala's eyelids. Gokala's figure emerged in front of him and kicked him to the ground again.

Next, the other party wanted to struggle, but the rope had already tied him up.

"Stop resisting, tell me if there is anyone else here!"

Gokara kicked him hard and said.

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