"No more, no more!"

After Gokala's forced questioning, the captured person couldn't bear it. He didn't even say that he was killed. But Gokala was given a severe lesson and immediately said everything. Conceal a little bit.

"Are you sure?"

Gokara asked again.

"Can it!"

The other party nodded and replied again and again, for fear that if the answer was slower, she would teach her again.Gokala’s lesson is not so easy to bear. After all, her method is not only to bring them physical pain, but also mental. The two kinds of pain combined together are not ordinary people. Can resist.

"Are you the leader here?"

"..." The man hesitated, but when he saw Gokara's eyes changed, he immediately shook his head.Now he doesn't dare to lie. Before, he was thinking about lying and deceiving the past, but this kind of trick was useless in front of Gokala, and she was easily seen by her "No!"

"Then you told me that there is no one else who said, who is your boss and where is he, if you don't say anything..."

Gokala commanded with a calm face, in the heart of the man who was caught, it was as terrible as an evil spirit from hell.He didn't dare to hesitate, and he hurriedly said what he hadn't said before. After hearing this, Gokala still stared at him with a calm face for a while, until he was sweating all over his body, which was regarded as retracting his gaze.

"Count you acquaintance."

After confirming that what he said was true and not deceiving himself, Gokala knocked him out, and then left here.Hearing what this person said, the boss here lives in a seemingly ordinary place, and he pretends to be similar to ordinary people. It is difficult to tell if he does not listen to him.

And he is also very cautious. He will not come out by himself at this time, but send out people around him to avoid danger.

After knowing where he was, Gokala hit the door directly, and simply grabbed him without any effort.The man had some strength, but he was obviously not Gokala's opponent. He was easily defeated and caught.

After that, things were very simple, and he didn't ask anything more useful from him, so afterwards, Gokara let them all die there.That place became a dead place.

They deserve to die, and letting them die is the best choice.

After Gokala had done all this, he returned to the tavern and returned to his room.Now I can finally rest for a while, wait until the afternoon to do more things, and then I will be busier.

The whole morning was spent resting. Hua Yueling and the others weren't that tired, so it was quite early to talk about it, but they woke up, and Gekara and the others were still resting.And the time had just arrived at noon, there was no need to be so anxious, so when they woke up, they got together and played the game.

In the afternoon, Gekara and the others woke up and had lunch, and then they left the town.

The owner of the mine lives in a city near the town. It is not difficult to find him, and they also know where he lives.But if you want to punish him, you can't act during the day, you still have to wait until night.

But before that, the most important thing is to reach the destination first, and the rest will have to wait until the destination.

Soon after Hua Yueling and the others left the town, Aroline used the teleporting ability to send them to the vicinity of that city.The city they came to this time was considered to be a relatively small city among the cities they had visited. It seemed that there were not many pedestrians coming and going, but it was still a bit lively.

After passing through the city gate and entering the city, Hua Yueling and the others went to the destination for the first time, and they observed there from a distance.It was a house with a large area, and the guards were relatively tight.

There were two soldiers guarding the door, and they were chatting.

"This level is nothing."

With Hua Yueling's abilities, it is not difficult to go in like this without disturbing others. It is no problem to do it during the day, but it is best to do this kind of action at night, which is easier.

"At night we will act. But before that, the most important thing is to find out the relevant information, where is the owner here."

"I'll find someone to help collect this, and it should be almost the same in the evening."

"I will leave it to you."

After Leanne nodded, she turned and left. Then Hua Yueling and the others found a place to rest.Wait until the evening to act, which means that there is one afternoon to rest. This is also a good opportunity for them to have more rest time.

"What to do next, do you want to go outside, or continue to stay and rest?"

Naturally, Gekara wanted to rest for a while, and didn't want to go outside. Hua Yueling and the others were not tired. After all, they had rested before coming, so they could do something else.

"Go outside, after all, I haven't been here before, I'd like to see what's here. Ningshuang, do you guys stay? Or go out together?"

Hua Yueling decided to go outside to play. It's hard to get better when she comes to a new place, so she looks around and sees how to do it. Doesn't it mean that she has never been here.Because of this, he gave up the idea of ​​staying in the house and playing games, and went out instead.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong still listen to him and act with him.Originally, the two girls didn't even think about going out. They both wanted to take a break. During this time, they were running around and all to complete their tasks. They also wanted to be more quiet.

But since Hua Yueling said so, they still said they wanted to go out with him.

"go together."

"If you want to stay and rest, stay. You don't have to be with me."

"What about these things, we naturally want to hang out with you, so don't think too much about it."

Lu Yuetong grabbed one of his arms and said, while Mu Ningshuang grabbed his other arm, but said nothing.

"All right, but if you feel tired, come back and rest. It's not compulsive."

After Hua Yueling said this, she looked at the other people again. Gekara and Rianne would have gone to their own rooms long ago. They seemed tired and needed a rest in particular.So I didn't stay here for long. After booking the room, I went straight back to the room. Aroline was still there, but she never expressed her opinion, and she didn't know what she thought.

"Where is Sister Aroline?"

"Let's go, let's go, don't ask too much if you want to play!"

Aroline's reaction was more direct than that of the others, pushing him and walking outside without giving him a chance to speak.

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