There is still a gap between the city and what they imagined. It is not so lively. The flow of people is still much less than in the previous cities. Although there are a lot of people walking on the street, you can feel it just by feeling. There are still few people.

Pedestrians walking on the street did not rush or slow down, among them were ordinary residents, and there were also some hunters who had not yet taken risks.

These adventurers all carried some materials taken from the monsters, with smiles on their faces, and seemed to be very satisfied with their gains.

After leaving the tavern, they walked along the road. There were some other shops on both sides of the street besides the residential houses.However, there are no weapons shops and armor shops that are often visited by hunters or adventurers.

They were all places where daily necessities were sold. Hua Yueling just glanced at it and lost interest, so she withdrew her gaze.

When they reached the end of this street, Hua Yueling and the others turned a corner and walked to the left.This road is relatively narrow, sandwiched between the houses on both sides.The houses are built strictly, so it is not easy to go from here to both sides.

Passing through this alley, you reach the main road of the city. The main road is quite lively, with pedestrians coming and going, vendors selling goods, and even carts and horses coming and going.

Hua Yueling and the others stopped at the exit of the alley, watching the carriage move along the road, until it disappeared at the end, then retracted their eyes.

Out of the alley, they reached their destination soon after walking forward.The house was still quiet, and there was no useful information when observing from the outside through the antique courtyard wall.

The two guards are still standing at the entrance of the gate, staring at the pedestrians on the street vigorously.It seemed that they were looking for something, but maybe just to see if there were anyone who would be disadvantageous to the owner of the mansion.

It's strange to say that there are guards at the door of such a place, but perhaps the owner here is relatively high, so guards must be equipped.

Hua Yueling didn't know this too well, even the identity of the owner of that mansion was not even known at all, and he couldn't even know a little bit about it.

However, he was stared at by Gekara and the others, no matter what his identity, after tonight, his identity would be useless.

"Go to other places to observe."

Arolin glanced at the door, and then she didn't know if she had thought of something, she said to Hua Yueling and the others, and then several people walked along the road.Don't underestimate the owner of this mansion, the area of ​​this mansion is even larger than Hua Yueling and the others thought.

It took some time to walk down the street to the end of the mansion. Hua Yueling and the others turned straight around, still observing here, because of the high wall, they wanted to observe the inside from the outside. It was still more difficult. Hua Yueling tried to understand the internal situation, but it didn't help.

After going around here in this way, they had a general understanding.If you want to get in, it's quite easy. Although the wall here is said to have some height, it still doesn't bother them. If you want to get in, it's very, very easy. Just overturn the wall.

But the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the actions of the people here. They need to have a more accurate timetable, or be able to know if the person they are looking for is here when they need to act.

These Huayuelings can also detect them now, but let's leave it to Leanne's hands to do it. Anyway, if someone else does it, they don't need to be busy with it.

"Go elsewhere."

On the whole, the city is quite good, and the antique taste is quite good.In addition, the houses built are also different from other cities, which seems to be a feature here.

For example, the mansion they have just explored, the overall architectural style is biased towards the classical architectural style of medieval Europe, but it also incorporates some unique styles of this world.For example, the exterior decoration, and the building on the top floor of the house.

Hua Yueling is not particularly clear about these things. Although he has read some related books and pictures, what he understands is not so deep, just some skin.

There are a lot of people hawking along the street, and the things they sell are also different. Some of them sell some gadgets for children, and some sell special food here.

"Give us four."

Hua Yueling and the others came to one of the stalls with a large number of people, and looked at the food made by the stall owner. It seemed that they were made using materials unique to this world. The overall image was like a monster in this world, and it was OK. Customized according to the customer's request, it looks good, and I don't know how it tastes.

The four people lined up at the end of the line. After a long time, all the talents in the front were gone. After reaching them, Hua Yueling looked at them again before saying.

The stall owner asked a few other questions, and Hua Yueling also answered one by one, all of which were related to food.

"Who are here for the first time, right?"

The old man asked while preparing food.

"Well, this is the first time."

Hua Yueling nodded and said.

"Then have fun with us, there are many interesting things here."

The old man’s production methods were very skilled, and the production was exceptionally fast. It didn’t take long for the four monster-shaped foods to be delivered to Hua Yueling and the others. After they paid the money, they tasted it. The taste was pretty good.

It has a sweet taste, and it feels like chocolate on earth, but the taste is different.

"It tastes really good."

Hua Yueling said while eating while walking.

"Well, it's pretty good, I don't know what material he used. It looks so different from chocolate, but the taste is not much different."

It's like going out to travel, they wandered aimlessly in the city.This city is not particularly large, nor can it be said to be exquisite, but it also has its unique charm. Hua Yueling and the others think it is quite good after turning around.

They have been to many places, including weapons shops, armor shops and the like, as well as the Hunter’s Guild and Adventurer’s Guild.The market in this city is located in the center of the city. You can reach it by walking along the road from the gate of the city. The market is still very prosperous. There are all kinds of people who sell things. Some of these things have been seen by Hua Yueling and others have not been seen before. It is actually quite interesting to see these.

But there are still some unhappy scenes, some children begging on the road, and some children dragging their thin bodies alone to sell things.

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