When Aroline called Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong next to them all recovered at this time. They jumped off the bed made of quilts and started to pack up after putting on their shoes.

The quilts stacked on the ground have to be put away. Look around. All the quilts used by Aroline and the others have been put away now, and they have not moved.

Hua Yueling also hurriedly jumped down, but she didn't expect to have breakfast just for a while.Speaking of it, he was the first to wake up. At that time, he took a look at it. Whether it was Sister Aroline or the others, they were still sleeping. They all woke up in a blink of an eye. Packed up.

After that, things were much easier to handle. After packing up their things, Hua Yueling and the others hurried out of the woods. When they got outside, they saw Gekara and Rianne eating breakfast, and they were eating. It's pretty good.

"I brought these from my sister. Let's eat."

The stools were set long ago, and these were all brought by Aroline, but she was really good at bringing so many things.Everything is prepared, which is different from Hua Yueling and the others. Although they said they knew they were going to come out, they didn't have such a complete preparation. If they asked them what to eat in the morning, they would be resigned.

Several people sat around the table and ate breakfast. It was strange to say that they were out to take an adventure, but it turned out that they were eating breakfast together like this, and it felt like it was no different from at home.But in fact, there must be some, but there is not much difference in this form.

The breakfast is very generous, at least in terms of what you can eat outside.There are milk, bread, and breakfast ham slices. They are all cut. If you want to eat vegetables, you can even have vegetables. It can be said to be incredibly rich.

Hua Yueling and the others ate very happily. It is already very good to be able to eat this kind of breakfast outside, and it is just that at home.

During this period, no one came to this area. It can be seen that very few people usually come to this kind of place, and even people in remote villages rarely come here.

Perhaps it was because of all the foul names in this forest that the adventurers and hunters were discouraged from coming here, but this was also very normal.After Aroline and Gekara's investigation, it was discovered that the dryad here was not an ordinary dryad, her strength was quite strong, and no ordinary hunter could handle it.

Not to mention entering the depths of the forest, even if it was outside, it would be difficult to fight the monster summoned by the tree spirit.And she hasn't shown her full strength yet, otherwise it will be even more terrifying.

After eating breakfast, they packed their things, and then Hua Yueling and the others left here directly via teleportation.Under Aroline's transmission, Hua Yueling and the others arrived directly near the royal city.However, it did not go too close, but was transmitted to a place a little far away with no people.

After teleporting to the place, they quickly observed the surroundings and confirmed that there was no one else before they began to act.

"Wangcheng is in that direction, just go there."

Aroline pointed to their right side and said.

It was safe near here, and no one passed by.They didn't continue to stay, and started to walk to the right. They were not on the right road leading to the king's city, and they should be there by going to the right.

After crossing the plain, Hua Yueling and the others came to the main road leading to the city. On this road, you can see many people walking. Some of these people are merchants, hunters and adventurers, but there are also some of them. Ordinary people.

It is worthy of being a royal city.

"Be careful when you get there in a while. It's not so easy to get in here."

Leanne leaned closer to remind Hua Yueling them in a low voice.

"The security here is stricter than other places, right?"

"That's for sure, after all, it is King City. And not only that, there are other special test methods here. It is said that many things that could not be tested before can be tested, but I am not sure what is going on."

Rianne continued to explain that she also knew a lot about this.

"I wanted to come here before, but I didn't go in when I heard about it. It seems very difficult."

"These are nothing, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me."

Aroline patted her chest confidently.

While discussing the situation and some matters on the Wangcheng side along the way, Hua Yueling and the others walked forward.It took almost an hour for them to be able to see the royal city from a distance.

The Royal City is really different from other places. Just looking at it from a distance can feel the kind of aura that this city reveals.

Gekara stared at this city that was no longer familiar. After so long, the city had undergone great changes, and that change even made her somewhat unrecognizable. It turned out to be the place where she had lived for a long time.

Seeing that city again, she really couldn't believe it. The change was so great, it was so incredible that she couldn't believe it.

"It turned out to be like this here..."

She sighed lightly, she didn't know how she felt to say this, but she was really uncomfortable.This used to be where she lived.

The city has undergone earth-shaking changes. The city walls are more towering, and they are no longer the ancient walls. There are many things on it that she has never seen before. There are decorations and some war weapons used in combat.A large space has also been opened up outside the city, but I don’t know what it is for. The soldiers are stationed there. It seems to be a very confidential thing, but if that’s the case, why bother to get it here instead of getting something more. Where to go in secret?

Gokala has no idea what the people who rule this place now are, but she knows clearly that the city has really been completely changed.I just don't know what the people who live here will be like.

The inspection to enter the city gate was easier than expected, but Aroline frowned.

"Sister Aroline, what's the matter?"

Hua Yueling leaned over and asked in a low voice, but Aroline shook her head slightly and motioned him not to speak.When she found a place to live, Arolin said why she had just made that expression.

"It's more troublesome than I thought. It's not just occupied, it has become a stronghold for them."

"Stronghold, which means they want to occupy here completely?"

"Yes, so it's very troublesome. If one doesn't get it right, it's possible to alarm the other party. This is something we don't want to see. Although the kind of inspection just passed the city gate is not perfect, it is enough here."

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