The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1200 A Strictly Guarded City

"My sister and I have experienced this kind of detection, but it is of little use to us. We can easily deceive the past."

Aloline said with an unpleasant face, although this kind of examination would not cause much impact, at least for her, but the information represented behind it really made it difficult for her to show a good face.

This means that this place is basically regarded as a base for the other side, and this royal city is the first place to be transformed.

"They are definitely not as good as my sister and me in terms of strength, but in other respects they have many good people who can do many, many things."

"What should we do then?" Hua Yueling asked, "Are we going to give up the materials here?"

"No, of course it can't be like this, the more it is this time, the more we can't give up. We have to figure out a way, figure out a way to steal things, and then play with them."

"But doesn't this reveal the identity?"

"Then find a way not to expose. There is a way for everything, and you will never find a way without thinking about it."

Aroline spoke very quickly, and after listening to it, Gekara and the others nodded seriously.No matter what, they naturally don't want to leave like this, and they want to try it.

"Anyway, since you are here, don't worry and gather information. Are you here?"

"There are still some people, but they were here very early, and we haven't contacted people here for a long time, so we don't know what to do now.

"Then try to get in touch with them first and ask what's going on. But you have to be more careful to check if they can still be trusted."

"It should be trustworthy. Those who stay here are elites with high loyalty and will not easily defect."

"It's better to be careful if you can't say anything too deadly. Not being easy to betray doesn't mean that you won't betray, and you can't guarantee it completely. I'll go with you and take a look."

"Then please."

Rianne nodded and agreed.It’s good for Aroline to go with him. It’s safer than him alone, but Rianne is not sure if Aroline has any good way to determine if someone is lying, but she should have a way. Otherwise, she doesn't need to follow along.

"Xiao Yueling, if you want to rest, rest here, if you want to play outside, just go around, but be careful here, it's best not to mix into anything casually."

Aroline reminded Hua Yueling and the others, and then left with Rianne. Gekara didn't go with them, but she still left the room after they left. She also wanted to go out and have a look. I've been to my hometown, so I still have to take a good look at what has changed here.

Prior to this, she also asked Aroline to help change her appearance, but Aroline did not do this, but used a special method to confuse other people who saw her and let them see. It was Aroline who wanted them to see, not the real Gekara's face.

"That's good. You should be outside if you change your appearance, it won't be good to do that again here."

Aroline said so.

"When you came in, so many people have seen your appearance, especially the boss here. If you change your appearance, you are more likely to be suspected."

With Aroline's help, Gekara could relax and wander around the city casually.After he had this idea, Aroline also specially reminded her that she was only here to watch and don't cause any trouble.

Gekara naturally agreed, and she also knew that it was the time when it was the least trouble to cause trouble. She didn't have such an idea. The reason why she wanted to go out was just to see what it became after such a long time. Look like.

The changes outside were already big enough to make her dumbfounded, not knowing what the whole city would look like.Perhaps after seeing it, she will even have doubts. Is this really the city that she has lived in and is so familiar with?

Hua Yueling and the others chose to stay down. They have moved around in many cities recently. Although this city is quite novel, they don't want to go out yet.

The three of Hua Yueling, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong stayed in the room to play the game. Anyway, it’s enough to get here. I don’t know when the action will start, so I don’t have to worry about it. Wait, everything will be known in time.

Several people were playing happily in the room. Actually, thinking about it, there is no difference between it and at home, except that there are other things you can do at home.Of course, what you want to say is actually OK here.

Drinks were placed on the chairs beside them, Hua Yueling and the three of them were lying on the bed in a relatively awkward posture and playing a little bit. Hua Yueling was in the middle and the two girls were on either side.The place he stayed is relatively good. The place where the two girls stayed is a bit worse, but Hua Yueling tries to reduce her size as much as possible so that Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong can stay bigger. , Although it’s a bit crowded, it’s still good.

Originally, the rhythm of their holidays should be like this. If it weren’t for this, they would not only play games at home, read books, or study and continue on to the next project. Of course, there is another daily practice. It is also very important.

There is not so much to do now, just do what you want to do.

Picking up a can of drink and taking a sip, Hua Yueling turned his head and looked out the window. Through the window, he could see a corner of the city. Although it was only the tip of an iceberg, the feeling that this city brought him was similar to that of other cities. It is also completely different.

This is not an ordinary city. Huayueling has naturally been to many, many places, but I have never seen a city like this with a high-tech texture. There is no such place on earth. He dare To be sure.

"It's wonder Gokala reacted so much..."

If you compare it horizontally with other cities in the world, the current royal city is a completely different kind. No other city can be as shocked by people as this city, from all aspects. .

Hua Yueling still likes the appearance of this city. It's interesting, with a sense of future and science fiction, but the more it goes like this, the more people worry about the strength of the people who occupy it now.

"Xiao Ling, what do you think?"

Called back by Lu Yuetong's words, Hua Yueling turned to look at her and shook her head gently.

"I was just thinking about this city, and I thought too much before I knew it."

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