How can the city change so much?While walking in this city, Gokala thought so in his heart.

But this is also normal. Think about how long I have not been back, maybe not long over there, but in fact it has been very, very long here, so many people may even forget her and the princess. It's all possible.

Because of this, there are actually some things to worry about. People here probably won't listen to her, which is more troublesome.Originally, they were disadvantaged in terms of strength. If the people here don't support them, it will be very troublesome.

Gokala walked on the street and looked around from time to time. This is true everywhere, not just outside the city, but the changes inside the city are even greater.Not only the streets, but also the houses, whether ordinary buildings or special buildings, have changed to a large extent.

The city is very lively, people can be seen everywhere, people passing by on the street, everyone seems to have very important things, there is no way to stop.

People move very fast, going back and forth, and there is no time to stop to speak.

"It's all things I haven't seen before."

While observing, Gokala thought to himself that this place has changed drastically compared to the original.The building was something she hadn't seen before, and the roads were very well paved. It could even be said to be much better than when they were in control of the place.

"It looks like they are completely in their hands."

Although I don't want to see such a thing happen, it seems that this kind of thing still happened.

No matter how you think about it, you should know that this kind of place is definitely not a place for anyone to live in. Those who can live here should be people who can rest assured.

"What are those buildings? They look pretty."

Looking at the decorations on the building, some resemble a kind of crystal, but if you look carefully, you know that it is definitely not crystal, but some kind of special object similar to crystal.

"quite pretty."

The overall architectural style is also particularly exaggerated, mixed with some old-fashioned feelings, but more of a style she has never seen before.Those buildings don't seem to be made by craftsmen in this world, and I don't know how such a big city became what it is now.

A little remodeling?This is also a possibility, but the possibility does not seem to be too great. If the entire city is torn down and rebuilt, what should the people who originally lived here do?Let them live in the demolished city like this?

The ground is also inlaid with special materials, crystal clear, no different from gems.It just looks very beautiful, and I don't know if there are other uses.

The ground is paved with special materials. It is very comfortable to step on it. However, if you feel it carefully, this kind of ground actually has some restraining effect on people. This effect is not great, so you can’t feel it if you don’t feel it carefully. But who knows if there is anything she doesn't know.

It feels that the effect of this restraint seems to be very weak, but it is not clear what it will be like if it really fights. Gokara needs to know more about it. She doesn’t think this is just a display or this kind of thing. The effect of only ends here, that is impossible.

Even the building is the same. The walls and even the windows are inlaid with similar crystal clear and transparent gems. Those gems reflect the sun's rays and look very beautiful from a distance.

There are also some other decorations on the entrances of these buildings, but they are basically the same, and Gekara doesn't know them, and can't recognize what they are. I think it should be the hometown of the invaders.

There are a lot of people on the road, which is predictable. After all, this is a royal city. Even if it is so heavily guarded, the night is still full of people, which is not comparable to other cities.

From time to time, teams of patrol teams passed by on the road. These soldiers, Gekara, also specially observed and found that these soldiers were not ordinary.They are not ordinary soldiers like other cities, they are not human at all, and they cannot feel the breath of human beings.

But not everyone can see this, the patrol team hides it well.From the outside, it looks like a group of ordinary soldiers patrolling, and their actions are not much different from ordinary people, no matter their movements or language.But there is a sense of jerky in it, and the voice does not have any flaws, and it is estimated that even acquaintances will not be able to hear it.

"What are they going to do to make everyone here like this?"

Ordinary people have not received the poison at least for now, but it is hard to say whether this will happen in the future.And why the other party wanted to do this, she didn't know what was the benefit.

Naturally, those people must be unusually obedient after doing this, and they are completely controlled by them, but wouldn't it be okay if they didn't do this?

I don't know what those people are thinking, Gokala has a headache, but she doesn't think about it for the time being, and continues to observe.

The area of ​​the city was originally larger than other cities, but after being occupied, it went through a series of expansions. Now it can be called a giant city.

I want to walk from south to north, from east to west, and not be able to walk in a day, enough to see how huge this place is.But this also allowed Gekara to imagine how much effort was spent to expand the royal city.

The Royal City has been carefully planned. It consists of different areas, and different areas have different functions.For example, the area where she is now belongs to a residential area, and ordinary people basically live here.

There are also market areas and areas where nobles live, etc. This is what others have said, but she actually didn't know it at first.Even the Hunter's Guild and the Adventurer's Guild have an area. Near that area are buildings related to adventurers and hunters. Blacksmiths and the like can be found nearby.

Gokala turned around and didn't go too far, otherwise it would be too late to come back.Even so, it was afternoon when she went back.

On the other side, Aroline and Rianne went to contact the informant non-stop.However, due to the changes in this city, it has become difficult to contact. Rianne only remembers the place where she contacted before the change in the city, but it is not clear that those people still live there.

Fortunately, the place is not far away, just near the hotel.

"That's it."

Rianne stayed with Aroline and got there. The two people walked here as usual, and the house had changed. They couldn't do anything to be safe.

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