"There is no way to observe directly, is there any other way?"

Rianne went to the outside of the house and wanted to observe the inside, but the house was built very tightly, and it was not known whether there was anyone in the house, not to mention it was dangerous.

"Let's find out if there are any marks left. Since it is still possible to contact, they should leave some marks, so that they can be contacted."

"But that's dangerous."

"Dangerous can only do this, is there any other way?"

"Other methods..."

Rianne thought for a while, there seemed to be no other way to contact people in the royal city, only this way was possible.

"Then look for it."

Rianne had no other way, only this way, thinking about it, she began to look for it.It is not good for two people to walk around normally, so as not to be seen by someone or to be watched to attract other people's attention.

Turning around these two houses, I finally found the mark in a very secret place. The hidden is too secret. Fortunately, both Aroline and Rianne are very strong, so they are not. Will be deceived, if only ordinary people come here, then they will really be deceived.

"this is……"

Aroline looked at the mark, turned her head and glanced at Leanne, only she knew what this number meant.

"Write it down and leave. We can't stay here for too long."

Remind her, Aroline got up and walked aside.Rianne also reacted at this time, staring at the mark for a while, then stood up and followed her away.

After finding the number, the two people left the area, but they didn't go too far. They still walked around randomly as before, and they discussed about the marks left while walking.I don't know what this sign means, at least Aroline can't see it.

"Is it for you?"

"Yeah. This sign points to another place. Let's go there and see."

"Still making so much trouble?"

"Isn't this also for safety reasons? If only one mark is left, it would be dangerous if the other party knows the meaning of the mark. But if you leave more marks, it is always safe."

"But is it not dangerous? If the other party knows the meaning of the mark, then the others should also be clear. Even if it takes a lot of effort, it can't stop it."

There is nothing wrong with Aroline's statement, after all, it is definitely not enough if this is the case.If there is a way to prevent the possibility of being spotted, there should be other ways.

"Yes, this is normal. So for the sake of safety, we have made several kinds of marks. If we use several kinds of marks together, even if we can't completely fool the other party, it also reduces the possibility of being spotted."

"This is a way."

Aroline nodded and said.Although this method is also very dangerous, it is considered good, but in the current situation, there should be no need to worry. They have been hidden in the dark for so long. It is estimated that for the time being, the owner of the royal city will not think of them. Nor would it be okay to panic and trouble them.

If this is true, it is naturally the best, they are in a safe state.I'm afraid that the other party will target them. In that case, not only do you have to be careful, but the safety will be much lower.

Although it can be hidden for a long time under certain circumstances, it is very difficult to keep it hidden.

"It should be here."

Rianne turned the corner around the house and came to another road. She walked forward along this road, looking for her left and right as she walked.

"Do you know where exactly?"

"I don't know, this is only showing a general direction, the others can only be found on their own, there is no other way."

In fact, it is more troublesome than imagined, but there is no way, it is impossible to make the mark so clear, it is still very dangerous.

After some searching, they found the next mark in a hidden corner almost at the end of the passage.After seeing a few numbers, Rianne hid it again, then got up and went on.

"what's next?"

"You have to turn back, this mark is fake." Leanne shook her head, her footsteps were fast, and she soon went to the left except for the passage.

"Fake? Could it be that the previous mark was discovered long ago, and they couldn't judge the next mark, so they just made it out."

"Perhaps, but it's a bit strange. This mark has been altered, and I can still see what it looks like. That mark..."

Passing through another passage, they stood still in the shadow surrounded by several houses.

"It should be safe here. Don't worry, you must analyze what went wrong."

"It should be okay here, there are no people nearby." Until he was worried about the situation nearby, Aroline said after investigating.Maybe it was because of the long time that I had forgotten it, or it was not necessary for those people.

But the most important thing at the moment is to first determine who the people who left the mark are, the rebels lurking in the city, or the city’s manager. This is very important.But if it is really the mark left by the people they are looking for, why do they have to adopt such a way that may cause a lot of misunderstanding.

"That kind of mark is very old and great, but it doesn't mean that no one uses it. It's just why there are changes on it and new marks. Is it because they changed their place of residence? But if that's the case. Isn’t it okay to just erase and make a new mark?"

Rianne thought about various possibilities.

"Perhaps it is just because it is convenient, or if it is done in this way, it can cover people's eyes. If you make a mark elsewhere, you may be suspicious if you find it. If there is only one, it is safer. "

"It is indeed possible, but it is not certain yet."

"It’s very difficult to determine whether the mark left is true or false based on our existing information. It’s better to check it out. If there are people you know, it’s okay if you don’t even have one, we can make it. Let's make a judgment."

"No, just wait and let me think about it again. Maybe there is something else I missed."

Rianne waved to Aroline to wait, closing her eyes and thinking seriously.I searched one side of the memory, but did not find anything useful and valuable from it.No matter where it was in the beginning or here, there is nothing more useful.

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