The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1204 The Only Remaining Strength

"That's good, can you please help him treat it."

"That's okay, after all, it's also from your side." Aroline winked at her and signaled her to think clearly.And now that he has just come in, he is still not sure what the other party said is true.

Rianne didn't say anything, she couldn't react in front of the other person, because she would be easily spotted.

"Who is this……"

Nolan Yala looked at Rianne and asked suspiciously.He was also a well-known hunter before, but he had never seen Aroline, and he could be treated with such an attitude, which shows her strength.

A person of this kind of strength has never heard of it himself, incredible.

"This is Miss Aroline. It's my helper."

Rianne concealed some information and didn't tell them all directly.Nolan Yala did not ask any more, but he actually had to doubt whether Aroline was really true. He knew the most about his injury. He didn't think there was anyone who could heal him. People came to treat him, but they were helpless.

"But how dare you stay here, you have all been discovered."

Leanne said casually.

"There are still these strongholds here. Although they have been rebuilt, not everyone is exposed here, so they are barely able to hide them. We wanted to leave, but we still couldn't bear the power established here."

"That's it, but I haven't received any news from your side. Before, I was always worried about whether something happened to you. Now it seems that I was right."

"It's a big mistake. I didn't expect that we would have a traitor here. Otherwise...hey...hehe...hehe...Fortunately, I will kill him, otherwise it will be more dangerous."

"Does the other party know our secret codes?"

"This...I don't know too much." Shook his head slightly, Nolan Yala said uncertainly, "But it should be no, we only have that traitor here...cough cough cough...unless he is exposed It's..."

"Perhaps not yet. At least the marks you left have not been discovered and deciphered for so long. If they were there, they would have been discovered long ago. It is impossible for you to live here."

Nolan Yala didn't say anything, he also thought it was so.However, those marks were left a long time ago, or the city has just been rebuilt not long ago, and it has been kept until now. It is good for them to live in peace.

"What will you do in the future and continue to live here?"

"The task has not been completed yet. At least I can understand the situation here, and if I leave, the news here will be completely cut off."

Although Nolan Yala didn't answer her question directly, he knew what he thought after listening to his answer. He didn't want to leave here, especially when he went to so many companions when nothing was done.

"That's not your fault, it's very dangerous here, and that situation is inevitable."

"No—if..." Nolan Yala sighed and coughed vigorously. Her body bounced up, as if she was about to cough up blood.

"It's alright, you still don't talk anymore. If you talk again, his injury should be more serious. Let me treat him first."


Looking at Aroline, Nolan Yala was still a little worried when she saw her so young. If her injury was not good, it would still be a trivial matter. If she succeeded, it would be troublesome for her injury at home.But it seems that Rayanne believes in her so much, her strength is definitely beyond doubt.


"You don't need to move, eat this first."

A small white pill appeared in Aroline's hand, about the size of a little finger, and it seemed to have a sense of difference.

She threw the pill over, and Nolan Yala caught it and held it in her palm. He looked at it and hesitated.But now he was stared at by Aroline and Rianne, even if he was worried, he couldn't show it. As a person treated like this, he didn't dare to offend each other.

I swallowed the pill in one mouthful, and there was no special feeling after swallowing it.But Aroline didn't say anything, just asked him to close his eyes and run the remaining power in his body.

As mentioned earlier, Nolan Yala’s body strength is actually very strong, but in his current state, he cannot continue to operate. If that is the case, it will have a great burden on the body. problem.But now that all the medicine was taken, and Aroline requested the same, there was no way but to bite the bullet and do it.

When the power in his body was used, he felt the difference as soon as the power was running. The medicine seemed to depend on the power of the person taking the medicine.After the power came into play, the medicine also began to work.Play medicinal effects.

The effect of the medicine spreads quickly inside the body, and it suddenly feels different.The originally weak and severely damaged body is slowly recovering, and a refreshing sensation spread across the body, very comfortable.

"Really useful!"

For a moment, Nolan Yarra was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and subconsciously wanted to increase the spread of the medicine, even more crazy power.But this kind of activity was stopped by Aroline before it even started.

"If you don't want your body to suffer more serious problems, I advise you to do that, otherwise your body cannot withstand the influx of medicine."

Aroline said lightly, but this shocked Nolan Yala. She didn't expect that she would know what she thought, and she said it so bluntly, that she had just thought.At the same time, he was frightened into a cold sweat. Although it is still unclear how effective this medicine is, since the other party said so, there must be some truth to her.

And... She should have seen through her previous thoughts, right?I hope that's not the case, but...Looking at Aroline, seeing an unpredictable smile on her face, was so scared that she quickly turned away from her eyes, for fear of looking at her.

Now Nolan Yala didn't dare to look at Aroline anymore. He was afraid that more of his own thoughts would be exposed to her eyes. He knew that he could hardly hide his thoughts under her nose.At least the guess is so.

Just from this aspect, Aroline was enough for him to fear.He is really a terrible person, and the ability to read the human heart is so terrifying no matter when it is in front of anyone, and it makes people feel extremely scared.

The effect of the medicine was slowly spreading, gradually repairing his body. He was so anxious that he hoped to enhance the spread and absorption of the medicine, but he resisted it.

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