In fact, Aroline is not very good at treatment, except for the drugs Livio gave her and the rest was collected by her hands.There are all kinds of medicines, but ordinary medicines of her level are definitely not attractive, so she is holding very good medicines, so good that they can even be used for Nolan Yala. It feels a bit wasteful.

But Aroline didn't care about these, there were so many drugs of that kind, it was just one, it was not a big deal.

It's just that it's unrealistic to cure the man in front of him with just such a medicine, and she needs her help.Of course, in fact, even if he didn't take medicine like that, he had already repaired most of his injuries. Then, as long as he rests well, and then invites others to treat him, he can slowly recover after a period of time.

It's just that this method is too slow, and the treatment is easy without her help.

But the time has not come yet, and the treatment has played a big role, but there is still a period of time before all the effects of the medicine are absorbed. You must wait for this period of time to pass, and wait until the effects of the medicine are all absorbed by him before he can treat.

"His condition looks much better." Leanne said in surprise. She was just thinking about trying. After all, she knew that Aroline was very strong, but she was not very strong in terms of treatment. questionable.Although this is sometimes the case, Nolan Yala is in this state by no means. "What kind of medicine did you give him that works so well."

"A common healing medicine."

Aroline simply answered her question, which was considered an honest answer, but Rayanne thought she didn't want to say it, so she didn't continue to ask.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with what Aroline said, and in fact, even if she answered the name of the medicine, it was impossible for Rianne to know, and it might reveal something, at least for the time being it was best not to reveal it.

"The effect of this medicine is pretty good, at least it should be considered enough to treat his injuries."

Nolan Yala looked at Aroline very gratefully, but for the time being, he couldn't speak, he could only express his gratitude with actions, even such actions were very, very reluctant.

"Don't move, just lie down there, wait until the effect of the medicine is absorbed. Otherwise, you will affect the absorption of the effect of the medicine."

Aroline shook her head, which was nothing to her.When she and Rianne waited here, they didn't do anything or ask anything, they just waited so quietly.

But in fact, neither Aroline nor Rianne no longer had much hope. Now this stronghold has become like this, what can be expected, and how much information they can expect to collect is simply unrealistic.

With the strength remaining now, it is a blessing to be able to survive, so don't expect anything else.

After waiting for a while, the effects of the pills that Nolan Yala took were absorbed by him. Aroline stepped forward, raising her little hand, and seeing no more movements of her, Nolan Yala felt her body. There is a force in motion. This is an ancient terrifying force, quickly repairing the scars in his body. It will not take long for a century to be repaired, only a few minor injuries are left, but there is nothing left. It's a big problem.

"Get up and have a try. It should be almost done. I don't care about the rest. It should be almost done in a few days."

Aroline said after looking at him.Nolan Yala quickly expressed his gratitude to her again.

Sitting up on the bed, I didn’t really feel comfortable at the beginning. My body was soft and prone, and I didn’t have much strength. However, after sitting up and moving a few times, I felt a lot more comfortable. I didn’t feel the same as I did at the beginning. Strength, the body seemed to be hollowed out, and the feeling disappeared.

"Sorry, after you came here, you just kept you busy and didn't call anyone to greet you. Please come with me. If you have any questions, wait outside and talk about it. You must come here more than just come to us. Keep it simple."

"There are things I want to ask you, but look at the way you are now..."

"It doesn't matter. Although the activities are restricted a lot, some news can still be collected, but there is no way to be as comprehensive as before. It is very difficult to do anything in the city now, otherwise it will not be until now. There is no way to contact you, we dare not go out."

Nolan Yala explained.

"If it's me, it's okay, I can still try it, but other be honest, their strength is far from enough, I am worried about letting them go out, so I just stopped contacting them."

"Are you the only one?"

"No, there is another one, which you also know, but now she doesn’t live here. She lives in other places. Her place is also a small base. There are some people there, but we don’t communicate very much and avoid staying. A clue or discovery. I don’t know what happened to her right now, but there should be nothing wrong with her."

"You tell me where she is, and we will go there again when we leave here."

"It's far away from us. She lives in...the noble area, where it is more heavily guarded, and it's not easy to move. You will also be closely guarded in the past."

"This is not a problem. Just tell us where she is, and we will figure out other things."

Several people said that this has returned to the outside living room, and it is safe here, and no one will see it.

The women who had brought Aroline and the others in before saw that Nolan Yala had come out, and she looked intact, and did not look like she was injured at all, so she couldn't help but ran over in surprise and surprise.

"You are..."

"Thanks to this adult's treatment, my injury is almost healed."

"Great, thank you, thank you so much!"

"No thanks." Aroline shook her head and found a place to sit down.

Nolan Yala ordered his hands to get them some drinks, and then he sat down.

Aroline began to inquire about the current form of the city, and Nolan Yala tried her best to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible. The answer was fairly detailed, anyway, as long as he knew it, she said it all.

"That's it. We passed there when we came in. If we are not strong enough, it is better not to go from there. Your choice of not going out is correct."

"By the way, we came here this time mainly to find a material. I have heard the news that there is only that material here. I don't know if you have some relevant information here."

"What material?" Nolan Yala asked quickly.This is what he is more curious about, what exactly are Leanne and the others taking a risk to come here for.

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