Arolin and Leanne stayed here for a while and asked a lot of things, but the information they got was not much different from what they imagined, not too much.

But at least there is some news available, which is pretty good, at least in some ways.Although this kind of information may not be of any use.

However, there is no more information about what kind of material they are looking for. Nolan Yala doesn't know much, and there is no idea that this material is in the hands of that person.

"Don't you have any relevant news?"

"Sorry, others may be able to help you, but this kind of material... We don't have any news, maybe because this kind of news has been here from the beginning, so it has not been circulated. There is also confidential work. Very good, which makes it difficult for us to find relevant news."

"Well, well, I'll trouble you too. I've got some useful news from you, so let's think of other things by ourselves."

Rianne was still disappointed. She thought she could gain something, but now she still thinks too much.

"If you need it, you can wait and see. It was because I didn't inquire about it before. If you spend some time, you should still gain something."

"Isn't that very troublesome for you? Your current situation is not good at first. If you trouble you, let's forget it. You should save your strength temporarily. We should think of a solution by ourselves."

"You may get some news if you go to that person. She lives in the aristocratic quarter, and there must be more news, but since we don't get in touch very much, we don't know much. You can try your luck."

"We will go. You have to be mentally prepared and don't act next. We will find ways to contact you in the future."

"The contact method. Maybe we won't be here next time, maybe...I don't want to say frustrating words, but these need to be prepared in advance."

"How to contact... If you can, you still use a secret code. If you can't... Then you don't do anything. Just like the previous method, you have persisted for so long. Just be careful and don't do anything compelling. It should be fine for the time being."

Leanne comforted him, seeing what he wanted to say but stopped, and then asked what he was worried about.

I wanted to say something several times, but obviously stopped my urge to go on and didn't say what I wanted to say.It seemed that he still had a lot of worries. Although Rianne kept asking him what else he had, he didn't answer directly.

"This matter still has something to do with you. You just come here—it's actually a bit dangerous."

"It turned out to be this. I said you always wanted to say this without telling you what's going on. Don't worry about this. Since we rushed over, we naturally made full preparations. Don't worry, it won't cause you trouble. ."

"Really no problem?" Nolan Yala was still a little uneasy. If something happened this time, he really couldn't forgive himself.The last time he died with so many companions was enough for him to suffer terribly, let alone what would happen to him if something similar happened again.

It was precisely because he didn't dare to gamble, he kept asking Rianne, and after getting her confirmation, he still didn't feel relieved.

Rianne told him not to worry. With their strength, it is impossible to come here even if they are discovered. Since they are here, they are naturally confident, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

But it’s not like she said that. Nolan Yala still can’t relax her mind completely. It’s just in front of them, so she can’t act too much. It’s a bit bad to question them before, and it’s even worse if you don’t believe them. Well, it is very likely that it will affect the perception in their hearts, and it will be really troublesome if they are hated.

Nolan Yala nodded and said nothing. Although there was still worry in his heart, he still behaved relatively calmly.

After drinking the last cup of tea, Leanne and Aroline got up and left here. Nolan Yala wanted to give them away, but they were refused.

"Your body is not in good health. If you want to get better as soon as possible, I advise you to do the best." It's best to go back and rest more, and don't go out. Now that you go out in this situation will be dangerous.The two of us are naturally fine, but you don't want to affect this.

"Then... matter what, I still want to thank you today. Without your help, I don't know when I will get over."

It might even never get better.Although the doctors that can be hired here are not the best, it's okay, but they can't do anything about his injury, and it is very difficult to get the best one, otherwise they would go early. , And will not wait until now there is no more movement.

When they were sent to the entrance, Nolan Yala did not go out with them.After the two of them disappeared, he went back and walked back, came to the living room and ordered his subordinates to continue to pay attention to the dynamics nearby, and immediately notify him if there was anything, and then he returned to his room.

Although the physical injury is basically almost healed, but now he is still a little tired and can't do too long activities, he needs to rest.

I returned to my room, lay back on the bed and moved my hands and feet. I haven't used them so flexibly for a long time.Although it was said that he could move before, he was walking around and moving his body under the support of these men. Almost his hands and feet were weak, and some of them were not strong enough for him to move.

"Huh, finally recovered. I don't know if this matter is good or bad."

With a sigh, the arrival of Rayanne and Aroline is pleasant, but also worrisome. Now he hopes that his guess is wrong. Not so many things are better, the best Able to live peacefully.

I hope that what Rayanne said before she left was true, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

You must know that after the last time the stronghold was discovered, he took a lot of effort to avoid the enemy’s sight and found such a place to survive. This time, if something like that happens again, he really doesn’t know that he will pay. Can you stand it?

"Anyway, it's better to be prepared."

When he was worried inside, he couldn't take a good rest, and began to think about how to make some simple precautions.At the moment there are not many people here, and the strength of the remaining people is just that, and the enemy really cannot stop it.

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