After leaving that stronghold, Rianne and Aroline left and took action. It was easy to guess where they were going next, even without even guessing.

"Some people will survive. This is a good result."

As I walked, I heard Rianne sighing and saying, in fact, after hearing that the stronghold here was discovered, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't show it there.

The number of rebels was already small enough, whether it was high-end combat power or low-end combat power. As a result, many people were lost.They had only seen some people there just now, and they heard from Nolan Yala that the remaining people did not exceed twenty people.Moreover, the total number of people in the base here and the other base was originally the size of fifty or sixty people, but it suddenly dropped by two-thirds.

But this can’t be blamed on them. After all, it’s good if this kind of thing happens without being completely wiped out. After all, they are in the base camp of the other party, and they are subject to many restrictions on their actions, and they may encounter them if they are not careful. Very big danger.

Although Rianne said it was a little uncomfortable, she couldn't say anything, after all, this kind of thing was not what they wanted to see.

They left this place quickly along the way, until they walked a long way away, and they returned to their original state.It's good to have Aroline by her side. You don't have to worry about many things. Otherwise, if she is the only one to come, even if she goes like this or comes out, she must be very careful.

However, no one else was following them along the way, even when the mark was first found. This is quite good. At least it means that the rulers here have not paid attention to them for the time being, and seem not in the mood to manage them. These ones.Otherwise, their actions would not be so easy.

This is actually a good thing. The less noticed at this time, the better. If it is really caught up early, it will definitely be troublesome.Although they are very strong, but in this kind of place...especially in the case of not wanting to reveal their identity, there is almost no possibility of fighting, which will be very troublesome.

"But it seems to be very difficult to count on them to help find information."

Aroline said after walking for a while.Originally, they were thinking about whether they could get some useful information from here, mainly because it had something to do with the kind of material they were looking for. Now it seems that this possibility does not seem to be great.

This makes them somewhat disappointed, but fortunately the clues have not been cut off.

There is another place to go. If there is no clue, they can only find a way by themselves.But this is what they don't want to do. It is not appropriate to do too many strange activities here in their capacity.

If you just want to collect clues in such a place, if you are not a trustworthy person... it will be very dangerous, so they can't talk about obviously going to other people to ask something, which is very troublesome.This is the case in this kind of place. It is likely that the time spent here will exceed that of other places. After all, this is the most heavily guarded place and the capital of this country.

No matter what you want to do here, you must be very, very careful.It can be said that there is no place in this country that can be controlled better than here. This is the base of those people. It is impossible for them not to care, and it is impossible not to do adequate precautions.

Sometimes this kind of thing is like this. The more dangerous the place, the more action is required. This is also a normal thing.

The two people turned left and right along the road, their movements were irregular.

The place where another person lives is still a long way from here, but the sky is gradually getting darker, and if you go there now, there will be no way to come back at night.When I came back, it was probably late at night or the next day.

"Should I go now or talk tomorrow?"

"Let's take a look at the situation first, and see if actions are allowed at night here. If it is not allowed at night, let's wait until tomorrow. If there is no problem, we will pass."

"Let's take a look. I haven't been here for a long time... Now I don't know what else to see here."

Rianne didn't want to say this. She actually lived here for a while, but that was a long, long time ago.

Two people came to the street and found that there were still a lot of people on the street, and it was quite lively at night.It has been so long that it is not forbidden to appear at night here, so it is good that they can also act at night, there is no need to worry about anything.

Walking along the street all the way, passing through the flowing crowd, there is also a market similar to other cities in the city, but it is not here, but in other areas.

But they don't have to go there, after all, they don't need to pass through that place, and they don't have that idea.

It takes a lot of time to get to the area where the nobles are located. The noble area is in the depths of the royal city, and where they are now is near the gate of the city, the two places are far apart.

It took a lot of time in the past, there is no way, unless Aroline directly uses her ability to teleport them over, otherwise she can only walk through it like this.And they can't go too fast, as if there is something anxious, it is easier to attract attention, and they have to go slowly, so they must have no way to go back for a while.

"Do you need to go back and talk to them to save them from worrying."

After taking a few steps, Leanne stopped, looked at Aroline and asked.

"No, the two of us need to be worried. Xiaoyueling and the others know our strengths, so you can leave without worry."

Aroline waved her small hand and said indifferently.Seeing her like this, Leanne was still a little worried, but she didn't say anything, just walked forward with her like this.

Passing through the alleys, the two of them came to the avenue again, following the flow of people, walking along the avenue to the end is the market area, this was not long ago they asked from Nolan Yala of,

After passing the market area, pass through two areas to reach the place where the nobles live.It is the calmest place in the city, and it is usually very quiet. The nobles here seem to like it.

However, there are not many nobles left here now. There were still a lot of them. Many of them were promoted later. Some were originally nobles, but the object of allegiance was changed after the times changed. .

After the expansion of the city, some of the nobles did not know what was going on, and died violently. The remaining number was very small, almost only 50% of the original.

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