Aroline and Rianne are not fast, and they are not in a hurry. This is not a problem that can be solved in a hurry.Two people really want to get to the destination as soon as possible, but if they are too anxious, they will easily attract the attention of others. It is better to come slowly than that.

There are several straight passages in one area. One of the most spacious passages is the main road. Generally speaking, the main road is connected with the main roads in other areas.For example, in the area where Aroline and the others are currently walking, as long as they walk down this main road, they can reach the next area, and then follow the main road of the next area.

In this case, it can be said that the gate is actually connected to the other gate of the city, and between the gates on both sides is the palace.The palace is the place where the rulers of this country live, and it is also the most luxurious place.

It is said that the biggest thing that has been transformed after the expansion of this city is not the city itself, but the palace in the center. You can't imagine it without seeing it with your own eyes.

Aroline has never seen the palace in this city, but she can see it where she is now, very, very far. There is no way to see clearly, only a rough idea, but only in this way can be seen. One or two.

The area there must be larger than the areas they are referring to. It can be seen from its "appearance", but this is not the most noticeable, and what Aroline is most concerned about is the area. The power contained.

"There is extraordinary energy there. Are you sure that the material is there?"

"No, this is not certain yet. But there was indeed similar news before, but it was not there, but in the hands of a nobleman. Didn’t it mean that those noblemen were torn off in half, and I don’t know what we are looking for? Is the one among those people. But later there was news that the material was bought back by someone in the palace, and I don’t know if it’s true.”

"It would be more troublesome if you were there."

"Do you think so?"

"Sure, that place is not easy." Aroline shook her head slightly, her eyes more solemn.

"Not only are there very powerful people inside, but there is no ordinary person who can enter. It is protected by some kind of enchantment. It is not that you can enter if you want to enter."

"Can we crack it with our ability?"

"This is not so clear."

Aroline is not a positive answer, but listening to her tone makes you aware that it is somewhat difficult.After understanding this, Rayanne didn't ask any more. There was no need for it. After everything passed, she could get the answer, but she was a little worried.The only thing to be thankful for is that Aroline is there, and there is a way if she is there.

Going along the road, it took almost an hour before they came to another area. The dividing line between the two areas is actually very obvious.

It's not that there are any dividing things on the road, or that there are banners hanging on the houses, but because after arriving in another area, you will find that the buildings in these two places are different. It can be seen, and there are signs outside the shops in the market area and beside the doors.

There are not too many shops that are still open. Many shops are closed at night, but there are still some shining outside.

There is no hotel in the market area, but there is a tavern here. Maybe it is worried that if the tavern is in the residential area, it will cause trouble to the people there, so it was built here.

But these taverns are indeed very noisy. I can hear the people inside cheering and jumping, and I don't know what they are cheering, but they seem to be happy.Maybe it's just drinking too much.

The shops that are still open are basically pubs, and there are really few other shops.Not only on both sides of this avenue, but also in the deeper roads leading to the side, you can see the open tavern and hear the noise.

Not many people are still outside the market area, that is, some adventurers and the like, and there are not many others.

Going all the way in this way, there is still a long way to reach the goal. If you think about it, you will know that you have to reach almost the place where the imperial city is from here.In fact, there is no need to actually get there, just go to the noble area outside the imperial city.

The area is not small, but it is still a lot smaller than the area where ordinary residents live in the outermost layer of the city.It should be known that the outermost layer of the city is a residential area, and there are still various other areas inside, and there are also different areas outside the palace. The area on the front of the palace is the noble area, and the other three areas are not. understood.

Nolan Yala also doesn't know what those places are for, but I heard that those places are very secretive, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect the situation.

At present, Aroline and Rianne are not in the mood to care about these. They don't think it is necessary. Now there are other important things to do, and there is no need to care about these before they are done.


Aroline walked, turned her head and looked to the left, blinking and staring at the side, with some doubts in her eyes.Rianne noticed her reaction, and turned her head like she did. In the darkness, she could see a figure moving swiftly. The figure was very strong and looked like a man.

The man was wrapped in black, with an ordinary weapon pinned to his waist, which looked like a dagger, and there was no other weapon on the other side.

"What does this person do?"

Aroline was quite curious, but they were still on the street now, and it would be too conspicuous if they just chase past.So Aroline was not in a hurry, she just recorded the direction of the other party and remembered the aura of the other party, so that you can mark him and find it easy.

"It's strange. I didn't expect that there would be people like this here. Are they going to steal things?"

"The direction of his actions should also be the noble area."

Leanne whispered.The man was also fast, moving quickly between the houses, and soon disappeared.

Aroline continued to walk forward, also speeding up a bit.This kind of thing is quite interesting. Although it is not the first time I have encountered it, Aroline is still very interested and wants to see what is going on.

"It seems that he is quite confident of his strength, but he is not strong, as many people here seem to be like. With his strength, it is estimated that he will be caught soon."

"Yeah, the soldier is weaker, but if you encounter a stronger one, it will be troublesome."

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