Both Aroline and Rianne speeded up and walked forward, even if they didn't need to go too fast, they were still faster than the black man.It's just that they are not in a hurry, anyway, it will take a lot of time to get to the noble area and to go back, so there is no need to rush to it for a while.

The actions of the man in black still interest them. The stalker came all the way to the noble area. Just like Rianne's guess, that person's target was the noble area.After all, what can be stolen from ordinary people? Where can there be things that can be stolen from noble areas?

However, the identity of the other party is still unclear, but the other party dared to act so blatantly in the noble area.

To be honest, he may think that his strength is very good, but in fact his strength is not enough, just better than ordinary, maybe he has some hidden abilities and speed, but these are not enough, it is still too weak.

I really don't know where he borrowed the courage to go to the noble area alone at night. You must know that this kind of place must be very tightly protected, and it is not easy to get in or out.

After following all the way in this way, the other party didn't know that there were two other people watching his actions. He thought his actions were seamless and would not be discovered.It can only be said that his self-confidence is too much, and too careless.

After arriving in the noble area, he still didn't mean to stop, and was still advancing fast, but in such a place, he couldn't move back and forth on the roof at will. There were many soldiers patrolling here.Although the possibility of being discovered may not be so great, he dared not do that.

If it really attracts attention, the trouble is not small, not only the soldiers outside, but also the bodyguards hired by the nobles themselves, they can't be won by him alone.

Of course, even if he is found out, he will definitely not fight, he will only run away. In such a situation where there are too many enemies, and even the enemy may not be as good as the opponent, there is no other way but to escape.

"It seems that he was prepared early, otherwise he wouldn't be so easy to get all the way here."

Aroline whispered.The opponent's initial actions were indeed a bit reckless, but now it seems that the actions here are planned in advance, rather than relying on instantaneous judgment to act.

After all, the noble area is such a large area, and it hasn't happened for a long time, so the protection now is not as tightly guarded as before.Although there are patrolling soldiers on the road, the number is not that many, and there are only a few small teams, so as long as the law of their actions is checked in advance, it is easy to avoid their patrolling routes.

However, the only thing worth noting is that although these people's patrols have established routes, they are not unchanged. The direction of patrols may change every day.

"Is it this?"

Rianne and Aroline hid in the dark, and found that they arrived outside a house with a relatively good size in the noble area, and the man in black stopped.After a glance left and right, after observing, he jumped up, and after falling on the fence, he quickly observed the internal condition of the yard, and then jumped down.

"It looks like this should be his goal. Are we going to keep track of it? Isn't it necessary?"

I used to follow it all the way because of pure curiosity, but after I got here, there was actually nothing I could do. What's the point of continuing to follow it? The other party is a thief, and what he does has nothing to do with them.

"Let's go, don't worry about him."

Aroline waited a while before shook her head, and then left here with Rianne.Their goal is still deeper, but you can't find it here.

After the two people left, the place regained calm, there was nothing.

After the man in black sneaked into the yard, he bypassed the guard and came to the side of the house.Squatting against the wall and under the window, he stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should be right here."

Aroline and Rianne were shuttled in the noble area. At night, the noble area was extremely quiet, and it could be said that there were almost no people in the streets outside.The nobles themselves will not come out at this late unless it is of special importance, and so are the underlings.In addition, it is not easy to walk around here, so this is the case.

Hunters or adventurers can't come here, in fact, unless it is a special situation, otherwise they would not come to this place.This is true during the day and even more so late at night.

Such an action has no advantage other than being suspicious, so it's better to be puzzled by this place.

This kind of quietness is quite suitable for action. Aroline and Lean Niang quietly hid in the alley, and waited until the soldiers went away, then leaned out from the inside, observed the situation on both sides, and made sure there was nothing else. After the soldiers patrolled, they came out from the inside.

"The number of people on patrol is really quite large, we have all met three groups of people in a while."

"After all, it is this kind of place, understandable."

On this part of the journey, they came across three groups of patrols. Thinking about it, they felt choked.It took some time to avoid it, although there is also a way to go directly with their abilities.

"It should be here."

"Almost." Aroline looked around to find out if there was anything worth noting around. Judging by the environment, the place where they are now should be the place where the person they are looking for lives.Fortunately, Nolan Yala had told them what the place where the person they were looking for lived, and almost where, so that they could roughly judge, otherwise, if you want to find it in so many buildings, it will cost you nothing. Know how long it takes.

"Don't knock on the door, just go in."

Arolin stood at the door and looked around and said.It would be dangerous to knock on the door. It's better to go straight in than to do that. Besides, it is still not certain that this place must be the place they are looking for.

At least you have to go in and let Rianne confirm it, and then I'll talk about it.

"But you can't change from here."

Aroline walked away as she said it. It would be a silly behavior to turn over directly from the front door. Compared to doing that, it should never be found in places that are less likely to be found.

The two came to the side of the mansion, and after observing, they turned over the wall and entered the inside of the courtyard.

The house is relatively quiet, but it is relatively speaking.There are also some animals here. There is a pond opposite the place where they come in. There are a lot of fish in the pond, and you can clearly see the fish swimming.

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