Farther afield is a green grass with many small animals, including rabbits and cats.The owner here still likes small animals, and they keep these and fishes. There are a lot of them.

"There are not many people here."

Aroline found out about one number of people here after investigation, there must be a dozen people.It's not much different from what Nolan Yala said, and there is no way to compare it with before, but it's not bad to be able to keep this.

"The master here should be over there, let's go, and see if it's someone you know."

After Aroline knew where the owner of the mansion was, she pointed her finger over and said.Rianne also nodded, and then the two people walked in that direction.

They are not fast, they are passing slowly.It is already late at night, so there is not much light in the yard, even if there is, it is relying on the light radiating from the sky.

The ground was illuminated very brightly, walked along the grass, bypassed the pool to the passage connecting the door to the living room, and walked to the entrance of the living room.The living room door was tightly closed, and there was no way to open it from the outside.

Aroline and the others didn't want to leave here either, after all, the owner here was not actually here, but the people living on the right.It was a pretty small house, the size of an ordinary bedroom.

You can see through the window that there is no light inside, and it seems that the owner here is already asleep.

When the two stopped outside the small house, they didn't rush to push the door in. Leanie looked inside through the window, and she could see something vaguely, but she couldn't see clearly.

"No, I can't see clearly. It seems that the glass here has been specially treated."

After trying twice, Rianne knew that she couldn't achieve her goal just by this method. She squatted down and said softly.

"This is easy to handle. Wait a minute..."

Aroline didn't say much, and asked her to wait for a while before speaking again.

"Okay, there should be no problem this time. Go and see."

Rianne believed Aroline quite a bit now, and immediately got up and looked through the window to observe the situation inside.Just like Aroline said, I can clearly observe the inside, and I can see the person actually lying on the bed, but it is still very difficult to observe the other party clearly, but she can be roughly sure just by relying on the other party's figure Is the other party the person you are looking for?

"Yes, it's her."

Leanne said with some excitement.She couldn't help but not excited. She didn't expect to find so many people in such a short period of time, and there are many others with strength, so that their strength would indeed be greatly improved.

In fact, what I want to say is that Rianne is still very strong, but although she knows a little about these miscellaneous aspects, she can use or really use very few.Like what Aroline does now, she won't.There is no way. With so much knowledge in the world, she can't learn everything. Moreover, time is much more pressing than before. Naturally, the time for studying is much less, and there is not a lot of learning like before. Time to do other things.

After the country was occupied, she spent almost all of her time on the resistance army. Although the effect was much smaller than expected, she could not give up.The effect of the action may be small, but if there is no action, there will be no effect. She still knows this very well.

"Go straight in."

Now that the identity of the other party is confirmed, there is no need to wait forever like this, just go in and find the other party.This is exactly why they came here.

Rianne pushed open the door, which was not locked, perhaps because of the confidence of the people inside.

The sound of the door opening sounded, naturally alarming the other party.The other party suddenly opened his eyes, turned and looked at the door, and his tight body relaxed after seeing Aroline and the others.

"It is you."

Seeing Rianne, she said so, although her tone was rather cold, she could still hear surprises from it.

"Make me. I didn't expect to see you again after so many years. How have you been?"

"What else, didn't you see it too, just improvise."

Relaxing her shoulders, the other party sat up and looked at Aroline next to her.

"Who is this?"

"The newly recruited helper is thanks to her for being here."

Rianne briefly introduced Aroline, but she didn't say too much. In fact, even her knowledge of Aroline was not very special, just a little bit.

"That's it. Since you can find this place, you should have been to Nolan Yala's place too."

"I've been there, I found it first. Then I heard from him about you, then I came to have a look. It's great to see that you are safe and sound."

"It's actually quite dangerous. It's in such a place after all."

The other party sighed.

"But fortunately, you don't have to go out often, and you just need to tell the slave to do anything."

There are slaves in this world, and it is understandable that the other party buys slaves in order not to reveal their identity.But in fact, you should do it if you don't.

In fact, when they were in the Hunter Kingdom, there was a slave system. Gokara and the others naturally didn't like this system, but it was not their final decision.

Just relying on Gokala and Rafia could not change anything, but even if they were not satisfied with this aspect, they never thought of betraying.The king is still a good man, and some things are not just for him.

This kind of thing is actually quite common, nothing can be changed, we can only wait.But this does not mean that they have given up the idea of ​​change, but they have not moved for the time being, they are still waiting, preparing, for the next day of action.

It's just that the later situation is beyond their control and cannot be resolved by them.Even if the country is invaded, they can't do anything about it. They can only watch their country being occupied, and then run away with the princess in such a desperate manner.

In fact, if the princess was not there, and if they still had the task of protecting the princess, they would not leave, and would rather stay and die than flee.

Ryan and the others are different. They are not all in the capital. For example, Ryan, although she is very strong, she has always been a lone hunter until the country is occupied. He joined the organization at the invitation of people he knew in the past and became the top of the resistance organization.

But a lot of things happened later, the resistance army was also hit hard, and her friend died and she became the leader of the resistance army.Originally, he didn't want to do it, but who else was beside her.

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